transmitting instrument


  • radar transmitting receiving and radio link equipment The TEM instrument system includes receiver and transmitter .

    雷达 收发及无线电联络仪器瞬变电磁法 仪器系统包括接收机与发射机。

  • Universal Serial Bud ( USB ) is often used to connection PC and peripheral equipment Because it has such advantages as plug and play automatic detector and the high speed on transmitting USB was used wider in communication interface of virtual instrument .

    通用串行总线(USB)主要用于外围设备和PC机之间的连接,由于它具有热拔插、自动探测、 传输率高等优点,现已逐渐应用于虚拟 仪器的通信接口。

  • The Network Virtual Instrument with new architecture avoid frequently transmitting mass of data has more flexible reduces the effect of network equipment performance on Network Virtual Instrument and lower the risk of copying Network Intelligent Control-oriented Virtual Instrument without authorization to some extent .

    这种新构架的网络化虚拟仪器避免了大规模数据的多次 传输,具有更大的灵活性,降低了网络设备性能对网络化虚拟 仪器的影响程度,同时在一定程度上降低了仪器非授权复制的风险。

  • According to the demand of high speed data transmitting and data network share in infrared calorie-image instrument and considering of the design of light interface the fiber channel technology is adopted .

    根据红外热像 对高速数据 传输以及数据网络共享的需要,基于光接口的设计,采用了光纤通道技术。

  • The digital transmitting circuit with high quality is the key Component to the electric power analytic instrument .

    高性能的数字 电路是新型电能质量分析 仪器的关键组成部分。

  • The input and the output of the traditional transmitting instrument are analog signal and the structure are simple the function is unitary which can only carry on the recuperation for the specific sensor signal .

    传统的 变送器 输入和输出都是模拟信号,结构简单,功能单一,只能为特定的传感器信号进行调理,当工业现场传感器繁多时,就需要多种调理器投入使用。

  • The Paper focuses on the design of data-collecting circuit of the well-logging instrument and has finished the overall control of data-collecting data transmitting of the instrument .

    文中重点介绍了该测井仪器的数据采集电路的设计,使用DSP芯片TMS320VC5402完成了该 仪器数据采集、数据 传输的整体控制,同时能够对数据进行较为初步的分析与计算,有利于进行远距离 传输

  • Chinese financial market and monetary policy transmitting instrument grow with the development of Chinese economy .

    中国的金融市场和货币政策 传导 工具是随着中国经济一起成长的。

  • In the theory guidance of key stratum of ground control and model of short block structure of voussoir beam and step voussoir beam sand dynamic load transmitting test model is constructed and intellectual dynamic data acquisition instrument is explored .

    并以岩层控制关键层理论和浅埋煤层短砌体梁、台阶岩梁结构模型为理论指导,构建了测试浅埋煤层砂土层动态载荷 传递模型;开发研制智能动态数据采集 系统

  • On the base of the devices currently used in the electric power transmitting network in the world a new autocontrol instrument of the Fault Isolation Controller is designed to satisfy the requirements of the Chinese power system .

    基于目前国内和国际上故障隔离控制 装置的技术现状,针对我国电网运行及装备的特点,本文提出了一种适用于 供电系统的新型故障隔离控制装置的设计方案。