transformational model

[计] 变换模型

  • The transformational model of design knowledge was created according to the characteristics and the informational requirement of product conceptual design .

    根据产品概念设计的特点和信息需求,建立了产品概念设计知识 转换 模型

  • However the agriculture of the province remains at the transformational phase from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture and mostly relies on the traditional model . The province faces increasing pressure on ecological environment and resource constraints .

    然而,该省农业仍处于由传统农业向现代农业的 过渡阶段,其增长大多是在传统的农业 模式下实现的,农业增长面临越来越大的生态环境和资源约束压力。

  • The Effects of Transformational Leadership and Team Climate on Organizational Citizenship Behavior : A Cross-Level Model

    变革型领导、团队创新气氛对组织公民行为的影响&跨层次研究 模型

  • Firstly this paper review the theory of the transformational leadership the promote regulatory focus and the employee creativity . Then on this basis we build the model .

    本文首先对学者在 变革型领导、促进型调节焦点和员工创造力等方面的研究成果进行了梳理,并在此基础上构建了本文的研究 模型

  • However since reform is a transformational process from the traditional planned economy to socialist market economy the shortcomings inherent in the traditional government economic administration model still exists .

    改革开放以来,政府不断推进经济管理模式改革,并取得 巨大 成绩,但由于改革是从传统的计划经济向社会主义市场经济 转变的过程,我国传统的政府经济管理 模式的部分弊端仍就存在。

  • And explains the factors of EI which influence the Transformational leadership on the basis of two EI theory model and the Transformational leadership theory .

    在简要分析情绪智力两种理论 模式的基础上,根据转变型领导理论界定影响 转变 领导的情绪智力因素。

  • The results clearly revealed the relationship between the employees ' perceptions of organizational politics organizational justice and transformational leadership / organizational trust / work attitude and preliminarily formed the Antecedents-Effects Functions model of employees ' organizational trust .

    研究结果清晰地揭示了企业员工组织政治知觉、组织公平和 变革型领导/组织信任/工作态度之间的相互关系,初步形成了企业员工组织信任的前因-效应-作用 模型

  • In order to solve the problem without control point in tilt track images the vanishing point and orientation elements are calculated by the parallel lines existed in track images during geometric correction . And then the track images may be corrected based on geometric transformational model .

    为解决倾斜轨道影像的无控制点问题,几何纠正中利用轨道图像中存在的平行线特点,计算灭点及方位元素,然后根据几何 变换 模型对轨道影像进行几何纠正。

  • That is an example of a transformational business model .

    这是一个 具有 变革 意义的商业 模式的例子。