transistor input

[trænˈzɪstɚ ˈɪnˌpʊt][trænˈsistə ˈinput]

[计] 晶体管输入

  • Power devices as a development of integrated circuits application of increasing scope VDMOS transistor as an important kind of power devices with high input impedance fast no secondary breakdown and so on .

    功率器件作为集成电路的一个发展方向,其应用的范围不断扩大,VDMOS 晶体管作为功率器件中重要的一种,具有高 输入阻抗、速度快、没有二次击穿等优点。

  • Due to the proper operating point of a mixer transistor namely the intermediat-frequency output selecting circuit may be seen as a short circuit over input carrier-frequency with its adjacents in this paper the influence of input noise source to the output are calculated and analyzed .

    根据混频 三极 特殊的工作状态,即输出中频选频网络对 输入载频及其附近的信号相当于短路,计算分析了输入回路的噪声源对输出的影响。

  • In this switching power supply the novel mode of serial two-transistor is adopted to solve the difficulty of choosing switch transistor under the condition of high-voltage input .

    该开关电源采用新颖的双管串联模式,解决了高电压 输入条件下开关 的选用难题。

  • To achieve the high impedance required specially designed electrometer vacuum tubes field effect transistor must be used in the input stage .

    为适应高阻抗需要,仪器 输入电路中须用特殊设计的静电计专用电子管、场效应 晶体管

  • Based on the bulk driven PMOS transistor a low voltage CMOS cascade current mirror ( BDCCM ) is presented then the input / output impedance and frequency characteristics are discussed .

    基于衬底驱动PMOS 晶体管设计了低压PMOS衬底驱动CMOS共源共栅电流镜电路(BDCCM),并讨论分析了其 输入阻抗、输出阻抗和频率特性。

  • The synchronous machine based on Field Programmable Gate Array ( FPGA ) is combined with the integrate circuit and transistor to realize multiplex pulse and step-signals synchronized with input signal .

    该同步机以FPGA为核心,与集成电路、 晶体管分立元件相结合,实现对 输入脉冲触发转换、脉冲成形以及驱动输出,最终产生多路同步触发信号。

  • The neuron MOS transistor was invented in 1991.It is a high functional floating gate MOS transistor with multiple input control gates .

    神经MOS晶体管是1991年发明出来的一种具有高功能度的多 输入栅控制的浮栅MOS 器件

  • The Effect of Static Operating Point For Basic Transistor Amplifier on Input Signals

    单管放大器静态工作点对 输入信号的影响

  • Lowest noise figure of a RF transistor is not normally where the input is perfectly matched .

    射频 晶体管的最低噪声系数通常不在 输入完全匹配的地方。

  • By experiments it shows that the rectifier can operate efficiently and its gate drive voltage of the switching transistor can be immune from the input and / or ouput voltage and current .

    实验证明该整流器具有效率高,且开关 的门极驱动电压不受 输入/输出电压和 输入/输出电流影响的优点。

  • Outer characteristics of transistor are the relationship between the input / output ports ' voltages and currents .

    晶体管外部特性是指 输入侧电压与电流间的关系和输出侧电压与电流间的关系。

  • Factors leading to hot-carrier effects in CMOS IC 's include transistor size switching frequency load capacitance input rate and the location of transistors in the IC .

    影响CMOS电路热载流子效应的因素有: 晶体管的几何尺寸、开关频率、负载电容、 输入速率以及晶体管在电路中的位置。

  • Based on the basic principles of three-point oscillator the complexity of RF oscillator was analyzed . Considering the distributed parameters of transistor the amplitude and phase relations between feedback and input signals in addition to the oscillation mechanism of circuit were discussed in detail .

    在振荡器部分,从三点式振荡器的基本原理出发,分析了射频振荡器的复杂性,基于 三极 的分布参数,详细讨论了反馈信号与 输入信号的幅值和相位关系以及电路的振荡机制。

  • The simulation results show that the technique could reduce the input-referred offset voltage of the amplifier by 40 % with a 20 % load transistor mismatch and a 10 % input differential transistor mismatch .

    仿真结果表明,在负载 晶体管的失配为20%, 输入放大管的失配为10%时,利用这种失调转移技术, 输入参考的失调可以减少40%。

  • With the utilization of the voltage controlled resistor characteristics of MOS transistor and the introduction of a feedback circuit controlled by input and output voltages a dynamic and optimal slope compensation circuit is realized .

    该设计引入了 输入、输出电压反馈控制电路,利用工作于线性区的MOS 压控电阻特性,实现了动态、优化的斜坡补偿。