transmission medium

[trænsˈmɪʃən ˈmidiəm][trænzˈmiʃən ˈmi:djəm]


  • As for the deconvolution method used in estimation of actul scattered signal of deep scatterer in inhomogeneous soft tissue the impulse response of transmission medium is a key .

    对于通过解卷恢复非均匀结构软组织深部散射源的散射信号,非均匀 介质冲激响应的估计就成为关键。

  • In general speech is often corrupted inevitably by surrounding environment or transmission medium .

    在现实生活中,语音的 传输不可避免地受到周围环境和 传输 媒介的影响。

  • Man-machine interface between the user and the system of information exchange and transmission medium .

    人机界面是用户与系统之间进行信息交流和 传递 媒介

  • To improve the consequent system performance degradation system transmission medium DSF can be used .

    为了改善由此造成的系统性能下降,系统 传输 媒质可以采用色散位移光纤。

  • The first characteristic is achieved when a signal is digitally encoded to overcome degradation due too the transmission medium .

    当对信号进行数字编码并克服了由于 传输 媒体引起的失真时,即可达到第一个特征。

  • Research of channel characteristics of MVB transmission medium .

    MVB 传输 介质信道特性的研究。

  • Anyone can broadcast electromagnetic waves and no one really owns the transmission medium .

    任何人都能广播电磁波,实际上没有人拥有这种 传播 介质

  • Based on the characteristics of power line communication streaming media and video compression the superiority of video monitoring server using streaming media technology and power line as transmission medium is demonstrated .

    接着介绍了视频压缩技术、流媒体技术和电力载波通信的特点,在此基础上论证了以电力载波为 传输 媒介和采用流媒体技术的视频监控服务器设计方案的优越性。

  • Low voltage power line communication has a bright future as it takes the power line as transmission medium .

    低压电力线载波通信以低压电力线为 传输 媒介的特点使其在信息 传输 有着广阔的应用前景。

  • One pump can be used many different viscosity transmission medium ;

    一泵多用可以 输送不同粘度的 介质

  • Paper and other solid particles in the medium transmission medium is usually not more than the temperature of80 ℃ .

    纸屑等固体颗粒的介质,通常被 输送 介质的温度不大于80℃。

  • Water as environmental protection transmission medium has been applied in many kinds of hydraulic system .

    介质作为一种环保型 传动 介质已在各种液压传动系统 获得了广泛的应用。

  • Digital or regenerative : a device inserted in a transmission medium to regenerate a digital signal sent over the medium .

    数字的或可再生的:插入在 传输 媒质 的一种设备,它把在媒质中传送的信号进行再生。

  • As the principal part and transmission medium of ads the main block of cultural-span transmission is the cultural differences of each country .

    作为广告的主体和 传播 介质,跨文化传播中的障碍主要体现在各国文化差异上。

  • So optical fiber instead of coaxial cable as the signal transmission medium of the impulse ground penetrating radar has important engineering significance .

    果彼,光纤取代同轴电缆做为冲打脉冲体解体例探地雷达的信号 传输 量具无从要的工程意义。

  • Lubrication pump all the parts are in pump work automatically using transmission medium to achieve .

    泵内全部零件的润滑均在泵工作时利用 输送 介质而自动达到。

  • This paper presented the problems about the signaling method and trunk link used by the programme controlled digital switches in different network environment and transmission medium .

    本文阐述了在不同的网路环境和 传输 媒介时,程控数字交换机所采用的信号方式与中继配合的有关问题。

  • Transmission where the transmission medium does not recognize control characters or initiate any control activity .

    传输 媒介不需要了解控制字符或启动任何控制动作的一种传输方法。

  • Specially the INTERNET net popularization it changed the tradition transmission medium transfer mode moreover is extremely inexpensive interactive international correspondence media .

    特别是INTERNET网的普及,它改变了传统 传输 媒体的传递方式,而且是一个非常廉价的交互式国际通信媒体。

  • The real-time property of serial communication under intense electromagnetism interference conditions was researched as a monitoring system of rapid-response servo system . In the presence of delay distortion of the transmission medium the performance of the parallel data transmission system is analyzed .

    对串行通讯在较强的电磁干扰条件下的传输实时性进行了研究。在 传输 媒质存在延时失真的情况下,详细分析了并行数据传输系统的性能。

  • A key characteristic of a bus is that it is a shared transmission medium .

    总线的关键特性是共享 传输 媒体

  • Speech signal is inevitably interfered by noise from the surrounding environment and transmission medium .

    语音在获取和传输过程 不可避免地受到来自周围环境和 传输 介质的噪声的干扰。

  • In the presence of delay distortion of the transmission medium the performance of the parallel data transmission system is analyzed .

    传输 媒质存在延时失真的情况下,详细分析了并行数据传输系统的性能。

  • Transmission medium of data business is electric cable in city .

    数据业务中,大部分的 传输 介质是市话电缆。

  • Literature is the cultural knowledge transmission medium communication makes the literature across the time and space to transfer .

    文献负载着文化的 汇通及知识的 传承。传播则使文献实现了跨时空的延传。

  • Transmission medium in the destruction of the strict requirements of occasions with distinctive features .

    在对 输送 介质的破坏有严格要求的场合下具有明显的特点。

  • By the way of calculation we select the lowest attenuation optical fiber as the transmission medium .

    通过计算,选择了衰减最低的 传输光纤。

  • The telephone line is the most useful transmission medium in the remote detecting and controlling system .

    在远程检测与控制系统中,电话线是最常用的一种 传输 介质

  • Fluctuation in the strength of radio signals because of variations in the transmission medium . travelling wave maser

    时强时弱由于 传播 中介的变化而引起的无线电波信号的强弱波动

  • A multiplexer that permits two or more data sources to share a common transmission medium .

    能够允许多个数据来源共用一个 传送 媒介的多路器。