transfer instruction

[trænsˈfɚ ɪnˈstrʌkʃən][trænsˈfə: inˈstrʌkʃən]


  • One method for resolving the targets is to assume that the jump will transfer control to every instruction ( or to every block ) .

    解析这些跳转目标的一个方法是,假定跳转会把控制 传送给每条 指令(或每个 指令块)。

  • It realizes the transfer in the modes of bilingual instruction from passive reception learning to active inquiry learning from imparting instruction to diverse instruction from knowledge to competence and from single to integrated and emphasizes students ' comprehensive development .

    该方法实现 双语 教学模式由被动接受学习转向主动研究学习,由灌输式教学转向多样化教学,由知识教学转向能力教学,由单一性教学转向整合性教学的创新,强调学生综合能力的发展。

  • Electronic Funds Transfer ( EFT ) A transfer of funds either from or to an account which is initiated by giving an instruction through an electronic access method .

    电子资金转账(EFT)通过电子手段控制账户、发出 指令 账户资金 转入转出的操作。

  • New Trimaran supports three kinds of SPM operating instruction including the instruction for SPM reading and writing by CPU the DMA instruction for data transfer between SPM and main memory and the SPM initializing instruction .

    新的Trimaran版本支持三类SPM操作指令,包括CPU读写SPM的指令,SPM与主存进行数据 通信的DMA指令,以及SPM的初始化 指令

  • This essay mainly deals with the usage range of absolute conditional transfer instruction and relative conditional transfer instruction .

    本文主要对条件绝对 转移 指令与条件相对转移指令的使用范围进行分析并举例说明。

  • The Ministry of education shall promulgate regulations pertaining to the selection secondment promotion and transfer of the director of military instruction military instructors and nursing instructors at Vocational schools .

    职业学校军训主任教官、军训 教官及护理教员之遴选、介派、 调办法,由教育部定之。

  • A transfer instruction to a subprogram .

    指向子程序的 转移 指令

  • After each class this site will transfer your fee to your tutor 's account under your instruction .

    每次课后,我们根据您的 指令 费用打到家教的账户上。

  • Transfer of Athletics Qualities Instruction in the Psychomotor Domain

    运动素质的 相互 转移

  • Patient can use wireless communication module to transfer his bio-signals to a remote hospital monitor center and get further diagnosis and professional instruction from there .

    显示控制模块显示心电波形;无线通讯模块将心电信号实时 传输给远程的医院监护中心以获得进一步的诊断和专业 指导

  • The fundfunds manager shall ensure sufficient money in its bank account or fundfunds settlement account when the fundfunds trusteecustodian executes the fundfunds transfer instruction of the funds manager .

    基金管理人应保证基金托管人在执行基金管理人发送的 指令时,基金银行账户或资金交收账户上有充足的资金。

  • The networking frame transfer position information control instruction voice information and other information via a network which is based on the vehicle equipment and it can obtain the flexible networking pattern and reduce the operating cost .

    它能通过车载设备自动组成一个网络来 传送系统的位置信息、控制 指令和语音信息等信息,可以取得灵活的组网模式,降低系统的运行费用。

  • Adding the number of source problems in transfer instruction .

    迁移 教学中增加源问题类比物的数量等。

  • This paper discussed the transfer of high school instruction in English listening impact .

    此论文论述了 语言 迁移对高中英语听力的影响。

  • They are : genre L2 proficiency mother tongue transfer pragmatic transfer and formal instruction . Finally the findings are concluded and the limitations of the study are pointed out and some future researches are suggested .

    分别是:写作体裁,语言水平,母语迁移,语用 迁移,学校正式 教育等。最后,本文对研究结果进行了总结,指出了不足之处,并为后续研究提出了设想。

  • Programming for Sphere Milling Based on R-Parameter and Conditional Transfer Instruction

    利用R参数和条件 转移 指令实现球面数控铣削编程

  • In fact the three-dimentional surface like sphere can be milled not only by programming with CAM software but also can be done expediently by programming manually based on R-parameter and conditional transfer instruction of SIEMENS 802D NC system .

    球面类三维曲面铣削加工,许多人认为只有使用CAM软件进行自动编程方可实现,实际上只要充分利用SIEMENS(西门子)802D数控系统的R参数和条件 转移 指令,可以方便地实现球面的铣削手工编程。

  • The interference of cultural negative transfer on English instruction and its strategy

    文化负 迁移对英语 词汇 释义的影响

  • Absolute Conditional Transfer Instruction and Relative Conditional Transfer Instruction

    条件绝对 转移 指令与条件相对转移指令

  • Experimental results are presented for the local heat transfer coefficient of impingement / effusion double wall cooling method using the constant heat flux method under the instruction of similarity theory .

    在相似理论 指导下,采用恒热流方法实验研究了冲击加多斜孔双层壁复合冷却方式多斜孔壁冷侧局部冲击 热系数。

  • The approaches to train students ' transfer ability in chemistry instruction

    化学 教学中培养 迁移能力的途径

  • The Research of a New File Transfer Protocol ── NFTP which is Fit for Multimedia Instruction in Narrowband Network

    一种适合窄带网络多媒体 教学的文件 传输协议&NFTP的研究与实现

  • In this paper a DSP-based bus protocol for software radar signal processing system is proposed . By including four transfer buses and one instruction bus this protocol shows its excellent scalability reconfigurability and universality .

    提出一种基于DSP平台的软件化雷达信号处理系统的总线协议,协议包含4条 传输总线和1条 指令总线,具有优良的可扩展性、可重构性和通用性。

  • Pronounced blit the term derives from the ancient PDP-10 BLT ( block transfer ) instruction used to transfer a large block of memory from one location to another .

    发音为“blit”,这个术语是从古老的PDP-10BLT(块 转移指令派生而来,这个 指令用于将大块内存从一个位置转移到另一个位置。

  • A Study on Analogical Transfer and Problem Solving in High School Chemistry Instruction

    类比 迁移与化学问题解决的研究