trial free

[ˈtraɪəl fri][ˈtraiəl fri:]

[经] 无偿试用

  • Chapter two discusses mainly on the contents of the opening trial to the parties including the preparation stage before trial of public information the trial of burden of proof publicity of judges ' free evaluation the judgment of the few judges ' opinion .

    第二章主要论述审判对当事人公开的内容,包括审前准备阶段的信息公开, 庭审过程中的举证、质证、法官心证 公开庭审案卷公开,判决书中的少数法官意见公开等。

  • After a free 30-day trial it costs $ 60 a year or $ 100 for two years although there is a free basic version in which only 10 files can be transferred a day .

    免费 试用30天之后,该软件的 使用费为每年60美元,两年为100美元。不过,该软件还有一个 免费的基础版本,但每天只能传送10个文件。

  • A Trial Discussion on Feasibility of Free Trade Area between China and India

    浅谈中印 自由贸易区的可行性

  • Pilot trial on free alkali recovery from sodium tungstate solution by electrolysis with ion-exchange membrane

    膜电解法回收钨酸钠溶液中 游离碱工业 试验 研究

  • Our company will supply trial products for free for the researchers of high technology .

    我公司将为高科技领域科研人员 免费提供 用品。

  • The former President was demanding that he should be either put on trial or set free

    前总统要求要么对他进行 审判,要么将他 释放

  • No trial no inquiry authority had decreed it and I had no say in the matter whether I was to be free or in chains .

    没有 审判,没有调查讯问,当权者说了算,在这件事情里,不管是 获释还是镣铐加身,我始终没有一点发言权。

  • The work is a new trial to measure free surface wave in fluid-shell coupled system and the experimental results are of significant references for further theoretical study .

    这是对壳液耦合系统中 自由表面波进行实验测试的新 尝试,为今后的理论研究提供了可靠的实验数据。

  • A trial version of Microsoft 's free anti-virus software has been launched in the US China Brazil and Israel .

    微软在美国、中国、巴西和以色列推出了 测试病毒软件。

  • Using the double power series as a trial function numerical calculations are performed for the plates with four hinged edges and for those with two hinged edges and two free edges .

    对于四边简支板和两对边 支,两对边 自由板给出了数值计算结果。

  • Such scathing comments are particularly striking given that the three testers not only received free handsets as part of the trial which China Mobile is using to get feedback from users but also RMB 800 a month in free calling credit .

    鉴于他们在 试验中不仅各自得到一部 免费手机中国移动以此收集用户的反馈意见还得到每月800元的话费补贴,这些苛刻的评论尤其让人吃惊。

  • If you are not sure which utility to use most programs offer a30-day limited trial period where you can download and try the utility for free .

    大多数程序都提供30天的有限 试用期,如果您不能确定使用哪种实用工具,可以 免费下载并试用。

  • Now researchers have presented the first randomized trial of what they hail as a side - effect - free prescription-free and simply free appetite control agent .

    最近,研究人员推出第一批随机 试验品,他们称这为 副作用,非处方,仅仅影响食欲的控制剂。

  • The randomized open clinical trial on a novel free radical scavenger edaravone in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

    新型 自由基清除剂依达拉奉治疗肌萎缩侧索硬化的随机开放临床 试验

  • Transfer administrative cases over which they themselves have jurisdiction as courts of first instance to people 's courts at lower levels for trial . This Act gave 160 acres free to each settler family .

    把自己管辖的第一审行政案件移交下级人民法院 审判这一法案规定为每一移民定居户 无偿提供一百六十英亩土地。

  • Barley mature embryo was good trial material for biotechnology study and fit for innovating barley variety resource due to free of time and quantity restrictions .

    大麦成熟胚由于取材 时间限制,数量也可保证,是进行生物技术研究和创新大麦品种资源的一个良好 试验系统。

  • In this trial the overall median progression free survival ( PFS ) was9.2 months with pazopanib and4.2 months with placebo .

    在这个 试验中,整体 进展生存期(PFS)为9.2和4.2个月,帕唑帕尼与安慰剂个月。

  • The Ministry of Education the Ministry of Finance the Ministry of Personnel and the Central Editing Office jointly promulgate The Trial Guideline for Conducting Free Education in Normal Universities within jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education on May 9 which indicated the commencement .

    5月9日,教育部、财政部、人事部、中央编办等四部委发布《教育部直属师范大学 免费教育实施办法( 试行)》,标志该政策进入了实施阶段。

  • Its field trial showed that the free grain loss is reduced and specially invented windrowing device closely behind the stripping rotor located justified itself by the clear cutting with shorter stubble and being center delivered windrow of the straw .

    田间 试验表明 粒损失减少,作者发明的设置于摘脱流通筒后面的切割搂集装置工作性能良好:割茬低条铺放在两履带之间。

  • When the case went to trial dozens of his spouses testified they were married of their own free will .

    到了 审判时,他的妻子们表示她们都是 自愿 Maasaba结婚的。

  • The author has more comprehensively analyzed and summarized the two more stable thermal fields for trial and manufacture of free dislocation FZ monocrystalline silicon ( Φ 76 2mm ) by home made equipment .

    对国产设备 试制及生产Φ>76.2mm 位错FZ硅单晶的两种最为稳定的工艺热场作了较全面的分析总结。