transverse rupture

[trænsˈvə:s ˈrʌptʃɚ][trænsˈvɜ:s ˈrʌptʃə]

[医] 横裂

  • The bonding conditon achieved by hot-pressing iron-based nickel-based copper-based and cobalt-based powders with TiN-coated diamonds has been studied by means of Transverse Rupture Strength ( TRS ) testing SEM and EDAX .

    利用 强度试验、扫描电镜及能谱分析研究了镀TiN金刚石在Fe基、Ni基、Cu基及Co基结合剂中的界面结合状态。

  • The influence of different raw material iron powder copper contents in matrix skeleton and different quenching temperatures on the density hardness and transverse rupture strength of heat-treated copper-infiltrated steel was investigated .

    研究了不同原料铁粉、基体骨架铜含量以及不同淬火温度对渗铜钢热处理后密度、硬度和 强度的影响。

  • The transverse rupture strength and abrasion ratio of the composite sintered with ion implanted diamond were notably improved as well .

    此外,和离子注入前相比,用离子注入后的金刚石烧结的复合材料的 强度和磨耗比也有了较大幅度的提高。

  • It was presented that the surrounding structures were thickened as the Mo content increased the Mo content and the Co / Ni ratio were the main factors for improving the transverse rupture strength of TiC-based cermet .

    试验表明Mo含量的增加使环形相增厚;Mo含量和Co/Ni含量比为 强度的两个主要成分影响因素。

  • Sintered metal materials excluding hard metals & Determination of transverse rupture strength

    GB/T5319-1985烧结金属材料(不包括硬质合金) 横向 断裂强度的测定方法

  • Study on the transverse rupture strength of diamond segments

    金刚石节块的 强度分析

  • The best components A_2B_3C_1 of TiC-based cermets ( TiC-WC-Cr_3C_2-Co-Ni-Mo ) were obtained through orthogonal experiments which were taken the transverse rupture strength ( TRS ) as reference index .

    通过正交试验法对TiC基金属陶瓷进行成分研究,选取抗 强度为试验指标,进行极差分析,获得了最佳的 TiC-WC-Cr3C2-Co-Ni-Mo金属陶瓷试验配方A2B3C1组合。

  • Transverse rupture strength and compressive strength are approximately 910 MPa and 3.04 GPa respectively .

    TN30 弯强度和抗压强度分别达到910MPa和3.04GPa。

  • As the increase of Mo content the hardness of ( Ti W Ta ) C-Mo-Ni system cermets improved and the transverse rupture strength ( TRS ) increased initially and then decreased .

    随着Mo含量的增加,(Ti,W,Ta) C-Mo-Ni系金属陶瓷的硬度提高,而抗弯强度先升高后降低。

  • Compared to micro-grained alloy ultrafine-grained and nanocrystalline cemented carbides have much higher hardness wear resistant fracture toughness and transverse rupture strength . Therefore the research on the ultrafine-grained and nanocrystalline WC-Co cemented carbides becomes an important developing direction in the hardmetal industry .

    与传统的粗晶硬质合金相比,超细晶WC-Co硬质合金具有更高的硬度、耐磨性、断裂韧性与 横向 断裂强度,是当今硬质合金行业的重点发展方向。

  • Transverse rupture strength of Ni bonded ti ( c n ) cermet and fractal dimension analysis of its fracture surfaces

    Ni粘结的Ti(C,N)金属陶瓷的 横向 断裂强度与断口的分形分析

  • With the development of the sintering process the density transverse rupture strength and microhardness of the sintered sample increase while the electrical resistance gradually decreases .

    随着烧结过程的进行,烧结体的密度、 横向 断裂强度和显微维氏硬度均呈上升趋势,电阻则逐渐降低。

  • Results showed that sinter-HIP treatment can enhance the transverse rupture strength of WC-Co cemented carbides effectively .

    结果表明:低压烧结工艺可以有效提高硬质合金的 强度;

  • When rare earth about 0.2 percent Weight of binder phase is added the alloy 's transverse rupture strength increases 5.8 % and the wear-resistance improves .

    对抗弯强度也有一定的影响,当稀土添加量为0.2%时,合金 强度提高达5.8%左右;此外,加入稀土后,合金的耐磨性亦有所增强。

  • Transverse rupture strength Rockwell A hardness magnetic saturation induction and magnetic coercivity of samples sintered in vacuum or by sinter-HIP were measured .

    测试了真空烧结和低压烧结试样的 强度、洛氏硬度、磁饱和度和矫顽磁力。

  • Effects of carburizing time on microstructure and transverse rupture strength of cemented carbide with gradient cobalt structure fabricated by pre-sintering-carburizing process were studied by optical microscopy and transverse rupture strength test .

    采用预烧结-后续渗碳的方法制备钴相呈梯度分布的硬质合金,通过对试样显微组织的观察和抗弯强度的测试,研究渗碳时间对梯度硬质合金显微组织和 强度的影响。

  • Effects of carburizing time on microstructure and transverse rupture strength of graded cemented carbides

    渗碳时间对梯度硬质合金显微组织和 强度的影响

  • Nano-grained cemented carbides possess a series of excellent mechanical performances such as high transverse rupture strength and high hardness which can meet the urgent demands in aerospace information technology mould and cutting application .

    纳米晶 硬质合金具有高强度和高硬度等一系列优异的力学性能,可广泛应用于航天、信息、模具、切削刀具等领域。

  • The ductile zone prevents cracks propagation and leads to the increase of the transverse rupture strength . The impact resistance of coated gradient inserts is increased by 1.6 times .

    表面韧性区使 合金的强度提高,使涂层刀片的抗冲击性能提高 1.6倍。

  • One Case : Transverse Mesocolon Rupture Accompanied by Bleeding Misdiagnosised as Pancreas Injury

    横结肠系膜 破裂出血误诊为胰腺损伤1例报告

  • The influence of sintering temperature sintering time and different alloying elements on Liquid phase and the density hardness as well as transverse rupture strength after sintering was investigated .

    研究了烧结温度、保温时间及不同合金元素对铁基材料大液相量(质量分数20~30%)液相烧结及烧结后材料密度、硬度和 强度的影响。

  • When BMD is under 0.6 g / cm2 the trabecula is destroyed in both transverse and longitudinal orientation while the collagen fiber emerges the convolution and rupture .

    在骨密度<0.6g/cm2时,骨小梁 横向和纵向均遭到破坏,骨胶原纤维同时出现卷曲、 断裂