translation command

[trænsˈleʃən kəˈmænd][trænsˈleiʃən kəˈmɑ:nd]

[计] 翻译命令

  • As for translators in order to perform high quality translation it is the premise to have a good command of translation methodology and being familiar with both source and target language .

    对译者而言,想要产出高质量的 译名,前提是很好地 掌握翻译方法,并且熟悉源语言和目的语。

  • A translation technique for nondeterministic constructs in Guarded command Language ( GCL ) is presented . We have modified Pascal-S compiler by using this technique .

    介绍一种 翻译卫式 命令语言(GCL)中非确定结构的方法,根据所提出的方法对Pascal-S编译程序作了修改。

  • By analyzing the traditional teaching mode for English-Chinese Translation which always restrict students to translate flexibly and creatively this paper holds that college students ' poor command of basic knowledge about language and their lack of inter-culture knowledge hinder their development of translation skills .

    分析传统 翻译教学模式中限制学生翻译灵活性和创造性的弱点,认为大学生薄弱的 语言基本功和跨文化知识匮乏阻碍了学生翻译技能的提高。

  • There are many Chinglish expressions in their translation which is an indication that they have not got a good command of English language .

    在他们的 翻译练习中,中式英语的表达比比皆是。这表示他们的 英语水平还不够高。