transfer machine

[trænsˈfɚ məˈʃin][trænsˈfə: məˈʃi:n]


  • Floating drum thermal transfer machine gravure printed paper

    浮筒加热式 转移印花 转移 印花用w_181照相凹版印花纸

  • Time to provide quality air conditioning repair air conditioning installation air-conditioning transfer machine air-conditioning plus fluoride air-conditioning cleaning service .

    时刻提供优质的空调维修,空调安装,空调 移机,空调加氟,空调清洗服务。

  • Multiple station rotary transfer machine

    多工位回转式连续 自动工作 机床

  • Heat fusion press floating drum thermal transfer machine

    热熔 转印 ,热熔压烫 浮筒加热式 转移印花

  • This graduation project sets aside the fork and processes the small-scale transfer machine to design .

    中文摘要本次毕业设计是拨叉加工小型 自动 线设计。

  • The design principles and design parameters of LCZ ( Y ) 20 - 1 deoxygenating centrifugal mass transfer machine its characteristics the fabrication of the machine and the results of experiments are discussed in this paper .

    论述了LCZ(Y)20-1脱氧离心 传质 的设计原理,产品的设计参数和性能指标,产品的制造以及试验结果。

  • Transfer machine of machine tooling ;

    加工 自动 线

  • Tape transfer machine with a large transport quantity a long distance high efficiency has become of equipment in coal mine port and other industry .

    胶带 输送机具有输送量大、输送距离长、效率高等特点,已成为煤矿、码头等其它行业散料连续运输的主要设备。

  • Mass transfer property of centrifugal mass transfer machine in some processes

    几种工艺体系中离心 传质 的传质性能

  • Is a professional production and sales of hot stamping machine heat transfer machine printing machine LOGO machine manufacturers .

    是一家专业生产销售烫印机,热 转印 ,印花机,LOGO机的厂家。

  • Design and Fabrication of LCZ ( Y ) 20 - 1 Deoxygenating Centrifugal Mass Transfer Machine

    LCZ(Y)20-1脱氧离心 传质 的设计试制

  • Tool Life Setting for Transfer Machine

    加工 自动 线的刀具寿命设定

  • Considering the need of safety in the coal production The people in the conveyor transfer machine of fully mechanized coal working face and such dangerous places as goaf safety monitoring system is designed .

    综采(放)工作面 转载 、老塘等危险区的人员安全探测系统,是针对煤矿生产安全形势的要求而设计的。

  • The design principle and layout of a transfer machine with fluidic control for assembling detonators are described .

    本文阐述了气 传动和射流控制的雷管装配自动线的设计原理及构成情况。

  • Floating drum thermal transfer machine

    浮筒加热式 转移印花

  • Multiple station in-line transfer machine

    多工位直列式连续 自动工作 机床

  • Analysis Of Reason Why Workplaces Will Be stemmed When They Are Conveyed On The Transfer Machine

    工件在 自动 线上 传送时产生阻滞现象的原因分析

  • Analysis and solution on the fault that automatic transfer machine 's vacuum chuck can 't give an alarm

    搬运 真空吸头不报警故障的分析及解决方法

  • The Chun-Lei Banner Imprinter Enterprise ( Spring-Thunder sublimation transfer machine Plant ) was established in1990 it is a large private enterprise .

    春雷热 转印条幅 厂成立于1990年,是一家大型民营企业,为集研究开发生产为一体的综合性企业。

  • Designing hydraulic system adopted plug-in valve of forging transfer machine manipulator

    基于插装阀的锻造 自动 线 机械手液压系统设计

  • The software introduced in this article is for the design and operation of the centrifugal mass transfer machine .

    本软件是用于离心 传质 操作与设计过程的一个多功能综合性软件。

  • The paper studies the fault location system of long distance tape transfer machine CAN bus is applied to the system it not only improved the reliability of the system and strong practicability .

    本文研究的长距离胶带 输送机故障定位系统,将CAN总线技术应用到系统中,大大节省了开发成本,有较强的实用性。

  • It adopts exceeded luminosity lamp-house electric eye sensor slot transfer machine LCD keystroke minitype .

    该仪器采用高亮度冷光源、光电池检测、带槽 机构、LCD显示、按键、热敏微型打印机。

  • Operating Software - Software for Operation and Design of Centrifugal Mass Transfer Machine ( 2 )

    离心 传质 操作及设计的计算机软件&设计软件(二)

  • The design part of the software can automatically finish most of the equipment design work for the centrifugal mass transfer machine .

    设计软件部分具有自动完成离心 传质 设备设计大部分工作的功能。

  • Experimental research on centrifugal intensified mass transfer for centrifugal mass transfer machine in five processes is reported .

    对5种工艺体系进行了离心 传质 离心强化传质的实验研究。

  • The author makes a brief introduction of the run principle of transfer machine and formulizes the characteristics of each versions and the future of transfer machine .

    本文对 移印 的工作原理做了简要介绍,并阐述了各分类机型的特点和今后移印机的发展方向。

  • However when the tape transfer machine is for a long distance such as tape transfer machine of Shanxi 81 is 18 kilometers finding fault location is more difficult .

    但是,当胶带 输送机距离很长时(如:山西八一矿的胶带输送机长度为18公里),查找故障位置比较困难。

  • Two-side horizontal boring transfer machine hyperboloidal gear

    双面卧式 镗孔组合 机床双伞齿轮,双曲面齿轮

  • Model SZH Transfer Machine for Shuttle Car

    SZH型梭车 转载