translate grammar

[trænsˈlet ˈɡræmɚ][trænsˈleit ˈɡræmə]

[计] 翻译文法

  • English speakers usually translate a Chinese sentence into English straightly without considering grammar and context even native English speakers find it is hard to understand .

    说话者通常 汉语一句句直译成英语,而未考虑 语法及上下文联系,甚至连以英语为母语的人也很难听懂。

  • To translate them into English translators must first have a sound knowledge of Chinese grammar .

    时,译者必须首先具备扎实的中文 文法 基本 ,以认知 语言学理论 依据

  • Xpand was then used to parse and translate the grammar into a HashMap-based data structure

    接下来,使用Xpand解析 语法其转换为基于HashMap的数据结构

  • When writing quite a few students have a blank mind or they translate the sentences word by word which appears chaos phenomenon with words sentences and grammar mixed .

    在写作时,相当一部分学生或是脑子一片空白,或是 逐字 翻译句子,或是出现了句子和 语法混用现象。

  • She had to translate it into English at her grammar school . And she was the best in the class at those subjects .

    在学校里,她得 这些 知识 翻译成英文,而她在班上却能在这些学科上拿到最好的成绩。