transfer sequence

[trænsˈfɚ ˈsikwəns][trænsˈfə: ˈsi:kwəns]


  • With a dual-resistance transfer switch as example the transfer sequence and test process are introduced . Cautions during test are pointed out .

    以双电阻切换开关切换过程试验为例,介绍了切换开关的 切换 顺序及试验过程,指出了在试验过程中应注意的问题。

  • It is an important sequence segment for promoter to instruct the transfer of gene . Promoters can be on several locations in DNA sequence .

    启动子是指导基因 转录起始重要作用的序列段,在DNA 序列中可能处于多个位置。

  • Transfer the sequence number of hard disk that the local application program reads user 's host computer as user 's uniqueness basis through JNI interface then use RSA encrypt algorithms to realize the user information and encryption which register information are protected and proved .

    通过JNI接口 调用本地应用程序读取用户主机的硬盘 序列号作为用户唯一性依据,利用RSA加密算法实现用户信息和注册信息的加密保护和验证。

  • We propose lossless high capacity data hiding algorithm based on neighboring pixels . We transfer cover image into one dimension sequence according to three different scanning methods . We can get three difference sequences by calculate two adjacent pixels of the three sequences .

    提出了一种基于相邻像素的无损的大容量信息隐藏算法: 载体图像按照三种不同的扫描方式转换为一维 序列,并由一维序列计算得到前后两个元素相减的差值序列。

  • According to the circuit of charge and discharge and the time of electro-optic transfer the influence of delay on pulse sequence is analyzed and from this it is known that the delay time of the AOM of Nd : YAG pulse laser is about 150 μ s.

    并从充放电回路和电光 转换时间的角度,分析了延迟对脉冲 序列的影响,由此得到对一般Nd:YAG脉冲激光器进行声光外调制的延迟时间为150μs左右。

  • Using the transfer matrix scheme the effects of DBR 's growth sequence have been studied on the properties of semiconductor planar microcavity in particular on the spatial position of the amplifier maximum of electric field and the mode selection properties of the photon field .

    从光学 传输矩阵方法出发,研究了分布布拉格反射器(DBR)生长 顺序的不同对半导体平面微腔中电场振幅极大值位置及整个微腔选频特性的影响;

  • With the internal cooling of the trailing edge of high temperature turbine blade as the application background the flow and heat transfer process was experimented in the duct with sequence and staggered rectangular fins .

    以高温透平叶片冷却为应用背景,对带有 排、错排扰 流片的矩形通道进行了实验研究。

  • The sequence of adding raw materials during the production of sulfur transfer additives affected SO2 removal performance so proper sequence should be chosen .

    生产过程中原料的加入顺序会对硫 转移剂的脱硫效果产生影响,应根据工艺选择合适的加料 顺序

  • First a player plants their foot then they transfer energy through the body 's segments in sequence until the power reaches the opposite foot . This whips the kicking leg through unleashing a precise shot that 's wickedly fast .

    球员首先要一只脚站稳,随后把能量沿身体各部 传送,直到力量到达另一只脚,从而驱动那条腿,踢出速度奇高且准确的一球。

  • The transfer abilities of Cu Cd and Zn are in the following sequence : Cd > Zn > Cu .

    Cu,Zn,Cd在农田土壤系统下的 迁移能力如下: Cd>Zn>Cu

  • Cloning molecular & Transfer of a DNA sequence into a single cell of a microorganism followed by culture of the microorganism to produce large quantities of the DNA sample for analysis .

    将DNA 序列 转移到微生物单细胞中,然后培养微生物,以产生大量DNA样本用以分析。

  • Concrete from the following aspects : the standard one from the transfer main enter into the Wen Yuan Biography to see historians concept of literature . First the historian of literature view from the transfer sequence on the praise and recorded pass the main text .

    具体从以下几个方面进行研究:一是从 、论赞及所录传主之文看史家文学观。

  • In Ref. 1 w_3446 it is shown that in the hyperstable adaptive recursive filter ( HARF ) strictly positive realness ( SPR ) of a transfer function must be satisfied to guarantee convergence for all possible input sequence .

    文献1w_3483指出,为了保证超稳定自适应递归滤波器( HARF)的收敛性, 传输函数必须满足严格正实(SPR)条件。

  • In video communication to transfer a video sequence over limited channel bandwidth effective video compression is essential .

