trial case

[ˈtraɪəl kes][ˈtraiəl keis]


  • I was supposed to stand trial in a fraud case .

    我不过是为欺诈 受审

  • The international covenants claim to ensure the judgment should be fairly in the trial of capital case . Moreover the covenants also formulate some special requirements which are superior to ordinary criminal case such as compulsory appeal proof standard and defense security .

    国际公约要求保证死刑 案件的公正 审判,并规定了强制上诉、证明标准、辩护保障等高于一般刑事案件的特殊要求。

  • The judge 's discretion right exists the entity trial of the case .

    法官自由裁量权存在于对 案件的实体 审判中,法官应当独立地、公正地、不 监督地通过对 案件的实体 审判表达社会正义。

  • The first part of the Yung-Wei Hsu v. Hua Tuo solar technology company in patent infringement cases under review . Through case presentation and final outcome of the trial in this case leads to the focus .

    第一部分徐永伟诉华拓太阳能科技公司专利侵权案件回顾。通过案情介绍和 审判结果最后引出本 焦点。

  • Second the administrative trial case overall quality is not high .

    行政 审判 案件质量整体不高。

  • Therefore to create a good environment broaden the trial supervision case trial supervision mode pay more attention to the livelihood of the policy requirements it is criminal appeal cases handled should pay close attention to the new direction .

    因此,营造良好的 审判监督 办案环境、拓宽审判监督方式、更注重适应民生的政策要求,这都是刑事申诉案件办理中要关注的新的方向。

  • In the field trial no case occurred in the doxycycline group while 5 cases were identified in the placebo group . There was a significant difference between these two groups with only one case in the doxycycline group having alimentary irritation .

    现场 人群服用强力霉素组无 病例发生,服用安慰剂组出现5例患者,两组间差异有统计学意义,服用强力霉素组仅1例出现轻微胃肠道刺激症状。

  • Should the third party after being lawfully summoned refuse to appear in court without due causes or retreat during court session without permission the trial of the case shall not be affected therefor .

    第三人经合法传唤无正当理由拒不到庭,或者未经法庭许可中途退庭的,不影响 案件 审理

  • This is the well-known Salem witch trial in the case .

    这就是著名的塞勒姆女巫 审案

  • The article emphatically elaborated the trial case commented looks up the system right foundation lay in enormously improves the trial case quality and the efficiency advanced the judge level and the judge occupation construction step .

    文章着重阐述了 审判 案件评查制度正当性基础,在于极大地提高审判案件质量与效率,推进了法官水平和法官职业化建设步伐。

  • In the law should be strictly defined the standards of ordinary procedure abolished the new trial system in supervision procedure demarcated the number of the new trial in same case and cleared the relationship between new trial and proof deadline .

    在法律规定中应当严格界定普通程序中发回重审的标准,取消审判监督程序中的发回重审,限定同一 案件发回 重审的次数,明确发回重审与举证期限的关系。

  • Although the case has passed many years when we look through the case it had more influence . After the trial of the case judgment came into effect .

    (刘平案)发生在1999年,虽然案件已经过去了很多年了,但是从当时的 审理过程来看,案件在当时还是有比较大的影响。

  • Understanding through the analysis of the cases there are still considerable deficiencies in the trial of the case of light pollution legislation .

    通过对案件的分析了解了在光污染 案件 审理中立法上还是有相当的不足。

  • For the present there are no special and systematical opinions on the system about trial time of civil case .

    目前,我国的民事 诉讼法学缺乏对 民事 审限制度专门性和系统性的 研究

  • A trial of a case with a reference to the Confucian code is a demonstration of the great impact of the Confucianism on the ancient judicial activities and the Courtesy Rule became a supreme principle of the Chinese traditional judicature .

    经义 断狱,充分体现了儒家之礼对中国古代司法活动的影响,礼治主义成为中国传统司法的最高原则;

  • In addition the Japanese various theories not as formal law do have considerable influence on the trial of the case .

    另外,日本的各种学说和理论虽不作为正式的法律,但是对于 案件 审判也具有相当的影响力,文中也对日本关于复合污染的多数说和少数说作了介绍。

  • Finally the Dalisi 's trial of case is influenced by the character likes and dislikes of the emperor powerful ministers and judges .

    最后大理寺对 案件 审理在很大程度上受到人为因素的影响,会受到皇帝、权臣以及法官本人的品性、好恶的影响。

  • Trial of the case authorities use the method of literal interpretation to consider the personality confusion as one occassion of disregard of corporate personality so that the case can be resolved smoothly .


  • Judicial jurisdiction system is designed to determine which court has right to trial the case .

    司法管辖的制度设计是为了确定 案件的管辖法院。

  • Sociological knowledge penetrates each phrase of lawyers ' practicing activity from acceptance to trial of a case and it influences lawyers ' practicing activity greatly .

    社会学知识渗透于律师执业活动的每一个阶段,从 案件的受理到 案件的准备再到 案件 审理,对律师执业活动有着重大影响。

  • The phenomenon of witness ' no appearing in court still exists in English-speaking countries but it does not affect the fair trial of a case .

    证人出庭难是世界性的难题,在英美国家也有证人不出庭现象,但它不 至于影响 案件的公正 审判

  • Court management system is one very important constituent of the comprehensive court management system and it is also a comprehensive management system itself which encompasses a series of procedures of case acceptance case filing case trial and case closure .

    法院管理系统,是法院综合管理信息系统的一个重要组成部分,是实现案件受理、立案、案件 审理结案等流程为一体的综合管理系统。

  • The first trial of the case of intellectual property institutions the number of cases and case acceptance range are described and thus presents analysis of the current characteristics of intellectual property cases .

    首先对知识产权 案件 审理机构、案件数量和案件受理范围进行了阐述,并进而分析了当前知识产权案件呈现的特点。

  • All levels of government officials departments place on trial in the case process also cooperate and division of labour with individual responsibility sign in the joint archives and undertake the association legal liability .

    各级法司官吏 审判 案件过程中,分工负责,连署文案,并承担连带法律责任。

  • Talks on Crime Formation and Legal Types of the Bigamy & A Trial on A Case of Bigamy Crime

    通过对一件重婚 案件 审理谈重婚罪的犯罪构成和法律类型

  • This paper taking into ac - count the actual situation in China touches upon the use of case discussion court hearing observation case debate mimic trial to explore case methodology .

    必须根据中国的国情,以案例讨论、庭审观摩、案例辩论,模拟 审判等多种形式对 案例教学法进行全方位的探索。