transfer of debt

[trænsˈfɚ ʌv dɛt][trænsˈfə: ɔv det]

[法] 移转债务

  • Buyer in ordinary course of business does not include a person that acquires goods in a transfer in bulk or as security for or in total or partial satisfaction of a money debt .

    “正常业务过程中的买方”不包括通过大宗 转让、或者为金钱 债务提供担保或者为全部或部分清偿金钱 债务而取得货物的人。

  • The onset of the economic crisis soon made things worse sinking several savings banks that had to be rescued and ultimately leading to the transfer of billions of euros of debt from the private sector to the public .

    经济危机的爆发令局面迅速恶化,它不仅使数家储蓄银行岌岌可危,不得不接受纾困,最后还导致数十亿欧元的私人部门 债务 转移至公共部门。

  • Cangzhou Mingzhu said East Texas is not the main reason for the transfer of power is high debt but production and technical problems .

    沧州明珠相关人士表示,德州东力 转让的主要原因并非是高 负债,而是企业生产技术出了问题。

  • In this paper analysis and overview of the foreign law on the transfer of business to start its adoption of the resolution the circulation of the original corporate debt and commitment presented their views on the non-compete obligations of the transferor .

    本文从分析和概述国外关于营业 转让的相关法律入手,对原企业 债务的流转和承担、转让人的竞业禁止义务等问题上阐述了自己的观点。

  • Second by the county and township government debt should be included in provincial and municipal financial budget management through the financial transfer payment of compensation to defuse County township debt .

    第二,提出了把县乡政府债务纳入省市财政预算管理,通过财政 转移支付补偿来化解县乡 债务

  • This amounts to a transfer of wealth from ordinary Chinese savers to the central bank and on to Americans who are selling their debt to the Chinese .

    这样来看,实际就是普通中国存款人 财富 转移到了央行,然后 转移给了美国人,而美国人把他们的 债务卖给了中国人。

  • Debt investment valuation and transfer of claims under the provisions of contract law can take place from this we can infer attitudes towards debt funding is accepted in China .

    债权出资可以估价并且依据合同法的规定可知债权可以发生 转让,由此我们可推知,对于 债权出资我国是采用了接受的态度。

  • To the extent that expansionary fiscal policies affect growth their impact on future indebtedness is attenuated as tax collections rise transfer payments fall and the ability of the economy to support debt increases .

    扩张性财政政策对经济增长产生了影响,就这一点来说,随着税收的增加、 转移支付的减少以及经济支撑 债务能力的增强,这些政策对未来负债的影响会减弱。

  • It should practically adopt such measures as increasing transfer payment and so on to solve the problem caused by the high ratio of basic unit finance debt and its operation difficulty ; therefore our country basic unit finance difficult question could be resolved effectively .

    要切实采取加大 转移支付等措施,解决基层财政的过高 负债率问题、基层财政的运转困难问题,才能有效解决我国基层财政困难问题。

  • The new banking Union plans may thus turn out to be another large step towards the transfer of distressed private debt on to public balance sheets something which pleases the capital markets and may help to explain their new confidence .

    而建立银行业联盟的计划或许会更进一步地让不良私人 债务向公共资产负债表 转移,这是资本市场乐意看到的,或许也解释了他们恢复信心的原因。

  • Novation of obligation not only conform to the principle of freedom of contract and modern efficiency but also has great significance in consummating the following institution of civil law : transfer of obligation guaranty of debt prescription and termination of obligation .

    债的更新不仅符合合同自由和现代效率原则,而且对于债之 移转的担保、时效以及 的消灭等制度的完善均有重要意义。

  • Rural tax and fee reform standardizing the land transfer payment social insurance funds to strengthen the supervision and management of local financing policy tightening such as local government debt will undoubtedly aggravate the risk .

    农村税费改革、规范土地 出让金、加强社会保险资金的监督管理、紧缩地方融资政策等无疑将加剧地方政府 债务风险。

  • Earlier Greece began the transfer of 750m in debt interest to the International Monetary Fund - a day ahead of a payment deadline .

    早些时候,希腊提前一天开始向国际货币基金组织支付 7.5亿欧元的 债务利息。

  • Transfer of claims is the act that will transfer all or part of the debt to the third through the agreement under the premise which does not change the contents of claims .

    债权转让是指在不改变债权的内容的前提下,通过协议将 债权全部或者部分 转让给第三人的行为。

  • The transfer of debt from government to merchant wasn 't unheard of and I would almost say its quite a common practice for Government to do that when its in a pinch .

    政府 转嫁 债务给商家的做法并非闻所未闻,在紧要关头政府这样做几乎可以说相当普遍。

  • The article on collateral 's transfer refers to the clause engaged by the civil subjects in the contract of suretyship which the secured creditor will attain the ownership of the engaged collateral when the debtor can 't pay off the due debt .

    流质约款是指民商主体当事人之间在有关物的担保合同中约定的,于债务人到期未能清偿 债务时即由担保权人取得所约定的担保物的所有权的条款。