    在视频通信中,为了在有限的信道带宽上 传输 视频,需要首先对原始视频信号进行有效的压缩。

  • Off-line analysis software : This part analyzes the effect of all technical parameters on mold heat transfer and profile of heat flow from time sequence value average value fluctuation value .

    离线分析软件部分:该软件主要从数据的 时序值、波动值、平均值三个方面来分析各工艺参数对结晶器内 传热的影响及结晶器内的热流分布规律。

  • The transfer sequence of the transfer switch can be appraised by transfer test : if all performance indices meet the design requirements its transfer capability can thus be ensured which is proved by years'practices .

    多年的实践已经验证,通过切换试验鉴定切换开关的 切换 顺序,如果切换 顺序和各项性能指标符合设计要求就可以间接判断其切换能力,验证切换开关的质量,确保投入使用的开关质量符合要求。

  • Bone contusion of knee joint with magnetization transfer contrast gradient echo T_2WI sequence : comparison with conventional sequences

    磁化 传递对比梯度回波T2加权 序列和传统序列在膝关节损伤中的对比研究

  • Restricted to energy transfer efficiency production of doubly charged ion fragments and the sequence coverage is limited .

    受限制于能量 传递的效率,ETD对双电荷离子的碎裂效率和产生离子碎片的 序列覆盖度较为有限。

  • The results indicate that the load transfer law of squeezed branch pile is similar to that in the ordinary soil the velocity of load-settlement curve changes slowly and the pile has high load bearing capacity the principle of load transfer has apparently sequence .

    结果表明,支盘桩荷载-沉降曲线为缓变型,具有较好的承载性能,荷载传递规律与在非湿陷性黄土地基中具有相似的性质,桩身各段 承载力的发挥具有明显的 顺序性。

  • The Detection of Horizontal Gene Transfer Based on Statistical Feature of Genomic Sequence

    基于 序列统计特征的水平 转移基因搜索

  • Transforming sporo-pollen data from MZ borehole as an aid in setting up pollen-climate transfer functions The Quaternary sequence about mean annual temperature is reestablished by use of the factor analysis based on modern and fossil pollen data .

    借助于前人根据中国东部区域表土层孢粉数据,运用对应分析方法所建立的孢粉&气候 转换函数,对本文MZ钻孔孢粉数据进行转换,重建崇明岛地区第四纪以来年均温度 序列

  • Modification on the dist-heavy fuel transfer control sequence for 9E gas turbine

    9E燃气轮机轻重油燃料 切换控制 程序的修改

  • For an example of calculation of missile flight trajectory transfer this paper gives the general principle of construction of the Sequence Elimination Iteration Algorithms Practical algorithms and some computation result .

    本文针对导弹飞行轨道 转移的一个算例,叙述应用消元法思想构造数值求解非线性方程组的迭代算法的一般原理,具体算法 步骤和一些计算结果。

  • In the dynamic calculation of spatio-temporal transfer coefficient and spatio-temporal coupling distance a strong earthquake sequence is defined as the earthquakes with spatio-temporal distance that is equal to or less than the cut-off distance .

    在动态迭代计算时空 关联系数与时空耦合距离过程中,定义在时空耦合距离构架中,由小于或等于截止长度的地震构成该强震的地震 序列

  • Transfer sequence test of on - load voltage regulation switch

    有载调压开关 切换 顺序试验

  • By the analysis of state space nonlinear transfer function was employed to improve the performance of FH sequence .

    通过分析输出序列的状态空间,提出了一种改进的非线性 转移函数来改善跳频 序列的性能。

  • Application of polarization transfer technique inept dept and quaternary carbon pulse sequence in ~ ( 13 ) cnmr determination

    极化 转移INEPT与DEPT以及季碳脉冲 序列等方法在~(13)CNMR测定中的应用

  • First we simulate the transfer process of Gaussian pulse and pulse sequence in SOA and analysis BERT effect .

    首先模拟了高斯脉冲和脉冲 序列在SOA中的 传输,得出了码型效应。

  • The whole control system consists of two parts one to control transfer liquid and gas flow and the run or stop sequence control of pumps and valves ; the other to monitor and control the flow rate temperature and pressure .

    该控制系统完成如下两组任务:第一,完成各阶段液路、气路 切换,各种泵、阀的启停 时序控制;第二,完成各状态流量、温度、压力的监测和控制。