transient image

[ˈtrænʃənt ˈɪmɪdʒ][ˈtrænziənt ˈimidʒ]


  • The optical path difference formed by replacing the cylindrical lens in common photolithography with a cylindrical lens array in lens array photolithography shall stagger the transient image caused by diffraction thus eliminating the diffraction error caused by the gap between the photolithographic template and the etching grating .

    透镜阵列光刻法用一个柱面阵列透镜代替常规光刻法中的柱面透镜形成光程差,将由衍射所引起的 图形错开,消除由于光刻模板与被刻光栅之间因间隙引起的衍射误差。

  • Utilizing the characteristics of ruby laser and CCD ( Charge-Coupled Device ) video camera the transient impinging spray images are grabbed by the digital image processing system in real time .

    应用脉冲激光和CCD 摄象机的特性,将柴油机喷雾象实时采集到计算机 家处理系统上。

  • The conclusion has been proved with the simulation in different fault location different fault resistance and different fault phase angle by comparing the relationship of zero sequence transient voltage and integral charge in the two-dimensional image .

    基于此,在不同故障位置、不同故障电阻、不同故障初相角等故障条件下,通过比较各条馈线上零序 暂态电压与积分电荷的二维 图像关系,验证了理论分析的正确性。

  • Applications of CMOS Image Sensor Matrix in μ - second Transient Image Capture System

    CMOS图像传感器阵列在μ秒级 物理 暂态 摄像系统中的应用

  • Wavelet analysis has become a powerful tool of transient signal processing and has been widely used in the field of image processing .

    小波分析已成为 信号处理的有力工具,在 图像处理领域也得到了广泛应用。

  • It is the result of several processing stages : Directional transient cells respond to image transients and input to a directional short-range filter that selectively boosts feature tracking signals with the help of competitive signals .

    它包括以下几个过程:定向 暂态细胞对 图像的暂态特性进行响应,输入到定向短程滤波器中,通过竞争信号的作用有选择性的放大特征跟踪信号。

  • In transient state signal and in image analysis the point of discontinuity often is one of important characteristics they are located the edge of the important structure frequently .

    瞬态信号与 图像的分析中,突变点往往是重要的特征之一,它们常常位于重要结构的边缘部分。

  • Special transient optical signal location image process based on DSP

    基于DSP的空间 瞬态光信号 图像处理

  • Real-time Measuring Method for Transient Saturation of Current Transformer Based on Wavelet Transform in Busbar Protection Application of CT Scanning Image Technique to Study of Oil Saturation Distribution in Core Displacement Test

    基于小波变换的母线保护CT 暂态饱和实时检测方法应用CT 成像技术研究岩心水驱含油饱和度分布特征

  • Applications of Methods of Transient Surface Wave and Seismic Image to the Inspection of Sea Wall

    瞬态 瑞雷波及地震 映像法在海堤检测中的应用

  • Transient storage of image information can be performed in the liquid crystal .

    液晶材料可将 图像信息 暂时储存,称为储存效应。