translation model

[trænsˈleʃən ˈmɑdl][trænsˈleiʃən ˈmɔdəl]

[计] 翻译模行

  • The phrase-base statistical machine translation model is an important research direction in machine translation field .

    基于短语的统计 翻译 模型是目前机器翻译的重要研究方向。

  • Research on the decoding algorithm of the syntax-based statistical translation model .

    基于句法的统计 翻译 模型解码器的研究。

  • This paper discusses the natures and language features of memes explores the cognitive process and translation model .

    本文探索模因的特征与模因语言的特色,探索模因的认知过程与 翻译 模式,并 翻译 模式下解释模因的 翻译

  • The author first tries to build up a translation model under adaptation theory to explain the translation process .

    首先在顺应论的框架下构建一个 翻译 模式,用来解释顺应翻译的具体过程。

  • In this paper by considering the content of chat messages in the data and context information and using the idea of statistical translation model we tap the message and the topic of implicit semantic association between the leads according to different topic threads .

    本论文通过考虑聊天数据中消息的内容和上下文信息,并结合使用统计 翻译 模型的思想,挖掘消息与话题线索之间隐含的语义关联,按照不同的话题线索对消息文本进行归类。

  • According to Roger Bell 's translation model the whole translation involves twoprocesses & analysis and synthesis .

    根据罗杰.贝尔的 翻译 模式,整个翻译涉及两个过程&分析与合成。

  • Research on the Ontology Translation Model in Semantic Web

    基于语义网的本体 转换 模型研究

  • Research on Auto-Construction of EBMT Translation Model

    EBMT 翻译 模型自动构建研究

  • A statistical translation model tries to capture translation relationships from a set of parallel texts ( or translation examples ) .

    本文将描述我们在建立中英文统计 翻译 模型上的尝试。

  • Finally the article brings forward the semantics-based Water Information Translation Model and then evaluates its system and the result shows the degree of automation is improved .

    由此提出了基于语义的水情电报 翻译 模型,并对系统作了评价与分析,结果表明提高了 翻译率及自动化程度。

  • And then carry on deep research to Multi-source Spatial Data Translation Model in semantic level and explain in detail to the definition principle organization of the model .

    进而对基于语义异构空间数据 转换 模型进行了深入地研究,从模型的定义、原理、组织构成进行了详细地阐述。

  • Based on Co-occurrence Model and Translation Model the paper improves and uses a relevance model .

    结合共现模型和 翻译 模型的思想,本文设计了一种改进相关模型。

  • Research of Phrase-based Translation Model Using Syntactic and Morphologic Information

    基于形态句法信息的短语 翻译 模型研究

  • This thesis is arranged as follows : ( 1 ) Research on the decoding algorithm of the phrase-based statistical translation model .

    在此,重点研究了启发式函数,以及在基于短语的统计 翻译 模型的解码中的应用研究。

  • Bell has employed systematic linguistics to describe translation process explained the brain mechanism during translation from the perspectives of psychology and information processing and set up a translation model .

    贝尔尝试用系统语言学描述翻译过程,并结合心理学和信息加工理论模式描述了译者在翻译过程中大脑的工作过程,建立了 翻译 模式

  • Study Status Quo on the Task Translation Model of Hierarchically Intelligent Control Systems

    分层递阶智能控制任务 转换 模型的研究现状

  • We use the open-source statistical machine translation software to train the language model and translation model and the decoder to decode .

    利用开源的统计机器翻译软件对语言模型和 翻译 模型进行训练,并使用本文设计的解码器进行解码。

  • Establishment of Automatic Translation Model to Describe the Language of Technology

    工艺语言描述中的自动 翻译 模型的建立

  • Atmosphere Translation Model Analysis in IR Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation System

    红外制导半实物仿真系统中大气 传输 模型的分析

  • However only via translation model to perform multilingual information retrieval it is difficult to solve the problems of lexical translation : polysemy and unknown words .

    然而仅用 翻译 模型进行多语言信息检索,难以处理词汇翻译的多对多问题和未登录词问题。

  • Study on Multi-source Spatial Data Translation Model

    多源空间数据 转换 模型研究

  • This paper presents a general test vector translation model based on the two-step translation method .

    在双步测试向量转换解决方案的基础上,构建了一个通用的测试向量 转换 模型

  • For syntax-based tree-to-string statistical translation model direct decoding algorithm is presented which is based on the framework of the log-linear model .

    针对树-串句法统计 翻译 模型提出了基于对数线性模型的正向解码算法。

  • This is the translation model of parody words based on figure-ground theory .

    这就是图形背景理论下仿词的 翻译 模式

  • In order to effectively direct the translation process by syntax information a greedy direct decoding algorithm is proposed for the syntax-based tree-to-string statistical translation model .

    为了有效利用句法信息指导翻译过程,提出了基于贪心搜索的树-串句法统计 翻译 模型的正向解码算法。

  • The research on the Example-Based Machine Translation model is of great theoretical and practical significance to the Corpus-Based Machine Translation and further to the Natural Language Processing .

    所以研究基于实例的机器 翻译 模型对基于语料库的机器翻译方法以及自然语言处理研究具有重要的理论意义和实用价值。

  • Trough the research of multi-source spatial data translation model based on semantic level we proposed a view that when the spatial data are transformed the conflict between various kinds of spatial data models can be solved and replaced through semantic information 's inherit and expansion .

    对基于语义异构空间数据 转换 模型进行研究,提出在空间数据转换时,各种空间数据模型之间的冲突可以通过语义信息的继承和扩展来解决和代替。

  • A English-Chinese Translation Model of Idioms Based on Prototype Theory Application of Archetype in Wuthering Heights

    运用原型理论构建英汉习语 翻译 模式论原型模式在《呼啸山庄》中的运用