trial bar


  • In one trial 22 % of1 medications did not have readable bar codes and24 % of hospitals reported a bar code that is not readable by the scanner .

    在一项 试验中,22%的1605药物没有可读的 条形码,并有24%的医院报道不扫描器读取一个条码。

  • Working out and carrying out of hot load trial scheme of bar rolling

    棒材热负荷 调试方案的制定与实施

  • The research on the process of control rolling and control cooling was carried out to produce the KL400 ⅲ screw bars by low carbon steel on high speed wire mill . By trial rolling the KL400 ⅲ screw bar of 8mm in diameter was produced .

    通过采用控轧控冷工艺,对在高线轧机上用普碳钢生产KL400Ⅲ级螺纹钢筋进行探讨,经 轧,生产出Φ8mm的KL400Ⅲ级螺纹 钢筋

  • BP added that the ruling was not supported by the evidence at trial and that the law is clear that proving gross negligence is a very high bar that was not met in this case .

    BP说, 审判中的证据不支持该裁决,并表示法律上很清楚,要达到非常高的 标准才能证明存在重大过失,本案并未达到那个 标准

  • Production Trial on Hot Rolled Ribbed Reinforced Bar and Microalloyed Vanadium-Titanium

    热轧带肋 钢筋钒钛微合金化生产 试验

  • Trial use of a new lubricant for mandrel bar

    新型 芯棒润滑剂的使用 试验

  • She was unjustly imprisoned without trial . Prisoner at the bar do you plead guilty or not guilty ?

    她未经 审讯而入狱是不公正的. 接受 审讯的刑事被告,你认罪不 认罪