


  • In this article the authors analyze the nature content and some other questions of the copyright-related personal rights from positive viewpoint and then argue its transferability .

    为此,本文拟从实证的角度探讨著作人身权的性质、内容,剖析著作人身权的一些疑难问题,并论证了著作人 具有 转让

  • It is the transferability that makes bills of lading become documents of title .

    正是 转让 使得提单成为物权凭证,而物权凭证的 功能强化了提单的 转让

  • A Comparative Study of Positive Transferability in Receptive and Productive English Lexicon Acquisition Processes

    接受与产出性学习过程中英语词汇习得的正 迁移比较研究

  • There are several problems existing in our manager inspiration system : ( a ) lacking transferability of residual ownership ;

    目前我国国有企业对经营者的激励存在的问题:(1)剩余所有权的不 转让

  • Nowadays the scholars of the two parties started a fierce debate on the transferability of state sovereignty .

    如今,在国家主权 是否 可以 让渡问题上,国家主权让渡论者和国家主权不 让渡论者展开了激烈的争论。

  • With the development of life science non-transferability resources will be reduced and the obstacle transferability resources increased .

    但随生物科学的发展,不可转移性资源会减少, 转移 资源和障碍性 转移资源会增加。

  • Compared with genomic SSRs EST-SSRs are a new kind of molecular makers derived from expression sequence tags with remarkable advantages in high transferability across plant species .

    SSR是基于表达序列标签开发微卫星的一种新型分子标记,与基因组SSR相比,EST-SSR具有在植物物种之间 转移 的优点。

  • If analyzed from the angle of economics transferability should also be an important feature of house right .

    若从经济学角度来分析, 转让 也应是物权的重要特征。

  • Equity property determines the transferability of shares .

    股权的财产属性决定股权 具有 转让

  • First the current convertibility and transferability arrangements do look a little untidy .

    第一,现有的兑换及 转换安排确实稍欠统一。

  • Study of Plasmid-mediated 16S rRNA Methylase Genes and Its Drug-resistant Transferability in Acinetobacter Baumannii Isolates from Burn Ward

    烧伤病房鲍氏不动杆菌质粒介导的16SRRNA甲基化酶基因及耐药性 传递研究

  • The term model has two layers of meaning : one refers to the uniqueness of China 's development path the other to its exportability and transferability .

    “模式”包含两层含义,一是发展道路的独特性,二是发展道路的可输出 效仿

  • In addition our scheme supports divisibility and transferability of digital coins in a simpler way .

    此外,本方案支持数字货币的可分性和 转移

  • Only those can be said to possess transferability .

    只有那些才可称其具有 转换

  • On the Solution of Inverse Problem of Fuzzy Equivalent Matrix as Transitive Closure ; Modeling Tasks Temporal Relations Based on Transferability Closure

    关于Fuzzy等价矩阵作为传递闭包逆问题的解任务时序关系的 形式 传递闭包建模算法

  • Modeling Tasks Temporal Relations Based on Transferability Closure

    任务时序关系的 形式 传递闭包建模算法

  • This paper illustrates this feature from several aspects such as constraints on language transfer analysis of language transferability language transfer as communicative and learning strategies .

    本文从制约迁移的因素、 迁移性分析和作为策略的语言迁移几方面分析了这一突出特点。

  • The Transferability of EST-SSR Markers among Different Crops and Its Application

    不同作物间 EST-SSR标记的 通用性及其应用研究

  • Transferability of software components over different hardware platforms

    不同硬件平台上的软件组件的 移植

  • Lack of the transferability ;

    缺乏 转让

  • Transferability of SSR from Adzuki Bean to Mungbean

    小豆SSR引物在绿豆基因组中的 通用性分析

  • Algorithm modeling goals precedence relations based on transferability closure The Analysis of the Principle and Method of Adjective Eclipsed Form Definition

    目标 时序关系的形式定义和建模算法形容词重叠式界定的原则与方法探析

  • Following the refinements to the linked exchange rate system introduced last month the outstanding issue now is the question of transferability between certificates of indebtedness and the aggregate balance .

    在上月推出优化联系汇率制度的措施后,在制度设计方面 研究的课题,主要是有关负债证明书与总结 之间 可否 互相 转移的问题。

  • Two Factors Relations Model of the Transferability and Interactivity of Service & Empirical Evidence from 243 Service Enterprises

    服务 迁移 和交互性双因子关系模型的研究&基于243家服务企业的实证检验

  • Validity of the Agreements Concerning Transferability of the Obligatory Right and Its Prohibition ; Conveyance includes every assignment lease mortgage or encumbrance .

    债权 让与及禁止债权让与协议的效力让与包括各种转让、借、押或留置。

  • The Research of the Relationship between the Transferability and Interactivity of Service and the Global Potential & An Empirical Study of 243 Service Enterprises

    服务 迁移 、交互性与服务全球化潜力的关系&以243家服务企业的实证检验为例

  • And further verified the transferability of EST-SSR primer .

    进一步验证了 EST-SSR引物 通用 研究。

  • Lastly the author analyzed the transferability of the defective share .

    最后分析了瑕疵股权的 转让

  • It is verified to certain extent that genetic carrier ( cluster ) among filial generations possesses transferability by analyzing the variability of aluminum melt under pulse electric field with DSC .

    DSC分析揭示了脉冲电场下熔体结构的变异性,一定程度上验证了记忆载体&团簇在子代间的 传递