translation process

[trænsˈleʃən ˈprɑsˌɛs][trænsˈleiʃən ˈprəuses]

[计] 翻译过程

  • Logic transfer in translation process must be carried out between the original language and the translated language .

    翻译 过程中, 译者需要在原语和译语间进行思维逻辑的转换。

  • The processor also supports the memory translation process by tapping into the hypervisor ( host kernel ) when an unmapped memory location is accessed .

    处理器也可以通过在访问未经映射的内存位置时使用系统管理程序(主机内核)来支持内存 转换 进程

  • Translation process is constrained and controlled to a large extent by ideology and ideology determines the choice of translation strategies .

    翻译 过程在很大程度上受到意识形态的制约和操控,意识形态决定了翻译策略的选择。

  • The Mode of Translation Process from the Perspective of Information Processing Theory

    信息加工理论指导下的 翻译 过程模式

  • The three main factors of time context and linguistic structure play an important role in dynamic language choice of translation process .

    翻译的时间、语境和语言结构等要素决定着 翻译 过程的动态语言选择。

  • In chapter six the author summarizes the translation process and the report .

    第六章作者对整个 翻译 过程 翻译报告作了总结。

  • Translator 's Adaptation and Selection : Translation Process Research for China 's Global Communication

    译者的适应与选择: 外宣 翻译 过程研究

  • During the translation process it is often necessary to transfer translation memories along with the documents being translated .

    翻译 过程中,常常需要随着翻译的文档改变翻译存储。

  • Education is not only an interpretive situation it is a translation process as well .

    而教育不仅是在扮演一个解释的角色、亦是 过程

  • Effect of germinal vesicle translation process on in vitro fertilization of mouse oocytes

    生发泡 移植 过程对小鼠卵母细胞体外受精的影响

  • Study on the Application of Schema Theory in the Science and Technology Translation Process

    论图式理论在科技 翻译 过程中的应用

  • The second part describes the translation process and translation requirements .

    第二部分描述了 翻译 过程和翻译要求。

  • This article discusses empathy 's significance in translation process which is made up of two acts of communication .

    文化移情对有着两次交际 过程 翻译有重要意义。

  • Additionally the library can be configured with a special translation management workflow that is designed to help manage the manual document translation process .

    此外,还可以为该库配置旨在帮助管理手动文档 翻译 流程的特殊翻译管理工作流。

  • In order to effectively direct the translation process by syntax information a greedy direct decoding algorithm is proposed for the syntax-based tree-to-string statistical translation model .

    为了有效利用句法信息指导 翻译 过程,提出了基于贪心搜索的树-串句法统计翻译模型的正向解码算法。

  • The subjects and objects in translation process include : the source text the author the translator the target text and the target text readers .

    翻译 活动是涉及到原作、原作者、译作、译者和译文读者在内的一项创造性的活动。

  • The development of linguistics contributes much to the achievement of research on translation process .

    语言学的发展使 翻译 过程的研究取得了一定成就。

  • The translation process demands intense concentration even for the most fluent and working for both sides is far too exhausting .

    翻译 过程要求精力高度集中;即使是 语言非常流畅,同时为双方作 翻译,是非常令人疲乏不堪的。

  • The discrepancy between language and culture causes a lexical gap in the translation process .

    语言和文化的差异造成了 翻译 过程中的空缺现象。

  • The Explanation and Implication of the Model of Language Production on the Model of Translation Process

    论言语产出模式对 翻译 过程模式的解释和启示

  • It is assigned by means of commission and justifies the whole translation process .

    目的来自翻译委托并决定整个 翻译行为的 过程

  • On News Translation Process in the Context of International Communication

    国际传播体系下的新闻 翻译 过程研究

  • This is only natural as we want to understand everything that is said . However when you translate into your native language you are taking the focus of your attention away from the speaker and concentrating on the translation process taking place in your brain .

    这是很自然的,因为我们想理解所有对方所讲的话。然而,当你在脑子 翻译的时候,你的注意力就会从说话人那里被转移走了。

  • During the whole translation process what is the translator 's role ?

    在整个 翻译 过程中,译者到底应该充当什么样的角色?

  • During the translation process literal translation makes the target and the source texts equivalent in form content and functions conveying Chinese culture at the same time .

    在汉语成语的 ,直译 能使译文和原文在形式、内容和功能上保持对等,同时传递了民族文化,它是汉语成语英译的一种主要的、有效翻译方法。

  • The study of translation process is one of the important topics in the translation studies .

    翻译 过程的研究是翻译研究中的一个重要课题。

  • The study of the translation process and translated text may facilitate the understanding of the nature of cultural exchange .

    翻译 过程和译文文本的研究有助于对文化交流本质的理解。

  • This ability allows them to create documents that are ready for translation thereby streamlining the translation process and reducing the total cost to produce help files .

    这种能力使他们能够编写出易于翻译的文档,从而简化 翻译 过程并降低制作帮助文件的总成本。

  • Instead the translation process is fully automated by tools such as assemblers compilers and linkers .

    相反, 翻译 过程由例如汇编程序、编译器,和连接器的工具完全的自动化了。