translational motion


  • Therefore the task of the motion compensation is to remove out the translational motion before imaging .

    运动补偿就是在成像前消除掉 平动在这两方面的影响。

  • The movement of spider hands suction talon in cigarette making machine is analysed . The conclusion is drawn that the movement locus of suction talon is ellipse and movement style is translational motion .

    通过对卷烟机中蜘蛛手吸爪机构的运动分析,得出吸爪的运动轨迹为椭圆,运动方式为 平动

  • Employing Distortion Compensated Roentgen Analysis rotational and translational motion at adjacent levels was quantified prospectively .

    应用变形补偿X线分析,并对相邻节段旋转和 平移 活动进行预期的量化。

  • The influence of atomic internal state population on its translational motion in a quantized standing wave cavity field with spatial periodic structure is investigated .

    基于原子作双光子共振跃迁的原子场缀饰态,讨论了驻波腔场中两能级原子的量子化 平移 运动与原子内态布居间的相互影响。

  • This paper proposes an overlapped block affine motion compensation method to improve the translational motion model used in H.263 and it improved the quality of image with complicated motion .

    本文对H.263中基于 平移模型的重叠块运动估计补偿方法进行改进,提出了一种基于仿射模型的重叠块运动补偿方法,该方法对复杂运动图像质量有明显改善。

  • Imaging theory and motional types of swept-volume display systems of translational motion were studied .

    对其中的 平移体扫描显示系统的成像原理,运动方式进行了研究。

  • OK so now what I want to do is just have a simple mode for their translational motion .

    我现在要建立,一个他们 平动的模型。

  • Compare to the automatic reverse iterative algorithm experiments show that this algorithm has certain advantages on correction of translational motion artifact .

    通过与目前研究较为成熟的自动逆向迭代校正算法进行对比实验,可知,本文算法在 平移 运动伪影的处理上,具有一定的优势。

  • Meanwhile ground motion contains three translational motion components and three rotational components . The observations of strong earthquake mostly obtained translational motion components rotational components are mostly indirectly acquired by translational motion components .

    同时,地震动包含三个 平动分量和三个转动分量;强震观测大多获得平动分量,转动分量大多是通过平动分量间接获得。

  • A TLP in regular waves is then calculated . It can be seen that the platform mainly goes through translational motion in the horizontal plane and the heave and angular motion are relatively small . The surge-induced set-down of the TLP can also be observed .

    然后对一个规则波作用下的张力腿平台进行了计算,结果发现平台主要做水平面内的 平动,升沉和转动相对较小,同时还可以观察到张力腿平台水平 运动引起的Set-down。

  • Chapter 3 studies the translational motion compensation ( TMC ) and imaging methods of maneuvering target .

    第三章是研究机动目标的 平动补偿和成像方法。

  • In the applications of image target tracking algorithms based on translational motion model and correlation-type registration criterion account for a considerable proportion of traditional methods .

    在图像目标跟踪的应用中,传统方法多采用基于 平移 运动模型和相关(correlation)类型匹配准则的跟踪算法。

  • The motion of a moving target relative to the radar can be decomposed into two parts : the translational motion of a reference point in the target and the rotational motion of others about the reference point .

    目标和雷达的相对运动可以分解为目标上的参考点相对于雷达的 平动以及目标绕参考点的转动。

  • Translational Motion Artifact Correction of MR Images Using Differential Evolution Algorithm

    基于差分演化算法的MR图像 平移 运动伪影校正

  • The block matching techniques based on a translational motion model are widely employed in inter-frame prediction .

    现有的帧间预测一般采用基于 平移 运动模型的块匹配技术。

  • Cross-Lapping Machine in nonwoven process makes reciprocating movement which combines translational motion with rotary motion during lapping web .

    非织造布生产中使用的机械铺网机,在铺网过程中作往复运动,该 运动 平动与转动复合的运动。

  • The emphasis is translational motion . Due to system of control is time-variant system robust control theory ( H ) is used to translational control .

    研究重点是 平移 运动,由于系统是时变的,所以引入了鲁棒控制理论,利用H。

  • The computer simulation using the ISAR data of three target shows that the images quality improved by the translational motion compensation of this thesis 's method compared with those by the existing translational motion compensation method images can be easier distinguish .

    本文利用上述 平动补偿方法对ISAR雷达实测三类飞机回波数据进行计算机仿真成像实验,得到的ISAR图像要比经过已有平动补偿方法后所得图像有所改善,成像更易分辨。

  • This paper describes a visual tracking method which uses image moment as image feature for tracking a target that moves in 3D with translational motion .

    区别于图像的简单几何特征,本文利用图像的 全局特征描述子 -图像矩特征作为图像特征信息,实现了基于图像的运动目标3D 平动的视觉跟踪。

  • The translational motion of the system as a whole simply adds a constant to the total energy .

    体系作为一个整体的 移动 运动,只单纯地在总能量上加一常数值。

  • One-dimensional motion and two-dimensional translational motion experiments have been carried out here and a conclusion that the orientation error is below 5 % in both experiments has been made .

    分别进行了系统一维和二维 直线 运动的测试实验,得到了系统的定位误差小于5%的结论。

  • Use MATLAB software in frequency-domain method acquire torsional component of the seismic waves which wenchuan wolong station obtained in wenchuan earthquake and American EI waves through the fourier transform of corresponding translational motion components . 2 .

    利用频域法应用MATLAB软件对2008年汶川地震中汶川卧龙获得的地震波和美国EI地震波 平动分量进行傅里叶变换得到相应的扭转分量。

  • So I think last time you got introduced to basically a lattice model for translational motion .

    我想上一次已经基本,地介绍给你们关于 平移 运动的格点模型。

  • Image moments based visual tracking of 3D translational motion

    基于图像矩的 运动 目标3D 平动视觉跟踪

  • This paper presents a real-time collision detection methodology between a pair of convex polyhedral objects undergoing fast rotational and translational motion which models the collision detection problem as a dual model linear program based on convex triangle information .

    介绍了虚拟环境中一种基于凸多面体面信息对偶线性规划模型( dualmodel)的快速旋转和 移动物体之间干涉碰撞实时检测方法。

  • Influence of Atomic Internal State Population on Its Translational Motion

    Q 中原子内态布居对 原子 平移 运动的影响

  • In the last chapter rotation and translational motion is studied to formation reconfiguration .

    最后一章探讨了同时进行 平移 运动和旋转 运动的编队重构问题。

  • For purpose of designing the LHS86-45 granite gang saw with translational motion and steel shot This paper proposes a dynamic model which can be used for practical analysis and calculating method .

    本文对 LHS86-45平移式花岗石钢砂锯机的设计,提出了一个可供实用的动力学模型和较详细的 理论分析及计算方法。

  • Firstly this paper explains the advantages and disadvantages of translational motion of swept-volume technique and studies the development history of it .

    在文中,首先对 平移体扫描显示技术的优缺点及它的发展历程进行阐述。