transitive law

[ˈtrænsɪtɪv lɔ][ˈtrænsɪtɪv lɔ:]

[法] 过渡性法律

  • Apply Transitive Law in Physical Teaching

    体育教学中应用 迁移 规律的探讨

  • It is suggested that the transitive property of simultaneity should be regarded as the generalized zeroth law .

    建议把“同时具有 传递性”作为推广的第零 定律

  • Solving the problem of price fluctuations and price transitive is major theoretical and practical significant for understanding the law of the operation of the market coordinating silkworm raisers and enterprises enhancing the relevance and effectiveness of government intervention .

    解决好茧丝绸价格波动和 传递的问题对于了解茧丝市场运行 法则,协调蚕农和企业利益,增强政府干预的针对性和有效性和解决我国三农问题具有重大的理论和现实意义。