transistor dissipation

[trænˈzɪstɚ ˌdɪsəˈpeʃən][trænˈsistə ˌdisiˈpeiʃn]


  • Single-electron transistor has received extensive attention and intensive research in re-cent years by virtue of its advantages such as ultra-small geometry ultra-low power dissipation ultra-low operating voltage and ultra-high operating frequency based on the Coulomb bloc-kade and quantum size effect .

    基于库仑阻塞效应和量子尺寸效应工作的单电子 晶体管(SET)由于具有超小器件尺寸、超低 功耗、超低工作电流和超高工作频率等特点,受到人们的重视和深入研究。

  • It has two main source of power dissipation for CMOS integrated circuits : the dynamic power dissipation which is caused by the change of CMOS transistor working state and the static power dissipation which is caused by the leaking current .

    CMOS集成电路功耗的物理来源主要有两种:由于CMOS 工作状态变化而引起的动态功耗和由于漏电流而产生的静态 功耗

  • The field transistor is arranged with the heat dissipation block in parallel and is fixed on the heat dissipation block via a screw with simple installment .

    效应 散热块平行设置,用一压条将场 效应 管用螺钉固定压在散热块上,安装方便。

  • Calculation of transistor dissipation in switching power supplies and analysis of DC - DC Converters

    开关电源 计算及DC&DC电路分析