transfer payment

[trænsˈfɚ ˈpemənt][trænsˈfə: ˈpeimənt]


  • After a brief meeting Vindbjart 's officials decided that the transfer payment would be Kristensen 's weight in shrimp .

    文比加特队的官员们开了一个短会,决定把克里斯滕森的 转会 定为相当于其体重的虾。

  • How to compensate and rectify the positive externality this paper advances a transfer payment and an agreement packing of two practicable solutions through case .

    通过案例借鉴与分析,围绕正外部性的补偿与矫正,提出 转移 支付与协议捆绑两条现实解决途径,并对两种方式下的公私合作模式进行了界定。

  • Research on the Performance Evaluation of the Special Transfer Payment Funds for the Old Revolutionary Base Areas

    革命老区专项 转移 支付资金项目绩效评价研究

  • Transfer payment system plays an important role as a primary method to coordinate regional economic development and reduce regional differences in the market economy .

    作为市场经济条件下协调区域经济发展、缩小地区差距的主要手段, 财政 转移 支付制度发挥着重要作用。

  • Study on Transfer Payment of Rural Compulsory Education in China

    我国农村义务教育中的 转移 支付问题研究

  • Study on Equalization Effects of the General Purpose Transfer Payment of Province-to-County

    省对县(市)一般性 转移 支付的均等化效应分析

  • Empirical Study of the Performance of China s Current Transfer Payment ;

    我国财政 转移 支付 制度绩效的实证分析(2001-2003)

  • The Design and Application of Dynamic Balanced Fiscal Transfer Payment Pattern

    动态均衡性 转移 支付模式的设计及应用

  • The Research of Financial Transfer Payment Policy under the Framework of Construction of the Harmonious Society

    和谐社会背景下的财政 转移 支付政策研究

  • Practice and Exploration about Fiscal Transfer Payment System Construction in Shanghai

    上海财政 转移 支付制度建设的实践与探索

  • Establishing Financial Transfer Payment System Based on Compensation Ecology in Xinjiang

    基于新疆生态补偿的财政 转移 支付制度的建立

  • Actually at the situation of income disparity the government also can expand output through the transfer payment with Balanced budget ;

    其实,在收入差距扩大的情况下,政府通过 转移 支付,在保持预算平衡情况下同样能扩大产出。

  • Research on Coordination Mechanism in a Green Agricultural Supply and Demand based on Transfer Payment

    基于 转移 支付的绿色农产品供求协调机制研究

  • Special central financial transfer payment to carry out essential public health services all over is a strong support .

    中央财政的专项 转移 支付,对各地开展基本公共卫生服务是个有力的支持。

  • The research on the fiscal transfer payment scale of equalization requires defining the meaning of the equalization target .

    均等化 转移 支付规模的研究首先需要确定“均等化”目标的含义。

  • On the basis of studies and analysis the paper provides countermeasures to standardize financial transfer payment further .

    通过分析研究,对进一步规范民族地区财政 转移 支付提出了相应的对策建议。

  • We will improve the transfer payment system and standardize the supporting policy for special transfer payments .

    完善财政 转移 支付制度,规范专项转移支付配套政策。

  • Coordination Model for Decentralized Inventory Routing Problem Based on Transfer Payment

    基于 转移 支付的非一体化库存路径问题协调模型

  • Taxes in construction and installation expenses are deducted as per types of transfer payment .

    转移 支付的类别,扣除建筑安装工程费中的税金等。

  • Japan is a country with centered finance whose transfer payment system has special characteristics .

    日本是一个中央财政集中度较高的国家,其 转移 支付制度有着鲜明的特点。

  • Under the View of the Strengthened Finance Transfer Payment the Countryside Compulsory Education Research

    强化财政 转移 支付视角下的农村义务教育研究

  • Equalization of the Basic Public Services and Design of the Financial Transfer Payment System

    基本公共服务均等化与 转移 支付制度设计

  • In our system of land leased the land transfer payment is a one-time charge .

    在我们的系统中的土地批租,土地 转让 支付的一次性费用。

  • The Improvement of Legal System on Compulsory Education Financial Transfer Payment

    论我国义务教育财政 转移 支付法律制度的完善

  • A Design of Transfer Payment System for the Development Priority Zones

    促进主体功能区建设的 财政 转移 支付制度设计

  • Impact of Financial Transfer Payment on the County 's Economy & Empirical Analysis Based on Cross-Section Data of Anhui Province

    财政 转移 支付对县域经济的影响&基于安徽省截面数据的实证分析

  • With this model numerical example shows that the transfer payment strategy can also be used to coordinate the inventories among the members in the supply chain under fuzzy demand .

    通过一个数值分析表明,在模糊需求环境下, 转移 支付同样可以实现供应链中各成员间库存的协调。

  • Transfer Payment System from City to County Level in Management of Municipal Finance

    城市财政管理中的市对区、县 转移 支付制度研究

  • Fiscal transfer payment between governments is the important system guarantee to realize regional equalization of public service ; equalization of public service is the aim of transfer payment system .

    政府间财政 转移 支付是实现地区公共服务均等化的重要制度保障,而公共服务均等化是转移支付制度的目标。