transition factor

[trænˈzɪʃən ˈfæktɚ][trænˈziʃən ˈfæktə]


  • Residual ferrite after quenching is major influence of ductile brittle transition temperature . Recrystallization is the main factor of toughness .

    这说明,淬火后残余铁素体的含量是影响韧脆 转变温度的主要 因素,而影响韧性 高低的主要 因素是淬火组织的再结晶程度。

  • For the concrete mixing system allocation transition the paper mainly discussed the main factor of influencing on concrete engineering quality in construction and proposed countermeasures .

    就公路工程混凝土集中拌和所采用的混凝土搅拌系统配置、 运输、输送方式,详细归纳了在施工中影响混凝土工程质量的主要 因素,并提出了切实可行的应对措施。

  • The results obtained are : ( 1 ) the essential reason of the properties of ferroelectric thin films different from those of bulk materials is the existence of surface transition layer which is an important factor for influence of the static properties of ferroelectric thin films .

    得到新结论有:(1)铁电薄膜存在表面 过渡层是薄膜性质不同于体材料的本质原因,而过渡层厚度是影响铁电薄膜静态性质的一个很重要的 因素

  • Study of the City 's Economy Transition Based on the Factor Analysis Method

    基于 因子分析法的城市经济 转型研究

  • The Difference of Economic Growth in Different Regions in China : An Institutional Transition Factor

    中国各地区经济增长差异的制度 变迁 因素

  • Research On A Zero Voltage Transition Active Power Factor Correction Circuit

    一种零电压 转换有源功率 因数校正(ZVT-APFC)电路的研究分析

  • It places emphasis on the necessity of creating learning environment via analysis of the transition condition and factor of science conception .

    通过分析科学概念的 转变的条件和 因素表明创设学习环境的必要性。

  • The distortion of the corporate governance structure of the state-owned enterprises ( SOEs ) in China 's transition process has been becoming a fundamental factor that restrict the further development of the reform of China 's SOEs toward the modern corporate system .

    国有企业治理结构的扭曲已经成为制约国有企业发展和国有企业改革进一步向现代企业制度方向 推进 因素

  • According to EIA existes some questions at present this paper applies methods of fuzzy mathematics to tries establishment comprehensive methods of regional EIA to satisfy need of constructing project to cause the results of EIA transition from each element or factor statement to regional comprehensive evaluation .

    本文结合环境影响评价工作的实际,根据目前环境 影响评价方法中所存在的一些问题,应用模糊数学工具 .试建立起满足工程评价需要的区域环境影响综合评价方法。

  • During the social transition period The foremost factor of restricting the private early childhood educational development in China is government function problem .

    社会 转型期我国 民办幼儿教育发展问题的核心 归因是:政府在民办幼儿教育事业发展中的职能转化问题。

  • In analysis of China 's urban and rural dual economy structure transition institutional factor is an important variable to be taken into consideration .

    在对我国城乡二元经济结构 转型的分析中,制度 因素是一个必须考虑在内的重要变量。

  • And improvement measures for pavement failure prevention are proposed : in the investigation of traffic volume in design stage the transition traffic volume and overloading factor should be fully considered ;

    据此提出了防止路面破损的改进措施;设计阶段调查交通量时,要充分考虑 转移交通量和超载 因素,并且有余地;

  • It applies an unit classification analysis method in the analysis of landslide disaster finds a law through transition from single factor correlation analysis to multi factor correlation analysis and thus establishes an predicting and forecasting model for landslide disaster .

    在滑坡灾害分析时应用单元聚类分析法,从单 因素相关分析 过渡到多因素相关分析,从而找出规律,建立滑坡灾害预测预报模型。

  • Public crisis events facing the world today is the problem of universal at this stage our country is in economic transition and social transition the existence of many unstable factor led to a series of social problems gradually emerged .

    公共危机事件是当今世界各国普遍面临的问题,现阶段我国正处在经济转轨和社会 转型 时期,诸多不稳定 因素的存在导致一系列社会问题逐渐显露。

  • The credit problem appeared day by day in the period of society transition is becoming the restricted factor which influences the development of our economy . It 's an initiation for-the author to study this problem totally from the economy politics and culture .

    社会 转型期日益凸现的信用问题逐渐成为影响我国经济与社会发展的重要 因素,本文试图从影响信用的经济、政治、文化三方面进行综合性的研究。

  • Then analyzes the IPv6 bearing network transition technology the application strategy and consided factor when the choice concrete technology .

    然后分析IPv6承载网 过渡技术的应用策略以及在选择具体技术时应考虑的 因素

  • The Transition of the Total Factor Productivity : A comparative study between Guangzhou and Shanghai

    要素生产率的 变迁:来自广州市与上海市的比较研究

  • In addition the high geothermal field in transition spans is also an important factor .

    此外,空间 过渡际中的地温场往往较高也是一个重要 因素

  • The transition of the social structure is an important factor to the road the nation will take .

    这说明社会结构的 变迁对国家道路的选择是一个重大 因素

  • Having thoroughly analyzed the particular natual conditions and economic social developmental characteristics of Henan the author thinks : the transition of the natural conditions is the basic factor in dividing the main functional regions of Henan Province ;

    作者在全面分析河南省独特的自然条件和经济社会发展特征的基础上,认为:自然条件的 过渡性是影响河南省主体功能区划分的本底 因素

  • With this approach this paper proves that gait transition between symmetrical gaits with the same duty factor can be completed in one stride cycle under constant speed and the timing sequence of placing and lifting each leg in the transition gait is figured out .

    证明了匀速情况下具有等负荷 系数的两种对称步态之间只需要一个步态周期就能够完成步态 变换,从而得到变换步态中各腿着地和抬起的时间序列。

  • Research of Shangdong province processed trade transition upgrading 's influence factor and countermeasure

    山东省加工贸易 转型升级的影响 因素及对策研究

  • Saving and Growth Effects of Demographic Transition : the Population Factor in the Sustainability of China 's Economic Growth

    人口 转变的储蓄效应和增长效应&论中国增长可持续性的人口 因素

  • Researches on B_s → K Transition Form Factor in the Whole Kinematically Accessible Range

    在整个运动学范围内研究Bs→K 跃迁形状 因子

  • Some of the weak transition lines whose F-C factor is very small are also obtained . This experiment also proves that the linear polarization spectrum is much simpler than fluorescent spectrum .

    ,观察到若干F-C 因子很小的弱支 跃迁谱线,实验也证实了线偏振光谱对荧光谱线的减化。

  • As a developing country in transition external environment is an important factor that restricts the effectiveness of bank regulation and supervision in China .

    作为 转轨中的发展中国家,我国外部监管环境是制约银行监管有效性的一个非常重要的 因素

  • The large momentum behavior of the electromagnetic transition form factor f_ ( a_1 π)( q ~ 2 ) in QCD

    在量子色动力学中 转换电磁形状 因子F(A1π)(q~2)的大动量行为