


  • Results Seven cases were cured 5 cases of the corneal graft remained translucence the corneal neovascular were formed in 2 cases .

    结果7例 感染 控制,其中5例移植片保持 半透明,2例新生血管 入。

  • Using advanced software that would be more at home in a Hollywood studio its computer artists can reproduce nuances of every conceivable material from the fine bumps on brushed oak parquet to the subtle translucence of candle wax .

    他们的电脑设计师使用在好莱坞更为常见的高级软件,创造出所有想象得到材料的细微差别,包括橡木地板优美的 曲线及精细的 半透明蜡烛。

  • The colony was round orderliness velvet and translucence .

    菌落呈圆形、整齐光滑、 半透明

  • Discovery of JC translucence gene in silkworm and its linkage analysis

    家蚕 Jc 蚕基因的发现和连锁分析

  • Translucence gives the material the ability to transmit and diffuse light .


  • No matter how you choose to get a tattoo removed through laser treatment or dermabrasion you 'll never restore tattooed skin to its natural healthy translucence .

    无论你选择什么样的方法来消除纹身,用激光或是通过磨皮等治疗的方法,你的皮肤将永远不会恢复原来的自然 状态和健康的 透明度

  • Our factory 's new products are a series of good quality plastic household utensils with spotless translucence .

    洁白 透明,质量上乘的家用塑料系列是本厂的新产品。

  • Resembling glass as in translucence or transparency ; glassy . crystal sheet glass

    玻璃般的如玻璃 透明或 半透明的;玻璃似的

  • Produced in the Metric System and the American system its technology is original and is manufactured to a high standard . Our factory 's new products are a series of good quality plastic household utensils with spotless translucence .

    在公制、美制、英制 螺纹 固件的生产上,技术独到、质量上乘。 洁白 透明,质量上乘的家用塑料系列是本厂的新产品。

  • Results showed that BC membranes that fresh prepared was smooth colorless and jel alike and it showed translucence after pre-disposal treatment .

    结果表明:新鲜制备的细菌纤维素膜为无色透明胶冻状膜,表面光滑;经预处理后呈 白色 半透明胶冻状;

  • Experiments show that the combined accumulation and translucence model is robust and significant for improving the accuracy of the smoke detection .

    实验结果表明,累积和 半透明模型相结合提高了鲁棒性、增强了抗干扰性,明显地提高了探测的准确率。

  • In addition this kind of hot sealable bag is translucence so the good inside can be easily recognized outside .

    这种可热封袋是 半透明的,从外面就可清楚辨认内部物品。