


  • Acute effects of amiodarone on action potential of M cell and transmural dispersion of repolarization in canine left ventricule

    胺碘酮对犬左心室M细胞动作电位和 心室 复极离散度的影响

  • Transmural heterogeneity characterizes cholinergic nerve innervation in the left ventricular free wall without significant differences in M2 receptor density .

    左心室游离壁 3 之间胆碱能神经分布有 不均一性,而M2受体密度没有明显差异。

  • Recording of the transmural potential difference of intestine .

    肠的 电位差的记录。

  • The Effect of β - receptor Blocker on the Transmural Dispersion of Repolarization in Intact Canine

    β受体阻滞剂对在体犬 复极离散度影响的研究

  • There has been a previous extensive transmural myocardial infarction involving the free wall of the left ventricle .

    左心室 大片 陈旧 性梗死。

  • The Change of Transmural Heterogeneity of Ventricular Repolarization in Rabbit Dilated Cardiomyopathy Models

    扩张型心肌病家兔左室 复极异质性的改变及 意义

  • Conclusion : left ventriculography and SPECT may be used in monitoring the effect after transmural revascularization .

    结论:左室造影和SPECT可用于检测 心肌血管重建术后的效果;

  • AIM : To investigate the changes of transmural repolarization heterogeneity and ion currents in rabbits with left ventricular hypertrophy .

    目的探讨兔左心室肥厚 心肌 心外膜下、 中层 内膜3 心肌 细胞动作电位及膜离子流变化的不均一性。

  • Microscopically Crohn 's disease is characterized by transmural inflammation .

    显微镜下Crohn病的特点是 穿 性炎症。

  • ST depression in transmural ischaemia was generated with ST elevation and was an integral part of the current source .

    同时 发现 缺血时的ST段下降是缺血电流源的不可分割的一部分。

  • Relation between left ventricular geometry and transmural dispersion of repolarization

    左室几何形态与 复极离散度的关系

  • Conclusion There is transmural heterogeneity of Ito in the rabbit left ventricular free wall ;

    结论左心室 心肌 细胞的Ito存在 异质性;

  • Effect of autonomic nervous system on transmural dispersion of effective refractory period upon acute myocardial infarction in rabbits in vivo

    自主神经系统对在体兔急性心肌梗死 有效不应期离散度的影响

  • Heterogeneity and molecular biological basis of the ventricular transmural potassium channels

    心室 钾通道的不均一性及其分子生物学基础

  • P19 cell transplantation may be a novel approach to improve ventricular function in transmural infarct .

    结论P19细胞移植入 心肌梗死区后能够成活并向心肌分化,可明显改善 心肌梗死后大鼠的心功能;

  • Objective To investigate the transmural electrophysiological heterogeneity of transient outward potassium current ( I_ to ) in repolarization phase 1 of the human right ventricle .

    目的探讨人右心室 复极1相瞬间外向钾电流(Ito)的 电不均一性。

  • Objective : To investigate the changes of transmural repolarization heterogeneity in intact rabbits with left ventricular hypertrophy ( LVH ) and the effects of valsartan on it .

    目的:探讨兔在体左心室肥厚 心肌 复极不均一性的变化及缬沙坦的影响。

  • The effects of imidapril on transmural dispersion of repolarization and transient outward potassium current three months after myocardial infarction

    咪达普利对 陈旧 心肌梗死非梗死区 心肌 复极离散度及短暂外向钾电流的影响

  • The effects of dorsal median hypothalamus efferent impulses and median nervous afferent impulses on the left ventricular transmural blood flow

    下丘脑背内侧核传出冲动和正中神经传入冲动对左心室 血流的影响

  • Influence of pacing site on myocardial transmural dispersion of repolarization in intact normal and dilated cardiomyopathy dogs

    心室不同部位起搏对正常犬和扩张型心肌病心力衰竭犬模型在体心肌 复极离散的影响

  • Changes of transmural repolarization heterogeneity and ion currents in rabbits with left ventricular hypertrophy

    兔左室肥厚 心肌 复极不均一性及其膜离子流变化的实验研究

  • Effect of autonomic nervous system on the transmural dispersion of ventricular repolarization in intact canine

    自主神经系统对在体犬 室壁 复极不均一性影响的研究

  • The Research of The Variation in Transmural Dispersion of Repolarization and Its Effect on T-Wave in ECG in Vivo


  • Experimental study on transmural injury degree of stunned myocardium by ultrasonic integrated backscatter tissue characterization

    超声组织定征对顿抑心肌 损伤程度的实验研究

  • Transmural Heterogeneity in Integrated Backscatter of Recovery in Infarcted Myocardium after PTCA

    梗塞心肌PTCA术后 异质性的背向散射研究

  • Study of Left Ventricular Transmural Radial Displacement during Acute Myocardial Ischemia and Left Ventricular Pacing in Vivo : A Canine Model by Tissue Doppler Imaging

    犬左心室急性心肌缺血不同起搏 位点 径向位移的超声研究

  • AIM : To investigate the role of repolarization duration and transmural dispersion of repolarization ( TDR ) for the occurrence of torsade de pointes ( TdP ) .

    目的:探讨复极时程和 复极离散(TDR)在尖端扭转型室性心动过速(TdP)发生的作用。

  • Objective To investigate the effect of the autonomic nervous system on the transmural dispersion of ventricular repolarization ( TDR ) under acute myocardial ischemia in intact canine .

    目的探讨自主神经系统对犬急性缺血心肌跨室壁 复极离散度的影响。

  • The transmural dispersion of repolarization ( TDR ) and epicardial dispersion of repolarization both increased in the Brugada model suggesting that increased dispersion of repolarization might be the main stroma of ventricular arrhythmias .

    Brugada模型时,内外膜间 离散度和心外膜区域复极离散度均增加,提示复极弥散可能为其室性心律失常事件发生的主要基质。