trial group

[ˈtraɪəl ɡrup][ˈtraiəl ɡru:p]


  • Methods 60 patients with malignant pleural effusion were randomly divided into trial group and control group and each group was 30 patients .

    方法将60例恶性胸腔积液患者随机分为 观察 和对照组(各30例)。

  • After 4 weeks the laying rates of the trial group and control group were 71.99 % and 69.96 % respectively ;

    结果表明:用药后4周, 试验 和对照组的产蛋率分别为71.99%和69.96%;

  • The enteric epithelial cell of the trial group was integrity and the villi of the intestines developed well .

    病理切片观察发现,免疫器官的发育总体上试验 好于 对照 试验 肠道上皮细胞完整,肠绒毛发育良好。

  • Group . CR in the trial group were superior to that in control .

    治疗结束时的CR率 试验 明显高于对照组。

  • Methods : 240 cases of inpatients of hypertension were randomly divided into a trial group and a control group establishing database and descriptive analysis t-test x ~ 2 test and rank test methods were adopted .

    方法:采用临床单纯随机分组方法,将240例住院高血压患者随机分为 试验 和对照组,建立数据库,运用描述性分析、l检验、X~2检验及秩和检验等方法。

  • The trial group were treated with asiaticoside injection every week for three months consecutively .

    设积雪甙注射剂组为 试验 ,应用积雪甙注射剂瘢痕内注射,每周一次,连续应用3月。

  • There were still undue diagnoses of different degrees among pathologists of the trial group .

    试验 医师仍存在不同程度的过度诊断。

  • Trial group ⅱ was improved ( 15.80 % ) on average daily gain 19.51 % on feed efficiency ;


  • The adverse reaction rates of trial group controlled group and open group were 8.47 % 8.93 % and 5.77 % respectively .

    随机 对照两组和开放组的不良反应率分别为8.47%、8.93%和5.77%。

  • 20 healthy adult female SD rats 300g-weight were randomly divided into trial group and control group .

    健康成年雌性SD大鼠20只,体重约300g,分成 实验 和对照组,每组10只。

  • Trial group wore dental stent during radiotherapy while control group did not .

    两组患者均采用CT模拟常规设野的放射治疗技术,在放疗过程中, 试验 患者佩戴口腔支架,对照组不佩戴。

  • RESULTS : Dosimetric analysis proved that the irradiation dose and volume of the tongue decreased obviously in trial group .

    结果:剂量学分析表明 患者佩戴口腔支架后舌的受照射剂量和体积均较 佩戴前明显下降。

  • Results 121 cases in trial group and 63 cases in control group bleeding time were less 14 days .

    阴道流血时间小于14天者实验 121例, 对照 63例。

  • In this test 20000-old-day new ROMAN layers were randomly divided into trial group and control on average .

    本试验选用0日龄新罗曼商品代蛋鸡2000只,随机分成两组,每组1000只,包括 试验 和对照组。

  • This trial group is composed of one judge four judge assistants and two clerks .

    这一 审判 组织由1名独任法官,4名法官助理和2名书记员组成。

  • The results showed that total amounts used the drug for everyone in Beth proups were not significantly different but the accident of the drug side-effects and the amounts taken gastroenteric drug in control group were more than that in trial group .

    结果显示:用迪化精锭1-2周后两组日平均用药总量无显著差异,但对照组胃肠道副作用发生率、并用胃肠药物的量均显著高于 试验

  • In trial group 34 ( 81.0 % ) patients could tolerate noninvasive ventilation well .

    试验 有34例(81.0%)患者对无创通气有较好的依从性。

  • The traditional method for continuing education was given in the control group while eligibility-based training model was taken in the trial group .

    对照组采用传统的社区卫生服务机构医生继续教育培训方法, 试验 采用以胜任为基础的培训模式进行培训。

  • Trial group was more effective with obvious lower death rate .

    治疗 优于 对照 ,病死率亦明显低于 对照

  • Results It was more prominent of decrease icterus index increase seralbumin the activity of prothrombin and the effective rate in the trial group than in the control group .

    结果 治疗组在降酶、退黄,提高血清白蛋白、升高凝血酶原活动度,以及治疗有效率等方面均优于 对照 ,差异具有显著性。

  • Methods 72 patients with severe hepatitis were randomly divided into the trial group and the control group .

    方法将72例重型肝炎患者随机分为 治疗 和对照组,比较两组的临床疗效。

  • Trial group respiration support time is shorter than that of control group ( P < 0.05 ) .

    试验 的术后呼吸支持时间明显少于对照组(P<0.05);

  • Compared with the control group the mark in the trial group was obviously improved ( P0.01 ) .

    实验生理学考核成绩均明显高于 对照 (P〈0.01)。

  • Results Morphological observations revealed that the proliferation of fibroblasts in trial group was enhanced and the phenotype modulated by bile .

    结果形态学观察显示 胆汁促进成纤维细胞增殖和表型转化。

  • The development potential of control group is prior to that of the either trial group .

    对照组的发展潜能要显著优于 试验

  • Regular nursing process was conducted both in trial group and control group while in the trial group simultaneously achieved health education .

    患者同时接受常规护理, 试验 在此基础上接受健康教育。

  • Results The overall patients 90 cases trial group 58 cases controls 32 cases .

    结果共治疗病人90例,其中 试验 58例,对照组32例。

  • Two Groups after the intervention of Syndrome is Integral Statistically Significant Low Trial Group .

    两组干预后的证候积分比较,有统计学差异, 试验 偏低。

  • Experimental procedure of control group was the same of trial group except being shot .

    对照组动物除不枪击外,实验步骤同 实验