transit network

[ˈtrænsɪt ˈnɛtˌwɚk][ˈtrænsit ˈnetwə:k]


  • Finally this Chapter put forward basic model of optimizing decision making for urban mass transit network planning .

    本章最后提出了城市 轨道 网络规划优化决策基本模型。

  • In macroscopical sight the ideal public transit network should be the excellent combination of public transit hub and line .

    从宏观上看,理想的 公交 网络应该是点和线的最优组合,是由公交枢纽连接着的公交线路纵横交错构成的。

  • Research on Topological Structure and Evolution Model of Urban Transit Network

    城市 公交 网络的拓扑结构及其演化模型研究

  • Characteristics of Rail Transit Network Planning in Big Cities

    对新时期大城市轨道 交通 线 规划特色的 思考&以武汉市 轨道 交通 线 规划修编为例

  • After summing up and analyzing the characteristics and defects of the evaluation indexes existed of urban rail transit network plan a set of evaluation index system is proposed which is fit to the evaluation of urban rail transit network plan in china .

    摘要总结了现有的城市轨道 交通评价指标体系,在对各项指标进行分析比较的基础上,提出一套适合我国城市轨道 交通 路网规划方案优选的评价指标体系。

  • Passenger Flow Distribution Model and Algorithm for Urban Rail Transit Network Based on Multi-route Choice

    基于多路径的城市轨道 交通 网络客流分布模型及算法研究

  • Based on the planning of the intercity rail transit network in the Yangtze River Delta area the Pearl River Delta area and the area around the Bohai sea the characteristics function orientation and necessity of intercity rail transit are analyzed from a brand-new perspective .

    摘要在长江三角洲地区、珠江三角洲地区、环渤海地区城际客运铁路 规划的基础上,采用全新的理念和模式,分析城际轨道 交通的特点、功能定位和建设城际轨道交通的必要性。

  • It 's necessary to develop regional rail transit network in Yangtze River Delta in order to support sustainable development of this area .

    阐述了长三角地区发展区域轨道 交通 网络的必要性和重要意义。

  • This article summarizes both foreign and domestic theories on public transit network optimization and studies the optimization of bus networks based on the theories .

    本文在总结国内外有关公交 线网优化理论知识的基础上,对 城市公共 交通车线 网络优化进行了深入细致的研究。

  • Research on the Effect of Mass Transit Network on the Urban Transportation Network Based on Complex Network Theory

    基于复杂网络理论研究轨道 交通 线 对城市交通网络影响

  • Tiered Data-Model for Public Transit Network and Intelligent Traffic Inquiring Algorithm

    公交 网络的分层数据模型与智能查询算法

  • Algorithm of Route Choice of Trip in Urban Transit Network Based on Oracle Spatial Component

    基于Oraclespatial的城市 公交 网络出行路径选择算法

  • Depot in Urban Rail Transit Network Planning

    城市轨道 交通 线 规划阶段车辆基地的规划

  • A super graph of multi-modal transit network was constructed through deep analysis of the architecture of urban multi-modal transit system .

    分析了当前大城市多模式 公交 网络结构,构建了多模式公交超级网络;

  • On Shanghai rail transit network planning and urban spatial structure layout

    上海轨道 交通 网络规划与城市空间结构布局研究

  • On the Structure of Urban Rail Transit Network and Planning

    城市轨道 交通 网络的结构及规划理念

  • Preliminary Analysis of Programming and Construction for Shanghai Urban Rail Transit Network

    浅析上海城市轨道 交通 线 规划与建设

  • This paper put forward the concept of optimizing decision making for urban mass transit network planning on the basis of green transportation theory .

    提出了“基于绿色交通理念的城市轨道 交通 网络规划优化决策”概念。

  • Passenger Flow Route Assignment Model and Algorithm for Urban Rail Transit Network

    城市轨道 交通乘客路径选择模型及算法

  • Research on the Intercity Rail Transit Network Plan for Pearl River Delta Region

    珠三角区域城际轨道 交通 线 规划方案研究

  • The paper introduces the estimated scale length of the urban rapid rail transit network plan in shijiazhuang according to two aspects of the urban transportation demand and network services overcast density .

    摘要从城市的交通需求以及线网的覆盖面和服务水平两个方面,对石家庄市轨道 交通的线 规模进行了匡算。

  • Analysis on Consistency between Rail Transit Network and Urban Morphology in Fractal Dimension

    轨道 交通 网络与城市形态在分形上的一致性分析

  • Optimization of Transit Network Design Based on Immune Genetic Algorithm

    基于免疫遗传算法的 公交 线 优化研究

  • Research on the Optimal Path Algorithm of Public Transit Network in Metropolis

    大城市公共 交通 网络最优路径算法研究

  • Practice and Thinking of Construction for Dispatch and Command System of Urban Rail Transit Network

    城市轨道 交通 路网调度指挥系统建设的实践与思考

  • Research on Enforceability of Urban Rail Transit Network Planning

    城市轨道 交通 线 规划可实施性探讨

  • Optimal Allocation of Emergency Resource for Urban Rail Transit Network

    城市轨道 交通 网络 应急抢险资源优化配置

  • Study on Integrated Inter-city Transit Network Design for Urban Agglomerations

    城市群一体化城际 公交 网络设计研究

  • Study of transportation integration function areas based on the Guangzhou urban rail transit network

    基于广州轨道 交通 线 的交通衔接功能区研究