transient analyzer


  • Software Design of Transient Recording Analyzer Based on Ethernet

    基于以太网的嵌入式 瞬态记录 分析仪的软件设计

  • The instrument used for electric power transient signal analysis is essential . A set of electric power transient wavelet analyzer based on virtual instrument is designed .

    因此,电力系统迫切需要用于暂态信号分析的装置,基于虚拟仪器设计了一套电力 暂态小波 分析仪

  • Virtual Instrument technology is used in the design of the general wave recorder impact analyzer spectrum analyzer stable and transient signal analyzer and so on .

    系统软件使用虚拟仪器技术,设计了通用数据记录仪、浪涌分析仪、频谱分析仪、稳态和 瞬态信号 分析仪等多种虚拟仪器。

  • Meanwhile a multi-channel transient SI engine combustion analyzer was developed . Synchronized and asynchronous ignition timing are realized by ECU and engine operation control strategy .

    开发了发动机多通道 瞬态燃烧 分析系统用于LPG快速燃烧过程的研究,快速燃烧系统的同步、异步点火通过ECU及其控制策略的控制实现。

  • Multi-channel transient SI engine combustion analyzer has been developed .

    研制多通道电控汽油机 瞬态燃烧 分析系统。

  • Development of an Engine Transient Characteristics Analyzer

    发动机燃烧 过渡特性 分析仪的开发与 应用

  • The major research items are follows : ( 1 ) The parallel experiment for the performance of transient emission detecting of a five components exhaust analyzer is carried out . The correcting approach for the value error of that with the type of AVL DiGas 4000 Light is offered .

    本文所做的主要工作是:(1)进行五组份排放 分析仪瞬态检测性能对比实验,给出了AVLDiGas4000Light五组份排放 分析仪幅值误差修正步骤,形成了 瞬态排放间接检测手段。

  • The function of testing transient signal of RTSA can provide display performance insight and analysis capability that can 't be provided by other analyzer .

    RTSA的 瞬时信号测试功能可以提供其他 分析仪上无法提供的显示性能洞察力和分析能力。

  • Finally the effectiveness of numerical calculation method based on MATLAB model is successfully validated by transient network analyzer ( TNA ) . The approach is also verified by the transient network analyzer ( TNA ) test and the calculation of electro magnetic transient program ( EMTP ) .

    最后用模拟方法验证了基于Matlab仿真模型的数值计算方法的有效性。 暂态网络 分析仪(TNA)实验和利用电磁暂态程序EMTP进行的仿真计算证明了上述论点。

  • Using transient current and voltage waveforms collected by welding quality analyzer Hannover in gas metal arc welding ( GMAW ) process the power ratio indices was defined from date math statistical methods .

    利用焊接质量 分析仪采集气体保护焊焊接过程中 瞬时电流和电压波形特征,对测的数据进行数学统计,提出电源功率比率指数的概念。