
[trænsˈɡrɛs, trænz-][trænzˈgres]



  • Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders ? For they wash not their hands when they eat bread .

    你的门徒为什么 古人 遗传呢。因为吃饭的时候,他们不洗手。

  • As regards the private sector of the economy we shall not hamper it indeed we shall promote and encourage it so long as it does not transgress the legal limits set by our government .

    我们对于私人经济,只要不 出于政府法律范围 之外不但阻止,而且加以提倡和奖励。

  • And Moses said Wherefore now do ye transgress the commandment of the lord ? But it shall not prosper .

    摩西说,你们为何 违背耶和华的命令呢,这事不能顺利了。

  • His ideas by and large do not transgress the limits of moderate western-type nation-building .

    普京的思想总体上并没有 逾越温和的西方式国家建设的界限。

  • When there shall be found among you within any of thy gates which the Lord thy God shall give thee man or woman that do evil in the sight of the Lord thy God and transgress his covenant .

    在你中间,即在上主你的天主赐给你的一 城内,若发现一个男人或女人,做了上主你的天主眼中视为恶的事, 违犯了他的盟约。

  • Before the late Pleistocene sea water could not probably transgress the area during the transgression of sea .

    晚更新世以前,在渤海地区的海侵期间,可能海水并未 进入本区。

  • It is noticeable that the family metaphor is adopted by such organized groups as the Mafia and who punish severely any family members who transgress family rules .

    值得注意的是家族这一象征同样适用于如黑帮,或其他激烈惩处所有 背叛 家规的家族成员的组织团伙。

  • The African group felt that those were areas of public interest concern which IP should not transgress unduly but instead should help fortify at the national level .

    非洲集团认为,这些都是公共利益的领域, 保护知识产权不能 过分,相反应当有助于在国家一级予以加强。

  • While there should be flexibility in cases of those who inadvertently take banned substances those who wilfully transgress should face exemplary penalties .

    对那些并非故意使用兴奋剂的 运动员,应灵活处理,但对那些恶意 犯规 ,应处以惩罚性 高额罚款。

  • You have tried my heart ; You have visited me by night ; You have tested me and You find nothing ; I have purposed that my mouth will not transgress .

    17:3你已经试验我的心.在夜间鉴察我 . 我、找不 甚麽.立志叫我口中没有 过失

  • Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders ?

    你的门徒为什么 古人 遗传呢。

  • Have to transgress the company 's regulation for get the job done .

    为了完成工作而不得不 违反单位的规则。

  • It seemed to me that he had transgressed the boundaries of good taste .

    在我看来他有 大雅

  • And shall not uncircumcision which is by nature if it fulfil the law judge thee who by the letter and circumcision dost transgress the law ?

    然而那本来未受割礼的,若能全守律法,岂不是要审判你这有仪文和 割礼律法的人吗。

  • For such a man will transgress for a peace of bread .

    因为这样的人是会为了一块面包 枉法的。

  • She obeyed his directions very punctually ; perhaps she had no temptation to transgress .

    她很敏捷地服从他的指示:也许她没有想 违法 犯规 心思

  • Shall we then hearken unto you to do all this great evil to transgress against our God in marrying strange wives ?

    如此,我岂听你们行这大恶,娶外邦女子 干犯我们的神呢。

  • The twelve mansions of the stars will weep to see their inmates transgress so .

    恒星的十二座大厦会看到它们的 同住 犯罪而哭泣。

  • If a politician transgresses that is not the fault of the media .

    如果政客 行为 ,那 不是媒体的责任。

  • In fact Russia has continued to transgress against the peace plan which was supposed to have stopped the war .

    事实上,俄罗斯继续 违反结束这场战争的和平计划。

  • Woman transgress not beyond the limits of Heaven 's mercy !

    女人, 违背上天的仁慈, 不要超过限度!

  • Noting that politicians in other countries who transgress moral standards often resign Famiglia Cristiana asks why is Italy so different ?

    其他国家的 政治家一旦出现道德丑闻,往往会主动辞职,《天主教家庭周刊》就此发问:“为何意大利不能这样?”

  • Yea let none that wait on thee be ashamed : let them be ashamed which transgress without cause .

    凡等候你的必不羞愧;惟有那 无故 奸诈的, 必要羞愧。

  • How to transgress language barriers and contextual differences in communication ?

    如何能 跨越语言的障碍及文化背景的差异?

  • I am purposed that my mouth shall not transgress .

    我立志叫我口中没有 过失

  • The game starts of at a very easy difficulty but as you transgress throughout the game the difficulty is significantly revamped .

    游戏开始了在一个非常容易的困难,但正如你在整个游戏 逾越,难度明显改进。

  • Dubbed Zil lanes by critics they come into force on Wednesday next week . Drivers who transgress face a 130 fine .

    这些被批评者们称为专用车道的道路从下周三起便开始 戒严违反规定的司机将面临130英镑的罚款。

  • You do not therefore transgress the law if you kill the wild beast to save your brothers life .

    因此,如果你为了保护你兄弟的生命而杀死了野兽,你没有 违法

  • No one is permitted to have privileges to transgress the law .

    不允许任何人有 超越法律的特权。