

[化] 曲唑酮,氯哌三唑酮

  • Trazodone in treatment of insomnia


  • The treatment of Trazodone for sleep disorder of depression : a cross - test study


  • Control study of trazodone treatment for erectile dysfunction induced by antipsychotics drugs


  • The impact of amitriptyline and trazodone on heart detected by sphygmogram

    脉图检测 和阿米替林对心脏的影响

  • The efficacy of Trazodone in treatment of non - bacterial prostatitis


  • Objective To explore the effect of Amitriptyline and Trazodone to the hemodynamics and contrast their effects .

    目的观察研究 阿米替林 造成的血流动力学改变,对比 2 对心血管功能的不同影响。

  • Trazodone was as effective as paroxetine without severe side effects .

    1 起效,无严重副反应,疗效与帕罗西汀相当。

  • The western medicine group used 50 ~ 150mg Trazodone ( Mesyrel ) for 4 weeks .

    西药组服用 (美抒玉)50~150mg之间,共服4周。

  • The symptom score of post-cure trazodone group was lower than that of post-cure placebo group ( P 0.01 ) .


  • Trazodone vs alprazolam in the treatment of anxiety disorders


  • Objective To observe the effects of trazodone on the sleep of depressed subjects .

    目的 验证 对抑郁症患者的睡眠 改善作用。

  • Methods 90 cases of CAP were treated with oral levofloxacin + Tzrazosin Hydrochloride + Trazodone for 4-8 weeks .

    方法对90例慢性非细菌性前列腺炎患者采用左氧氟沙星+盐酸特拉 嗪+ 口服治疗,疗程4~8周。

  • Objective To determine the efficacy and safety of trazodone in the treatment of benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms .

    目的验证 对苯二氮类药物戒断症状的疗效及安全性。

  • Efficacy of fluoxetine versus trazodone in depression with remarkable retardation and lack of energy

    氟西汀与 治疗抑郁症迟滞与精力缺乏症状的对照研究

  • The Effect of Trazodone on Depression Anxiety and Drug Craving of Heroin Addicts during and after Detoxification


  • Results : The cure rate of injection group Trazodone group and combined group were 70 % 17 % 87 % respectively . The alleviate rate of anxiety and depressed symptoms were 21 % 42 % 77 % respectively .

    结果: 注药组、 组及联合组 CP治愈率分别为70%、17%和87%,抑郁症状缓解率为21%、42%和77%。

  • ObjectiveTo study the effect of trazodone on serum NO level in castrated male rats .

    目的研究 盐酸 对去势雄鼠血清一氧化氮(NO)水平的影响。

  • Conclusion Cimitidine combined with trazodone can significantly improve mental health status of patients with peptic ulcer relieve pain symptoms quickly and increase ulcer health rate .

    结论甲氰咪胍联合 治疗能显著改善消化性溃疡患者的心理健康状况,快速缓解疼痛症状,提高溃疡愈合率。

  • Purpose : To evaluate the efficacy of trazodone on nocturnal penile tumescence ( NPT ) .

    目的:探讨 对夜间勃起(NPT)的治疗作用。

  • Anti-depression drug trazodone in treating 40 female patients with functional dyspepsia

    抗抑郁药 治疗40例女性功能性消化不良病人

  • Trazodone had no effect on PRL and LH .

    对PRL、LH的 升降无作用。

  • Trazodone for senile patients with insomnia : a clinical observation


  • The major adverse reactions of trazodone were lassitude and dizziness .


  • Clinical efficacy of daily small dose Vardenafil combining with Trazodone on treatment of premature ejaculation

    持续小剂量伐地那非联合 治疗早泄疗效观察

  • Patients suffered from ED were randomized into trazodone treatment group ( group A 32 cases ) and control group ( group B 31 cases ) .

    随机将ED患者分为 治疗组(A组)和对照组(B组)。

  • Randomly study on erectile dysfunction treated by trazodone

    盐酸 治疗勃起功能障碍的随机对照研究

  • AIM : To compare the effect of trazodone vs paroxetine on dyssomnia of anxiety disorder .

    目的:比较 和帕罗西汀对焦虑症病人睡眠障碍的疗效。

  • Objective To investigate the efficacy of Citalopram in combination with trazodone for depression .

    目的探讨西肽普兰联合 治疗抑郁症的效果。