


  • This element defines the part of the transformation that a rule will contribute to .

    该元素定义了规则将贡献的 转换的一部分。

  • Complete transformation of the nitro group to chloropicrin takes place in the reaction .

    硝基在反应中完全 转变成氯苦。

  • This setting is configured in the transformation .


  • This required an investment in an application framework and a model transformation engine in the Elaboration phase .

    这需要在细化阶段对应用程序框架和模型 转换引擎投资。

  • This new transformation is at least as consequential as that one was

    这一新的 转变至少和那次一样重要。

  • This article introduces the process reference models and methodologies for supporting supply chain transformation projects .

    本文介绍了支持供应链 改造项目的流程参考模型和方法。

  • Recursive system decomposition and transformation from the abstract to the concrete .

    递归的系统分解和从抽象到具体的 转换

  • Business Processes and SBS service mapping / transformation .

    业务流程和SBS服务映射/ 转换

  • In this article I describe how the transformation works and the current limitations .

    在这篇文章中,我描述了如何 转换工作以及当前的局限性。

  • A fourth design shows the current limitation of the transformation to accommodate incomplete assemblies .

    第四个设计展示了当前 转换的限制,提供了一个不完整的装配。

  • Thus every transformation configuration contains a transformation context and the transformation context contains all the property values .

    因此,每一个 转换配置都包含了一个转换环境,而每一个转换环境又包含了所有的属性值。

  • The enterprises are entitled to undertake certain projects for technological transformation .

    企业有权自行安排某些技术 改造项目。

  • During the transformation of kung fu it was greatly influenced by Taoism and Zen .

    功夫 发展过程中,受到了道教和禅宗的极大影响。

  • The basis for an effective solution of population problems is above all socioeconomic transformation .

    有效地解决人口问题的基础首先是社会经济状况的 改变

  • Bioenergetics is defined as the study of energy transformation in living organisms .

    生物能学的定义是研究活生物体间的能量 转化的科学。

  • I described the total transformation of the largest organization for girls and women in the world .

    我描述了一下这家世界上最大的女孩和妇女组织全面 转型 愿景

  • You created a basic JET transformation and you are ready to execute it now .

    您创建了一个基本的JET 转换,现在您就可以执行它了。

  • We observe that the first calls for radical transformation did not begin until the period of the industrial revolution

    我们认为直到工业革命时期才出现了要求彻底 变革的第一波呐喊。

  • The only parameters to this transformation are the Web project and the target model .


  • This extraordinary transformation of the region ?

    这个地区发生了惊人的 变化

  • The transformation of American sea power began in 1940 .

    美国海军力量的 彻底 转变始于1940年。

  • The output generated from the transformation demonstrates the recursion process in the algorithm .


  • In this case the transformation just adds a notification that a method is being called .

    在这个例子中, 转换只是增加了一个方法正在被调用的通知。

  • Once the relations have been defined you can execute the transformation on actual models .

    一旦关联定义完毕,你就可以在实际模型上执行 转换了。

  • Data transformation for Date and time is required .

    需要对日期和时间进行数据 转换

  • The entire transformation process is completed with the deployment of a modern software development environment .

    将现代软件开发环境部署后就完成了整个 转换过程。

  • Use the XSL transformation and business object map to transform a business object .

    使用XSL 转换和业务对象映射来转换业务对象。

  • This is an example of a mapping that includes transformation .

    这是一个包含 转换的映射的例子。

  • Now that you have created the input and output cards for the map you are ready for transformation .

    现在您已为映射创建了输入和输出卡,已经准备好进行 转换了。