


  • Calculating the natural frequencies of overhead conveyer structure by riccati 's translative - matrix method

    Riccati 传递矩阵法计算悬挂输送机金属结构的固有频率

  • In this part we do a static state analyse from the word 's source the translative pattern and the semantic classification basing on the exhausting statistics of the loanwords in the five edition .

    本部分在对1&5版《 》中的外来词进行穷尽性统计的基础上,从词语来源、 译介方式和语义类别等 方面进行静态分析。

  • Modern translation brought about the translative psychological effect of comparative analysis enlarged the field of vision of literature and established new standards of literary criticism .

    近代翻译带来比较分析 翻译心理效应,也扩大了文学视域,从而确立新的文学批评标准;

  • The chaos among modern concepts of sports has its international translative and cognitive causes .

    现代 体育 概念的 长期混乱有其国际 根源翻译 根源和认识 的根源。

  • The relation between name and object is established on the naming ceremony ; and the relation between the translative name and the conceptional word is established by one specific translator too .

    名称和对象的关系是由命名仪式确立的, 译名和源语词的关系也是由某一特定的译者确立的。

  • From selecting opposite translative words grasping main ideas and other aspects propagating and accepting Marxism in China was an organic part of the process of the Spread of Western Learning to the East as well as the continuation of it .

    对等词的选择和思想的把握等方面 来看,马克思主义在中国的传播和接受,是晚清 以来西学东渐过程的有机组成和延续。

  • This paper explores the translative techniques of attributive clauses from English to Chinese by means of a comparative study .

    该文运用英汉比较的方法探讨了英语定语从句的 翻译手法。

  • The effect of pragmatic transfer of the two methods has revealed the importance of thinking during translation . Besides it creates a demand on the translation teaching in universities : the construction of pragmatic translative competence .

    语用迁移对归化、 异化的影响,深刻地揭示了思维在翻译过程中的重要作用,同时也对我们的翻译教学 提出了更高的要求:构建 学生的语用 翻译能力。

  • The Translative Principle and Strategy of Brand Names

    商标名的 翻译原则与策略

  • Chinese Borrowings have three forms of transliteration borrowings + English words and translative borrowings .

    汉语借词有音译词、 借词+英语词、 借等三种形式。

  • In the west there have been many famous self-translators and the academic field has made great efforts in exploring the translative activity and self-translations .

    一些西方国家出现了很多著名的自译者,学术界也对他们的自 活动及自译作品进行了较为深入的研究。