

[医] 经岛的

  • Objective : To sum up the experience of treating hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage by transinsular microsurgery .

    目的:总结 高血压脑出血显微外科手术治疗的经验。

  • Comparison and Analysis of the Effect of Two Different Surgical Treatments for Hypertensive Basal Ganglia Hemorrhage Treatment of hypertensive basal ganglia hematomas through transsylvian transinsular approach

    两种手术方法治疗高血压基底节区脑出血的 疗效比较经侧裂 - 入路治疗高血压基底节区脑出血的疗效分析

  • Objective : To investigate the therapeutic value of the minimally invasive surgical treatment of hypertensive putamianal hematomas via transsylvian transinsular approach .

    目的:探讨经侧裂 入路微侵袭手术对高血压性壳核出血患者的治疗价值。

  • Transinsular microsurgery for treatment of hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage : Report of 54 cases
