transfusion hepatitis

[trænsˈfjuʒən ˌhɛpəˈtaɪtɪs][trænsˈfju:ʒən ˌhepəˈtaɪtɪs]

[医] 输血性肝炎,同种血清性黄疸

  • Conclusion Acute hepatitis E can be induced by plasma transfusion of HEV viremia which indicate the possibility of transfusion transmitted hepatitis E.

    结论HEV病毒血症献血员血浆输入可以引起灵长类动物的HEV感染以及急性 肝炎,提示HEV经 输血传播的可能性。

  • Blood transfusion transmitted virus in liver tissue of non-A to non-G hepatitis with immunohistochemistry method

    免疫组化法检测非甲-非庚型 肝炎 患者肝组织中 输血传播病毒

  • The Pathogenic Effects of Transfusion Transmitted Virus on Hepatitis

    输血传播病毒及其对 肝脏的致病作用

  • The study on post - transfusion hepatitis

    输血乙型 肝炎的研究

  • Comparison of Transfusion Transmitted Virus Infection between Normal Children and Hepatitis B Virus Carrying Children

    健康和 乙型 肝炎病毒携带儿童中 输血传播病毒的感染状况

  • During medical entanglements involving those who infected by a transfusion the claim for medical compensation is one of the familiar cases especially transfusion hepatitis C is the most common one .

    输血感染医疗损害赔偿是医疗纠纷中常见、多发案件,尤其是 输血 感染 丙肝的案件最为常见。

  • Comparisons between the effect of umbilical-cord blood transfusion and that of adult fresh blood transfusion on severe hepatitis

    脐血与成人 鲜血 治疗重型 肝炎的疗效比较

  • Hepatitis B and hepatitis C are major diseases in virus hepatitis . Both of them can be transmitted by transfusion wound and nearly touch . Hepatitis B and hepatitis C include acute and chronic hepatitis .

    在病毒性肝炎中,乙型病毒性 肝炎和丙型病毒性肝炎对人类健康危害最为严重,二者均可通过 输血、伤口、及密切接触传播,引起急性和慢性肝炎。

  • The first case report of acute transfusion transmitted hepatitis in Guizhou

    贵州省首例急性 输血传播 病毒 肝炎报告

  • Objective To investigate the HGV infection in Foshan and analyse partial nucleotide sequence of the putative nonstructural 3 ( NS3 ) region of HGV ( HGVC FS ) isolated form a patient with post transfusion non A E hepatitis in Foshan .

    目的了解佛山庚型 肝炎病毒(HGV)感染状况,分析 HGV非结构基因(NS)3区部分核苷酸序列。

  • In August 1983 the first case of hepatitis B & C infected by transfusion occurred in our country after that a series of case followed which claimed for the transfusion hepatitis civil compensation for the transfusion .

    自1983年8月全国第一起输血感染乙肝、丙肝混合型肝炎案件之后,许多省、市先后出现了一系列 输血 感染 丙肝的民事损害赔偿案件。

  • Prospective study on relationship between blood transfusion and hepatitis C

    输血 丙型 肝炎关系的前瞻性研究

  • The complications caused by xenogenous transfusion become more and more in recent years . Among these complications Hepatitis and AIDS derived from the infection of virus have become a serious social problem .

    近年来,异体 输血引起的相关并发症不断增多,其中病毒感染引发的 肝炎、爱滋病等已成为严重的社会问题。

  • The results suggest that transfusion of hepatitis B virus antigen specific T cells have effects in some extent for treating chronic hepatitis B.

    表明 特异性T细胞治疗慢性乙型 肝炎有一定疗效,远期疗效在观察中。

  • Study on the Relation of Blood Transfusion and Hepatitis B Virus Hepatitis C Virus

    输血 乙型 肝炎病毒、丙型 肝炎病毒感染相关性的调查研究

  • Clinical analysis of transfusion transmitted virus co-infection in hepatitis B virus infected patients

    新型病毒 TTV 乙型 肝炎病毒混合感染的初步探讨

  • Analysis of Hepatitis C in the Post - transfusion Hepatitis

    输血肝炎 病例中丙型 肝炎的分析

  • With the development of the autotransfusion and the acknowledgement of the inhere risks of blood transfusion which include the hepatitis and AIDS plasma substitutes are used widely .

    随着对 血源性传染病的了解及自身输血技术的发展,血浆代用品应用越来越广泛。

  • Hepatitis C virus ( HCV ) accounts for the majority of cases of transfusion acquired hepatitis and may cause chronic hepatitis cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma .

    丙型肝炎病毒是引起 输血 相关 肝炎及慢性肝炎、肝硬化、肝癌的主要病原,目前尚无有效的治疗与 预防手段。

  • Objective To study antigenicity of HCV NS5 protein and dynamic changes of anti NS5 in post transfusion hepatitis C ( PT HC ) .

    目的分析 丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)NS5蛋白的抗原性,研究抗 -NS5抗体的性质,动态变化规律及临床诊断意义。

  • Objective To examine acute transfusion transmitted hepatitis ( TTV ) from hepatitis and cirrhosis of this hospital .

    目的检测贵州省是否存在 输血传播 病毒(TTV)感染。

  • Objective : To observe the long term prognosis of the post transfusion hepatitis C virus ( HCV ) infectors and investigate the risk factors of the development of chronic hepatitis C after infection .

    目的:观察 输血丙型 肝炎病毒(HCV)感染者的远期预后,调查HCV感染后慢性形成的危险因素。

  • Objective : To demonstrate the existence of a novel virus ( transfusion transmitted virus TTV ) in patients with hepatitis and to analyse its infectional feature .

    目的:证实在不明原因的 肝炎患者 血清中一种新型病毒( TTV)的存在,分析其感染特征。

  • After transfusion hepatitis B developed in 2 recipients and SGPT became abnormal in 4 ( 11.1 % ) of the 36 recipients . The anti-HBs became positive in 83.3 % ( 10 / 12 ) .

    后2人(5.5%)发生 乙型 肝炎,4人(11.1%)出现单项SGPT异常,抗-HBs转阳率83.3%(10/12)。

  • It is suggested that HBV infection may exist in blood donors with HBsAg negative and anti-HBc positive especially in donors with IgM anti-HBc positive . The transfusion risk of hepatitis B virus infection could be reduced further if we screen for IgM anti-HBc for better in HBsAg-negative donor .

    HBsAg阴性/抗-HBc阳性献血员仍有传染性存在,尤以抗-HBcIgM阳性 最具 血源传播 HBV的危险 ,因此,建议对HBsAg阴性献血员再进一步筛检抗-HBcIgM。

  • A Prospective Study on Post transfusion Hepatitis G Virus Infection

    输血 传播 庚型 肝炎的前瞻性观察

  • Objective To study the incidence of post transfusion hepatitis G virus ( HGV ) infection in our country and the relationship between it and post transfusion hepatitis B ( HB ) and C ( HC ) .

    目的了解庚型肝炎(HG)在我国 输血肝炎中的发生率及其与输血后乙型肝炎(HB)、丙型肝炎(HC)的关系。

  • Infection Status of Transfusion Transmitted Virus ( TTV ) in Hepatitis Patients in Quanzhou Area

    泉州地区 肝炎患者 TTV感染状况调查