transportation out

[ˌtrænspɚˈteʃən aʊt][ˌtrænspɔ:ˈteiʃən aut]

[经] 销货运费

  • With the rapid development of economy and international trade the importance of marine transportation stands out more and more obvious with its advantages in low cost safety and facilities .

    随着我国国民经济和对外贸易快速发展, 水路 运输的低成本、安全便捷以及其在经济增长方式的重要性日益显现。

  • Firstly this thesis outlines simply of inland water transportation capacity points out the main problems existing in inland water transportation states advantages of inland water transportation by comparative analyses on the features of different transportation modes analyses and studies it 's main influenced factors .

    第一部分对我国内河运力的发展情况作了简要介绍, 指出 我国内河 运力发展中存在的主要问题,总结了内河船舶运输的优势,分析研究了影响我国内河运力发展的主要因素。

  • In case by land transportation : full set of clean on board land transportation Bills made out to marked freight prepaid / collected notifying at the destination .

    陆运:全套注明运费已付/付的装车的记名清洁运单,通知在目的 公司。

  • South Korea Ministry of Construction and Transportation brought out a report which said North Korea 's railway facilities are old and obsolete . After that the two sides opted to establish the aforesaid communication line first .

    而在南韩建设 交通提出北韩铁路设施老旧过时的报告后,双方于是先连通了上述通信线路。

  • This paper briefly describes transportation environments and works out the test condition .

    运输环境条件与包装本文简述 运输环境和试验条件的 制订

  • The paper analyses the situation of passenger transportation market points out the problems existing in railway market environment and the difference in marketing between railway and civil aviation and puts forward some suggestions on improving railway market .

    分析了旅客 运输市场状况, 指出 铁路市场环境中存在的问题以及铁路在市场营销上与民航的差距,对改善铁路市场提出了建议和措施。

  • The white paper on Shanghai city transportation points out : the overall strategic objective of Shanghai transportation development is to form an integrated transport system of international metropolis .

    上海市城市 交通白皮书中 指出:上海城市 交通发展战略的总体目标是构筑国际大都市一体化交通。

  • A theoretical analysis of station distribution and its impact on urban transportation system is carried out .

    对客运站布局模式对城市 交通系统的影响 进行 一定的理论分析。

  • The three ministries combined transportation ministry unit out on further perfect policy to promote investment and financing highway ordinary the sustainable and healthy development of several opinions for the long-term mechanism establish common highway investment provides policy guarantee .

    交通 运输部联合三部委 制定 《关于进一步完善投融资政策促进普通公路持续健康发展的若干意见》,为建立普通公路投融资长效机制提供了政策保障。

  • The paper introduces a box-type weighing robot which can be used to weigh powder material in storage transportation and out of storage .

    介绍一种用于粉状物料的储存、 运输 输出计量的箱式机器人。

  • Average measuring section accuracy of the network is ± 0.029 mgal . Accuracy analysis for observation results under the condition of different transportation is carried out .

    网的平均测段精度为±0.029mgal,并对不同 运输情况下的观测结果 进行 精度分析。

  • METHODS Abide to the law advance the blood screening level establish the information and blood quality tracking system meet the temperature requirements for blood storage and transportation carry out the total process control and the training for all staff .

    方法严格 执行法律法规,提高检验水平,建立信息系统与血液质量追溯系统,确保血液贮存 运输的温度要求,产品 生产的全过程控制以及全员培训。

  • Abstract : this paper studies the problems and its reason of city public transportation points out serious result of policy deficit and the possibility and way for changing current state adaptable to international practies .

    文摘:研究我国城市公共 交通企业存在的问题,剖析其原因, 指出政策性亏损的不良后果,借鉴国外的经验和教训,提出转变目前状况的可能性和可实施的途径。

  • Our Attempt : Let the Transportation Economics Out of Predicament

    我们的试验:让 运输经济学 走出困境

  • The Department of transportation wanted to stay out of military confrontation .

    运输部想 置身于军事对抗 之外

  • This article discusses the current status of Chinese railway luggage parcel transportation points out the problems of railway luggage parcel transportation and puts forward relevant countermeasures to develop Chinese railway luggage parcel transportation .

    本文探讨了中国铁路行包 运输的现状, 指出 铁路行包运输存在的问题,提出了发展中国铁路行包运输的有关对策。

  • A Long Way to the Development of the Urban Rail Transportation To carry out this plan by governmental mode there must be a prerequisite that there exist an alternative transportation system especially Urban Rail Transportation System ( URTS ) .

    而实现的途径中,采用行政手段是重要的手段之一,通过行政手段来实现这种方法的前提是:必须发展可以替代小汽车 交通的替代方案,即大运量客运系统特别是城市轨道交通系统。

  • Application of the hydraulic transportation on out - purchased iron concentrate

    外购铁精矿原料水力 输送的应用

  • Transportation facilities in and out of the region when needed are usually adquate and rapid .

    当地 进出 运输工具,常常是又快又多。

  • The developments of traffic safety in the world are expounded . Rules inside of the development process traffic safety are summarized . Tally upping the transportation safety developing from our country characteristics of safety transportation set out make selection the thesis with break the point .

    综述国内外交通安全发展历程,总结出交通安全发展的内在规律,从我国 交通安全的特点 出发,选定论文的主要研究对象和突破点。

  • Growth experiments show that it is feasible to improve xylose transportation by knocking out the araR in B. subtilis 168 .

    生长实验显示,敲除 B.subtilis168的araR基因,能够改善细胞的木糖吸收。

  • Survivors of the chaos walked down the narrow mountain roads to Yinhua in search of transportation out of the quake-stricken area .

    混乱中,幸存者们正沿着狭窄的山路向银华走去,寻找 交通 工具,以 离开这个被地震袭击的地区。

  • Transportation is carried out in large caverned tanks .

    运输工具从这些巨大的洞窟状的坦克里开 出来

  • The analysis of the urban comprehensive transportation system can help us know better of the nature of urban transportation and find out the key problem .

    分析城市综合交通的系统性,能够更清楚地了解城市 交通的本质,准确的 找到问题的关键所在。

  • The property role evolution and development of metallurgy transportation are mainly pointed out .

    本文主要介绍 冶金 运输的性质,冶金 运输的作用,冶金 运输技术的演变,冶金 运输技术的发展。

  • Finally this thesis analyses the effect and principle or aim of price tactics in our railway transportation enterprise point out existent issue in the period of implementing railway price tactics put forward the systemic price tactics means .

    第四、对价格策略在 铁路 市场营销中的作用、原则、目标进行了分析, 指出铁路在实施价格策略过程中存在的问题,提出了全面、系统的价格策略方法。

  • At present the third party logistics is not developed in china especially in the field of the highway cargo transportation industry which is out of order now .

    当前,第三方物流在我国的发展仍不成熟,尤其是公路 货运业正处于 无序状态。

  • Based on the solution of the 3-D pollutant transportation equation the impacts of reservoir operation flow rate on pollutant transportation and out flow water quality are studied .

    本文通过直接求解水体三维污染物运动方程,模拟了概化水库中污染物运动, 系统分析了运行流量对污染物 下泄的影响。