


  • The triadic structure in English is a special form of parallelism .

    英语 三联 是一种特殊的平行结构, 具有 平行结构的 所有 特征 作用 有其特殊性。

  • The problem concerning the relationship between the condominiums ownership and membership right of owners the theorists and practice also exist loudly disputes . There are three theories consisting of neutral monism the dualistic theory and triadic theory .

    关于建筑物区分所有权与业主成员权之间的关系,在理论界还存在较大的争议,主要包括:一元论说、二元论说和 论说

  • Since this triadic pattern of the personality development is quite parallel to Freud 's classification of human consciousness namely id ego and superego I will consciously draw references from psychoanalytic literature .

    这种人格发展 阶段的模式和 弗洛依德对人类意识中本我、自我和超我的划分具有一种平行的对应关系,因此我将有意识地征引心理分析的文献。

  • Yan Fu s triadic translation criteria especially the criterion of being elegant in language have triggered out different comments in the past century .

    严复”的翻译标准,尤其是有关“雅”的标准,一百年来 众说纷纭、褒贬不一。

  • By using such skills as triadic patterning partial concealment and delayed disclosure and confrontation scenes Golding successfully leaves deeper impression on the reader .

    通过使用 结构、部分隐藏及滞后揭示、遭遇场景等叙事手法,戈尔丁成功地给读者留下更为深刻的印象。

  • It is discovered that the dimension and measure of the intersection of triadic Cantor sets with their translates are related to the translate length .

    一个 康托集与它的平移集的交集的维数与测度均与平移的长度相关。

  • A new normal triadic subdivision scheme when the multiresolution analysis of a curve is normal is given .

    在曲线的多分辨率分析基础上,构造了一种新的 非线性 分辨率算法。

  • A Multi-diamensional Study of the Triadic Structure in English The construct of side-inserted stirrer

    英语 三联式透视侧插式搅拌器结构探讨

  • It is an interaction of personal behavioral and environmental triadic process .

    它是个人、环境和行为 相互 作用的过程。

  • It 's colors denotes the frequency spectra of the Triadic Polaric & Eckatic levels of the Energy Matrix and15 Dimensions of frequency .

    它的不同颜色代表着能量矩阵(EnergyMatrix)中 合一的极点 &Eckatic层级的频率光谱和频率的15个维度。

  • The principle of triadic hierarchical structure which takes focal level as a central or kernel level is necessary and sufficient for investigations into patterns and processes of natural and social systems in most cases .

    等级结构( hierarchical structure 理论 认为,以中心层或核心层(focallevel 为中心和基础的 等级结构原理及方法,对研究多数自然和社会系统的形态、过程通常是必需的和足够的。

  • Development of triadic roller leveller for cold rolled plate

    国产 辊式冷板矫平机的研制

  • These levels of dyadic relations in a triadic relationship is vital because the interaction between the two powers produces a favorable and unfavorable outcome for the third power wherein as a consequence alters the overall perceptions and patterns of interactive configuration of the whole triad .

    关系中的 双方关系层面至关重要,因为两个国家间的互动会对第三国产生一个有利的和不利的结果,这个结果会改变总体看法和整个三方的互动结构模式。

  • Secondly it also pointed out that the discourse system is a kind of triadic compound structure which includes micro structure intermediate structure and macro structure and the structural relation is usually manifested by the structure marker .

    其次,指出 汉语篇结构是由微观结构、中观结构及宏观结构 统一 形成的复合 结构,结构关系通常由结构标记来体现。

  • This paper gives the ( man-machine-universe ) triadic methodology which develop k.

    本文用(人机境) 法发展了K。

  • In this paper a design method of triadic bi - orthogonal symmetric wavelets is proposed .

    本文给出了一种 进制双正交对称小波的设计方法。

  • Synthesis and application of a novel starch-modified cationic triadic copolymer

    新型淀粉改性阳离子 多元共聚物的合成及应用