transverse field

[trænsˈvə:s fild][trænsˈvɜ:s fi:ld]


  • In such complex waveguide the transverse field components can also be expressed in terms of their longitudinal electric and magnetic fields and a set of coupled mode equations is derived .

    给出了这类复杂波导中 横向 分量的纵向场表示式以及纵向场分量满足的一组耦合模方程;

  • The transverse field can also decrease the critical temperature .


  • Measured variations of transverse field components along the wall of the waveguide are shown .

    本文后部分给出了沿皱纹脊波导壁 横向 分布的测试图。

  • This article mainly discusses the phase transition properties of random transverse field mixed spin ferromagnetic system with crystal field .

    混合 自旋系统的相变特性是本文的主要讨论内容。

  • The Yang-Lee theory of equilibrium phase transitions is generalized to study the non-equilibrium phase transitions of an urn model for the separation of sand and the quantum phase transitions of one-dimensional anisotropic XY quantum spin chain in a transverse field .

    本文将李&杨平衡相变理论推广于研究沙粒分离的urn模型非平衡相变和一维 各向异性XY模型量子相变。

  • When transverse field is introduced we adopt bond-diluted the MCM + TIM with random crystal field .


  • Formulation of this problem is greatly facilitated by using matrix analysis for the transverse field vectors in the Fourier transform spectral domain .

    利用傅立叶变换谱域中的 横向 矢量的矩阵分析,该问题得到了较为方筻的解决。

  • The exact expressions of transverse field are found by solving the electromagnetic equations of strongly anisotropic A - axis SCF .

    精确求解了各向异性A轴向生长的单晶光纤的电磁场方程,得到了 横向 分量的精确解。

  • Influence of transverse field component in a LIA on emittance growth of the electron beam

    LIA加速间隙内 横向 分析及对发射度的影响

  • With improved Monte Carlo technique the influence of a transverse field on the electron transport parameters in the cathode region of a DC glow discharge is studied .

    本文运用改进的蒙特卡罗技术,研究了 横向 磁场对氦气直流辉光放电阴极区电子输运过程的影响。

  • We observe that the reentrant transition may occur in the present system if single-ion anisotropy parameter is not large and if transverse field is small .

    如果负单离子各向异性场参数不大且 值较小,我们观察到在目前的系统中重入相变可能发生。

  • Study of the Thermodynamic Properties of Random Transverse Field Mixed Ising Spin System with Crystal Field

    随机 与晶场作用的混合自旋系统热力学性质的研究

  • Finally we study the thermal entanglement and the evolution of the entanglement for the two-spin anisotropic XY model in a transverse field .

    最后,我们研究了在 中的各向异性两自旋XY模型的热纠缠以及纠缠的演化行为。

  • First a pair of two identical conducting spheres with arbitrary separation immersed in a longitudinal or transverse field is considered and the image dipoles and image charges and their distribution induced in each sphere are determined .

    首先,分别考虑了置于纵向和 横向 电场中的任意间距的等径导体球对,确定了各球上的像偶极子和像电荷及其分布。

  • An explanation of this delay induced effect is also discussed . Finally we study the quantum phase transitions in the quasiperiodic transverse field Ising chain .

    对于这种由非线性作用的延时所造成的动力学行为转变的原因我们也做了必要的讨论。最后,我们讨论了一维准周期量子伊辛链在 中的相变行为。

  • By comparison with the results obtained for high initial permeability state the annealing in a transverse field leading to low B r state substantially reduces the excess loss thus resulting in the obvious decrease in the total loss .

    与对高起始磁导率态所得的结果比较表明,导致低Br态的 横向 退火使过剩损耗明显降低,从而明显地降低了总损耗。

  • The mean-field interaction the coupling and the asymmetry or the detuning correspond to the anisotropy the transverse field and the longitudinal field respectively .

    发现凝聚体系的平均场作用、组份之间的耦合与非对称性(或耦合激光的失谐)分别对应着体系的各向异性、 横向 磁场与轴向磁场。

  • The existence of a lager transverse field can also assist the occurrence of reentrant phenomena .

    而较大的 也有助于重入现象的出现。

  • Finally we apply the theory to study the quantum phase transitions of one-dimensional anisotropic XY quantum spin chain in a transverse field at zero temperature .

    最后我们采用李&杨零点方法对一维 各向异性XY模型在零温下的量子相变作了较为系统的研究。

  • A transverse field gas ionization chamber for particle identification at the Radioactive Ion Beam Line in Lanzhou ( RIBLL ) is described .

    描述了一种将用于兰州放射性束流线较重离子鉴别的多阳极 横向 电离室。

  • Enhancement of Langmuir and ion-acoustic wave and acceleration of the electron in a collisionless plasma in the presence of an external transverse field were investigated .

    在不 考虑碰撞机制的情况下,研究了外加高频 电磁场泵波)下等离子体中Langmuir波和离子声波的增强以及带电粒子流的加速。

  • Robertson 's theory is applied to derive the master equations of a spin under the action of a static longitudinal field and a rotating transverse field .

    用Robertson理论推导一个在纵磁场和 周期 作用下的自旋的运动方程。

  • According to the boundary conditions the expressions of the transverse field components and the dispersion equations were obtained . The dispersion relations and mode characteristics of the fiber were analyzed numerically .

    利用光纤的边界条件,得到 横向 电场分量的表达式和色散方程,数值模拟和分析了晶纤的色散关系和传输模式的结构特征。

  • In the honeycomb lattice with random transverse field a smaller crystal field cannot change the percolation threshold of critical transverse field .

    随机 作用下的蜂窝格子中,较小晶场的存在并不能改变临界横场阈值;

  • Starting from the universal current perturbing equation the influences of space harmonic components and transverse field components by large perturbing object method measuring the interaction impedance of slow wave structures are analysed .

    本文从普遍的电流微扰方程出发,分析了大扰动体法测量慢波系统耦合阻抗时空间谐波分量及 横向 分量的影响。

  • It has deduced the relations between the long axis the short axis the rate of eccentric of the ellipse polarized light and the phase difference of the two vertical parts of the transverse field respectively .

    并分别给出了椭圆偏振光的长轴短轴和偏心率与两 横向 的位相差之间的关系。

  • By using the concept of negativity we investigate entanglement of ( 1 / 2 ) mixed-spin anisotropic XY model and obtain the numerical results of entanglement of two spins in a transverse field at finite temperature .

    通过引入negativity的概念,研究了( 1/2)混合自旋各向异性XY模型的量子纠缠,得到了两个自旋在 外场中的有限温度时的量子纠缠的数值结果。