transient fault

[ˈtrænʃənt fɔlt][ˈtrænziənt fɔ:lt]


  • On this basis the multi-dimensional feature vector is established and we complete the division of fuzzy multidimensional vector and transient fault dictionary generation and optimization .

    在此基础上,将信号特征和波形特征组成多维特征向量,并完成多维向量模糊集的划分以及 瞬态 故障字典的生成和优化。

  • Therefore in this paper an on-line method for obtaining the optimal reclosing time of transient fault is presented based on wavelet transform and artificial neural network which costs less time to calculation the optimal reclosing time .

    因此,在本文的第二部分中提出了一种基于小波变换和人工神经网络方法的在线寻求 瞬时 故障最佳重合时刻的方法,只需较短时间就能计算出最佳重合闸时刻。

  • In this method the transient fault signals are analyzed with wavelets transform to obtain the transient fault information and the fault circuit is selected by the synthetic phase comparison method .

    该方法利用小波变换分析所采集的 故障 暂态信号,提取用于选线的暂态信息,并采用综合相位比较法确定故障线路。

  • The recovery voltage contains power frequency component and low-frequency decaying component when transient fault occurs and it only contains power frequency component when permanent fault occurs .

    瞬时 故障时,恢复电压由工频周期分量和非工频衰减分量组成,永久性故障时,恢复电压仅由工频周期分量组成。

  • Though analyzing the characteristic of the fault signals ( zero sequence voltage and zero sequence current signal ) a method for collecting transient fault signals is suggested .

    本文首先分析故障信号(零序电压和零序电流信号)的特征,然后根据该 信号的特征提出 故障 暂态信号采集方法。

  • Most of the EHV transmission line failure is the transient fault and auto-reclosing technology can improve the reliability of electricity power and the stability of system greatly .

    超高压输电线路的故障大部分是 瞬时 故障,采用自动重合闸技术能够极大地提高供电的可靠性和系统的稳定性。

  • Aimed at the key problem of traveling wave location & accurate extraction of fault times a new method using the wavelet transform is brought out which can detect and analyze the transient fault signals .

    总结了目前 输电 线路 故障 测距 方法,针对行波测距方法的关键问题&故障时刻的准确提取,提出了利用小波变换来检测和分析 故障 暂态信号的方法。

  • Transient Fault Simulation of Transformer and Fault Identification Based on Support Vector Machine

    变压器 暂态 故障仿真及基于支持向量机的故障辨识

  • In the series compensation system although the increase of series capacitor circuit the fault identification criterion still can identify transient fault and permanent fault .

    在串补系统中,虽然线路增加了串联电容器,但是故障识别判据仍然可以识别 瞬时 故障和永久性故障。

  • The self-adaptive reclosure which is aimed to distinguish the transient fault and the permanent fault can reduce the power loss caused by faults and enhance the stability of power system .

    区分 瞬时 和永久性 故障为目的的自适应重合闸,能减少故障对电能的损失,增强电网的稳定性。

  • Calculation and analysis for transient fault component current

    暂态 故障分量电流的计算分析

  • Study of Transmission Characteristics of Transient Fault Traveling Wave in Mine Cable

    煤矿电缆 暂态 故障行波信号传输特性的研究

  • In this paper the fundamental frequency component signal can be extracted from the transient fault signal of electric power system by using wavelet packet algorithm .

    提出应用小波包算法来提取电力系统 暂态 故障信号的基频分量。

  • Its frequency is power frequency . 20 ms-step differential of fault phase recovery voltage is used to distinguish transient fault from permanent fault .

    对故障相恢复电压进行步长为20ms的差分, 瞬时 故障时差分后的电压幅值较大,而永久性故障差分后电压幅值基本为零。

  • So a novel fault line selection method extracting transient fault features in the fault currents based on two-dimensional wavelet transform in distribution systems is proposed in the paper .

    本文即利用二维小波分析工具对暂态量信息进行特征提取,提出了 故障选线的一种新方法。

  • Lipschitz exponent and its application in simulation of power system transient fault signals analysis

    李氏指数及其在电力系统 暂态信号分析中的仿真应用

  • A new method of acceleration signal fault diagnosis based on support vector machine is put forward to solve the problem in the development of rotating machinery transient fault intelligent diagnosis due to needing many fault data samples .

    针对在升降速运行时的 故障特征数据样本 有限而制约有效智能诊断的问题,探讨和提出了基于支持向量机的加速度信号故障诊断方法。

  • A new intelligent on-line capturing of the optimal reclosing time of transient fault is presented .

    提出了一种新的智能实时捕捉方法,对 瞬时 故障的最佳重合闸时间进行了捕捉。

  • In computer system the abnormal behavior caused by hardware transient fault not only reduces the reliability of system but also ruin the integrity and effectiveness of the data .

    在计算机系统中,由硬件的 瞬时 故障导致的异常行为,不仅降低了系统的可靠性,而且破坏了数据的完整性和有效性。

  • The different types of fault information are discussed and com-pared in the paper which indicated that transient fault information and breaker operation information can be used in protection .

    本文论述和比较电力系统故障后不同类型的故障信息,指出 暂态 故障信息和电力系统故障后断路器动作所产生的二次扰动信息是可利用的;

  • A novel transient fault detection device for electronic control cabinet of electric locomotive is introduces . The author describes its working principles analyses the critical technical problems and proposes their solutions .

    介绍了一种新型的电力机车电子控制柜 瞬态 故障检测装置,阐述了装置工作的基本原理,并对关键的技术问题进行了分析,提出了解决方法。

  • Aiming at the deficiency of information fusion with fuzzy theory this paper proposes a continuous selection line program using evidence theory to fuse steady-state and transient fault information .

    针对模糊理论对信息融合的不足,论文通过对 故障 测度函数的改进 构造了各种 故障信息的基本信度分配函数,进一步提出了采用证据理论对稳态和 暂态 故障信息进行融合的连续选线方案。

  • Application of ISP Technique in Locomotive Transient Fault Recorder

    ISP技术在机车 瞬间 故障记录系统中的应用

  • However recent research shows that DVS has a direct and adverse effect on the transient fault rates and will reduces the reliability of the system .

    不过,最近的研究表明,利用DVS进行节能的同时,会提高系统的 短暂 错误 发生率,导致系统的可靠性降低。

  • A new transient fault simulating reappearing system is proposed and developed .

    提出并研制了一种新型 电力 系统 暂态 故障模拟再现系统。

  • Among related research of Network-on-Chip reliability is a serious problem particularly when the transient fault occurs frequently .

    在片上网络的相关研究中,可靠性是其必须研究的问题,特别是干扰的增加使 瞬时 故障的出现更加频繁,片上网络 瞬时 故障 容错已成为片上 网络新的研究热点。

  • Single-phase grounding fault of EHV transmission line is mainly divided into two states : permanent fault and transient fault .

    超高压输电线路的单相接地故障主要分为永久性故障和 瞬时 故障,并且 瞬时 故障是单相接地 故障的主要表现形式。

  • Considering the wind fluctuation and intermittent characteristics the device is valid at a constant power and variable power factor of wind farm . The device also predicts the power grid voltage stability under the occurrence of transient fault case .

    考虑到风场波动性和间歇性的特点,该装置针对风电场的输出功率按恒定功率因数和变功率因数变化及电网在发生 暂态 故障情况下考虑风电场的动态特性的电网电压稳定性进行预判。

  • The Study of Fault Location Algorithm Using Transient Fault Signal for EHV Transmission Lines

    利用输电线路 故障 暂态信号进行故障定位的算法研究