


  • Of all CO ⅰ gene sequences the number of the transition is 2 and its of the transversion is 0 .

    整个COⅠ基因序列的 碱基转换数为2, 为0。

  • In Xi an EC cases the mutation spectrums of exon 5 were relatively concentrated ( mainly codon 157 、 159 ) and the G → T transversion was most prevalent ( 5 / 10 );

    西安市病例p53第五外显子突变谱相对集中(157、159密码子为主),G→T 较多见(5/10);

  • The results showed that the average nucleotide mutational rate of mtDNA D-loop in 3 Chinese Holstein cow was 0.59 % and three types of mutations including transition transversion and insertion were all found in mtDNA D-loop region of which transition was the most frequent .

    结果发现,3头中国荷斯坦牛mtDNAD-Loop区的平均核苷酸变异率为0.59%,其核苷酸变异类型包括转换、 和插入3种形式,其中,以转换最为常见。

  • The ratio of transition and transversion ( R ) is 0.84 and the ratio of Chrysomelinae ( 0.71 ) is lower than the average so it is considered as the most ancient species in Chrysomelidae .

    转换与 的比值为0.84,叶甲亚科转换与 之比(0.71)低于平均值,认为叶甲亚科是叶甲科演化历程中较为古老的种类;

  • Different activities were recorded in the superior and inferior heads of the external pterygoid muscle during the movements of elevation-depression protrusion-retrusion and right-left transversion of the mandible .

    在张口与 闭口,下颌前伸与后退以及下颌左、右侧运动中,翼外肌上、下头出现不同的肌电活动。

  • Nucleotide base transitions were found at 3 loci in the sequence while there is no insertion deletion and transversion mutation .

    该序列在3个位点 发生转换 突变,未发现碱基的增加、缺失以及 突变。

  • The substitution of a purine for a pyrimidine or vice versa is a transversion .

    嘌呤为嘧啶取代或嘧啶 嘌呤所取代, 叫做

  • The sequencing results showed that four variant sites were found within or adjacent to the known IL-4 regulatory element . A C to A transversion located at - 229 position was just within the positive regulatory element - ⅰ ( PRE - ⅰ) in one patient .

    DNA测序结果显示有四处变异位点位于已知的调控元件之内或 邻位点:一名病人 -229位C被A所 替代,该 变异恰好位于IL4正性调节元件Ⅰ(PREⅠ)元件之内;

  • In Point mutations transversion between the purine and pyrimidine bases was 75 % base conversion was about 25 % . 19 mutation sites of mtDNA were same both in OSCC and paracancerous tissues .

    点突变中碱基嘌呤与嘧啶的 换换占75%,碱基转换约占25%。癌组织和癌旁组织中有19个相同的突变位点。

  • Transforming Bridge The results show that the types of DNA base mutation included the transition the transversion and the deletion .

    结果显示:碱基变异的类型包括转换、 和缺失。

  • In the 433 nucleotide sites 34 transitional and 21 transversional sites with 35 indels were found and the ratio between transition and transversion was 1.67 .

    在433个核苷酸位点中,有插入/缺失35个, 转换 34,颠 21,转换/ 比率为1.67。

  • Interestingly the frequency of the base transition ( 58.3 % ) is obviously higher than that of the base transversion ( 29.2 % ) among the base replacements .

    在碱基置换中,转换的频率(58.3%)高于 的频率(29.2%)。

  • The eight base differences include one deletion five transition and two transversion .

    序列 普通 相应 序列具有很高的 同源性( 98.1 ),但存在8个碱基差异, 碱基突变类型包括1个缺失,5个转换和2个 换。

  • But the mutation showed obvious base bias with most substitutions at A / T positions and a prevalence of transition over transversion .

    其突变类型有明显偏向性,以A/T的 突变 为主,转换 多于

  • There were 49 different sites between the two species including 21 transition sites 22 transversion sites and 6 deletion / insertion sites .

    二者的 序列有49处差异,其中21个位点 转换、22个位点 和6 缺失/插入位点。

  • The results showed that among different species the transition / transversion ( Ts / Tv ) of Cytochrome b gene was 4.9 suggesting that the mutation was not saturation ;

    结果显示: 亚科不同物种间线粒体细胞色素b基因的转换/ 比值 4.9,突变未达到饱和状态;

  • The transition sites of mtDNA D-loop HVI sequences between the goat breeds were 8 and transversion sites were 118 the ratio of transitions to transversions was 15 / 1 suggesting Chinese goat has the high transition bias .

    中国山羊品种mtDNAD-loopHVI序列的121种单倍型共有 换位点8个, 转换位点118个,转换/颠换率为15:1,说明中国山羊具有很强的转换偏倚性。

  • In the D-loop region there are 13 and 1 sites respectively characterized by transition and transversion among the 4 sun bears sequenced .


  • Methods : ABO blood group was identified in recipients and donors of allogenic stem cell transplantation and the blood component and amount the time for RBC blood group transversion and stem cell engraftment were analyzed in 28 patients undergoing ABO incompatible transplantation .

    方法:对异基因造血干细胞移植供受者进行ABO血型鉴定,并对28例ABO血型不合患者的临床输血种类、 输血量、红细胞 血型 转变时间及造血干细胞植活时间进行统计与比较。

  • Ames test showed that both of the base pair transversion and frameshift mutant in DNA was not induced by irradiated starch .

    Ames试验也说明辐照淀粉不诱发DNA中 碱基对的 置换 和移码型突变。

  • The dominant type of variation was transition ( 94.17 % ) followed by transversion ( 2.53 % ) . The most common transition types were A → G and T → C.

    可变碱基的主要变异形式为碱基转换(94.17%),其次为 (2.53%),最常见的碱基转换类型为A→G和T→C。