translation schema

[trænsˈleʃən ˈskimə][trænsˈleiʃən ˈski:mə]

[计] 翻译模式

  • Syntax directed translation schema

    句法指导的 翻译 系统

  • A New Translation Algorithm Based on Constraints-Preserved Mapping from Relational Schema to XML Schema

    关系 模式到XML SCHEMA的约束保留映射

  • The translation is based on the semantic of source schema and target schema and includes two phases : semantic translation and data translation .

    交换从源 模式和目标模式的语义出发,包括语义转换和数据转换两个阶段。

  • The two approaches proposed in the thesis consider both the translation of relational schema and tuples .

    这两种方法既研究了关系 模式 转换又研究了元组的 转换

  • This paper tries to apply schema theory to the practice of translation and proposes that translation is in a sense translation of schema .

    将图式理论运用于翻译实践,可以说翻译即 图式 翻译

  • Special attention is paid to the translation of cultural elements in the novel from the perspective of cultural schema a concept proposed by Chinese scholars in their research into the schema theory and translation .

    本文以文化 图式为视角,关注该作品中的文化元素 翻译。文化 图式这一概念由中国学者在其对图式理论与翻译的结合研究时提出。

  • The author expects that by this paper EST translation can made some breakthroughs in the field of schema theory thereby improving the quality of EST translation continuously .

    作者期待通本文能够使科技英语 翻译图示理论领域取得一些突破,进而提高科技英语翻译的质量。

  • By means of the research and analysis directed by the schema theory this paper provides the application of Schema Theory to EST translation and the ways to activate the schema in EST translation process .

    通过以图示理论为指导的研究分析,本文最终提出了图示理论在科技英语 翻译中的作用及有效激活原有 图示的方法。

  • Then we take the query as an example to demonstrate that the characteristic semantics of OODB can be preserved in the translated relational schema and that the manipulation operation translation from OODB to RDB are also available based on the schema translation .

    以查询为例,说明了面向对象数据库中的特有语义仍能保留在转换后的关系模式中,而且从面向对象数据库到关系数据库的基于该 模式转换中操纵运算的 转换也是切实可行的。

  • Semantics-Preserving Translation from ER Schema to OWL DL Ontology

    从ER 模式到OWLDL本体的语义保持的 翻译

  • Translation in Culture and Culture in Translation ; Cultural Barriers in Interpreting-from the Perspective of Cultural Schema

    文化中的翻译与 翻译中的文化(英文)口译中的文化障碍&从文化 图式视角探析

  • Many scholars have already paid attention to tourism translation . They have studied it from perspectives of functionalist translation theory schema theory skopos theory and cross-cultural communication theory . However the study of tourism translation from the perspective of translation aesthetics is comparatively rare .

    不少学者已从功能目的论, 顺应论,跨文化理论等视角对旅游翻译进行了研究,但是较少从 翻译美学的角度去探讨。

  • A Study on the C-E Advertisement Translation from the Schema Theory Perspective

    图式理论视角下的汉语广告英 研究

  • When doing idiom translation we need realize the transmission of culture and meaning by schema corresponding schema shock and schema gap .

    在习语 翻译中,我们可以从 图式对应、图式冲突和图式缺省等角度实现文化和意义的传递。

  • A Translation Approach from Relational Schema to XML Schema

    一种从关系 模式到XML模式的 转换方法

  • This paper proposes a Normalized Translation Algorithm for translating XML to relational schema based on XML key which tackles the redundancy and un-standard expression in the translation .

    本文针对XML 模式向关系 模式转换过程中形成的冗余和不规范,提出一种基于XML键的XML 模式关系 模式的规范化 转换算法。

  • In translation teaching process it is important for the students to accumulate the cultural background knowledge and construct the cultural schema in order to improve the students ' translation capacity effectively .

    本文还探讨了文化 图式这一概念在 翻译教学过程中的应用,进而得出在 翻译教学中应注重学生文化背景知识的积累和文化 图式的建立,切实提高译者的翻译能力。

  • Loyalty and Innovation in Translation of Science and Technology From the Perspective of Cognitive Schema

    从认知 图式看科技 翻译的忠实与变通

  • By analyzing the psychological processes of translation three types of schemata are discussed i.e. : content schema formal schema and grammar schema .

    文化期待 图式有三种类型:内容 图式、形式图式和语法图式。

  • In order to enrich the application of Schema Theory to the EST translation field this paper applied the Schema Theory to EST translating process which aims to make EST translation more accurate complete and efficient .

    为了丰富图示理论在科技英语 翻译领域的应用,本文将 图示理论运用于科技英语翻译之中,使科技英语翻译能够更加准确、全面、有效。

  • With the development of cognitive science scholars are much interested in the role of translators ' cognitive psychology in the translation ; meanwhile schema theory as one of important and primary concepts in cognitive linguistics taken an important role in the translation process .

    随着认知科学的发展,译者的认知心理在 翻译 过程中的作用也越来越受到重视。而 图式理论作为认知语言学中一个重要的基本概念,对翻译过程的研究具有很大的阐释力。