


  • Only the additive genetic variance is transmissible by seed .

    仅仅加性遗传 方差是由种子遗传的。

  • Prions are the infectious agents responsible for transmissible spongiform encephalopathies ( TSEs ) which are a group of fatal neurodegenerative diseases .


  • Surprisingly according to the new research wires coated with uninfected brain homogenate could also initiate prion disease in cell culture which was transmissible to mice .

    令人惊讶的是,根据这项新的研究,用未感染过的脑组织均浆包被的金属丝也能够在细胞培养中引发感染性朊蛋白疾病,并 使小鼠感染。

  • Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus ( TGEV ) Cat anti .


  • Zoonoses are defined by the WHO as Any disease or infection which is naturally transmissible from vertebrate animals to man .

    世界卫生组织将人畜共患病定义为“任何自然地从脊椎动物 传播到人类的疾病或传染病”。

  • Swine influenza has not been shown to be transmissible to people through eating properly handled and prepared pork ( pig meat ) or other products derived from pigs .

    并未显示可通过食用经过适当处理和制备的猪肉或其它猪产品将猪流感 传播 人。

  • Our results indicate that the OH07 virus was pathogenic in pigs was transmissible among pigs and failed to cross-react with many swine H1 anti-sera .

    我们的结果指出 OH07病毒对猪是致病的,可以在猪群中 传播并且不能和许多猪H1抗血清起交叉反应。

  • Experts fear the virus could mutate into a form that is easily transmissible between humans and spark an influenza pandemic killing millions of people .

    医学专家们害怕禽流感病毒会发生变异,从而成为一种可以在人与人之间轻易 传播的疾病,并 进而引发一场全球性的流感大爆发,最终导致数百万人死亡。

  • Differentiation of Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus and Transmissible gastroenteritis virus by Double RT-PCR

    猪流行性腹泻病毒和 传染性胃肠炎病毒双重RT-PCR鉴别方法的建立

  • In principle vaccination of domestic chickens and other birds could limit the virus 's transmission and thereby its ability to evolve into a more transmissible form .

    原则上讲,家养鸡和其他的禽类接种疫苗能限制病毒的传播,并能阻止该病毒转变成一种更 容易 传播的形式。

  • Recombinant S protein of porcine transmissible gastroenteritis virus ( TGEV ) was efficiently expressed in E.

    本研究将重组猪 传染性胃肠炎病毒(TGEV)的S蛋白在E。

  • Influenza viruses are not known to be transmissible to people through eating processed pork or other food products derived from pigs .

    没有 证据 显示人们通过食用经加工的猪肉或其它猪源食品 感染了流感病毒。

  • Construction of DNA Vaccine Containing Antigenic Sites A and D of S Gene of Porcine Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus Using Lactobacillus as Carrier

    以乳酸杆菌为载体的猪 传染性胃肠炎病毒S基因A、D抗原位点DNA疫苗的构建

  • It 's not an issue of predators or hunters the devil can handle them but of a peculiar transmissible disease .

    这种危险不是来自“恶魔”都能应付自如的其它猛兽和捕猎者,而是来自一种特殊的 传染病。

  • The Study on Construction and Immunogenicity of Swine Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus DNA Vaccine


  • Mosquitoes multiplied wildly & and lived long enough for the virus that causes the fever to develop to the point where it is easily transmissible .

    蚊子疯狂地繁殖,而且对于导致这种热病的病毒生长到易于 传播的程度来讲,存活的足够长。

  • By 1965 they had shown that kuru was transmissible .

    到1965年,这些动物已显示出库鲁病具有 传染性

  • Eliminates the risk of contracting or spreading sexually-transmitted diseases such as brucellosis and Transmissible Venereal Tumor .

    消除患生殖系统传染病的机率,比如布鲁氏菌病, 传染性性病瘤。

  • The implications for vaccine safety of the emergence of certain transmissible spongiform encephalopathies ( TSEs ) have received the attention of the Committee for several years .

    某些 传染性海绵状脑病(TSEs)的出现对疫苗安全会造成什么样的影响?数年来GACVS一直关注着这一问题。

  • In addition we cannot predict what will happen between now and later in the year when the southern hemisphere enters its influenza season and the virus becomes more transmissible .

    此外,我们无法预料从现在到今年后一段时间将会发生什么,因为这段时间,南半球将进入流感季节。病毒的 传染性将更强。

  • It is not a prion disease . It is seldom fatal to animals and is rarely transmissible to humans .

    口蹄疫不是由朊病毒引起的病,很少对动物有致命性,也很少 传染 人。

  • But we do not understand what causes pathogens to cross into humans cause disease and become transmissible Dr Farrar added .

    但我们不知道是什么原因导致病原体跨越物种界限,进入人体,引发疾病并变得 具有 传染性,法勒医生补充说。

  • The new virus is severe in most humans leading to fears that if it becomes easily transmissible it could cause a deadly influenza pandemic .

    这种新病毒在大多数人身上是严重的,如果它变得太容易 传播就会导致恐惧,这可能引起致命流感的肆虐。

  • To Analyse the Detection Results of Blood Transmissible Disease Parameters of 2053 Patients before Blood Transfusion

    输血前检测血源性 传染病指标情况分析2053例

  • Karst collapse columns sandstone aquifers in coal measures and transmissible faults are usually hydrogeologic problems in North China type coal measures .

    陷落柱、煤系砂岩水和断层 是我国华北型含煤地层常见的水文地质问题。

  • Known as transmissible spongiform encephalopathies or TSEs they arise spontaneously in species as varied as sheep cattle mink deer and people .

    如我们所知的 传染性海绵状脑病( TSEs),在不同物种如羊、牛、水貂、鹿和人中同时存在。

  • Construction of detecting genechip for transmissible gastroenteritis virus


  • Built with worm gear and shaft design for transmissible system Energy-saving and durable .

    主要传动系统, 采用涡轮& 杆设计, 省力,耐用, 高效率

  • Although the H5N1 virus is highly infectious among poultry it is not easily transmissible to humans .

    虽然H5N1病毒在禽类中具有高度传染性,但却不容易 传播给人类。

  • But at a time when thousands of British cattle are being slaughtered because of the suspicion that they have a disease that may be transmissible to humans it seems a reckless gamble to take .

    但是在成千上万头英国牛因被怀疑带有会 传染给人类的疾病而被宰杀的时刻, 异种 移植似乎是一种不顾后果的冒险行动。