transmission line model

[trænsˈmɪʃən laɪn ˈmɑdl][trænzˈmiʃən lain ˈmɔdəl]


  • Microwave transmission line model on a cylindrical wire grid is discussed .

    讨论了金属栅网的微波 传输 线 模型

  • Based on phase-modal transformation technique and distributed parameter transmission line model the algorithm utilizes quasi-Newton method to resolve non-linear equation sets allowing for data sampling asynchronization at both terminals .

    该算法采用相-模变换技术和分布参数 线路 模型,考虑了双端数据的不同步问题,运用拟牛顿法迭代求解非线性方程组。

  • The approximate expression of various transient over-voltage have been obtained by analysis and deduction according to the simplified transmission line model .

    根据简化后的集中 参数 线路 模型,详细分析并推导了特高压系统各种操作过电压的近似表达式。

  • Research on vessel transmission line model

    血管 传输 线 模型的研究

  • Based on the RFQ transmission line model a study on the field tuning was conducted on the cold model RFQ focusing on the characteristics of the resonantly coupled RFQ structure .

    针对共振耦合结构的特殊性,在RFQ 传输 线 模型 理论基础上,在一台RFQ冷模型上进行了场调谐的实验研究,获得了满意的实验结果。

  • This method decrease difficulty of the design . ( 3 ) The equivalent transmission line model of electromagnetic coupled antennas based on cavity is put forwards . The surface wave and parallel mode of patch based on LTCC is compressed by cavity . Meanwhile efficiency of antenna is improved .

    提出了LTCC背腔式电磁耦合贴片天线的等效 传输 线 模型,采用腔体结构压缩表面波和平行板模,提高了天线效率。

  • The time-domain transient transmission line model and the sign flow graph model are applied to this analysis process .

    通过时域瞬态 传输 线 模型、信号流图模型分析,指出整个系统可等效为一个延时滤波网络。

  • To understand the relay 's performance comprehensively this paper carries on the simulation calculation and analysis under the conditions of different fault types accompanied with power oscillation and incomplete phase operation on a 500 kV transmission line model .

    为全面了解该元件的工作性能,在500kV 输电 系统 模型上,对振荡伴随不同类型短路和非全相运行情况下方向元件的动作行为进行仿真计算和分析。

  • In this paper we present the analysis of multifurcated waveguides by the transmission line model and impedance transformation technique .

    本文利用波导的 传输 线 模型及阻抗变换技术,分析了多分叉波导的性质。

  • In this work a lumped-parameter circuit model and transmission line model are discussed .

    提出了电流注入探头的两种电路模型:集中参元电路模型和分布式 传输 线 模型

  • The principle and the measurement for the porosity of hard coatings on the metal surfaces were summarized . The transmission line model for a single one-dimensional pore and finite diffusion model based on electrochemical impedance theory and the porous coating model based on anodic polarization theory were provided .

    综述了以电化学阻抗理论为基础的一维孔 传输 线 模型、有限扩散模型和以阳极极化理论为基础的多孔涂层电极模型计算金属表面硬质涂层孔隙率的原理及其测量方法。

  • And the contrast with the result of Transmission Line Model ( TLM ) has explained the exactness of the simulation result of this paper .

    通过与 传输 线 方法(TLM)的对比,说明了本文仿真结果的正确性。

  • Analysis of reflection phase for high impedance surface based on a transmission line model

    基于 传输 线 模型的高阻表面反射相位分析

  • Research on Transmission Line Model Based on DSP

    基于DSP的电子 输电 线路 模型研究

  • A microstructure design method for left-handed material was presented by analogy with the transmission line model .

    提出了一种基于 传输 线比拟 模型的左手材料微结构设计方法。

  • Build the model of multiconductor transmission line of generator windings and analyze generator windings . Give the generator single coih single phases three phase winding models and multiconductor transmission line model .

    建立了发电机绕组的多导体传输线模型,对发电机进行了线圈分析,给出了发电机单线圈、单相绕组、三相绕组以及大型发电机的多导体 传输 线 模型

  • For the generator with 540 slots of the Yangtze Gorges example use the multiconductor transmission line model to calculate all wave lightning overvoltage in the stator windings and give the simulation result which verified the accuracy feasibility and advantage of this theory .

    以540槽三峡发电机为例,运用多导体 传输 线 模型计算出其定子绕组的雷电冲击全波过电压,给出了仿真结果,验证了这个理论的正确性、可行性和优越性。

  • A general small signal transmission line model of superconducting field effect devices is treated analytically .

    本文提出了 超导场效应器件的统一小信号 模型

  • The method using circular transmission line model ( CTLM ) to measure the specific contact resistance ( ρ C ) between metals and semiconductors is presented in this paper .

    系统地介绍了用圆形 传输 线 模型(CTLM)测量金属/半导体欧姆接触电阻率的基本原理。

  • Mathematics calculations and diagrams show that : short circuit instigate drop admittance has profound correspondence physics significance for surface acoustic wave filter and the characteristic of division digital transducer can be described and designed using transmission line model .

    通过数学推导和图解表明:短路策动点导纳对声表面波滤波器有着对应的物理意义,用 传输 线 模型可对分裂指换能器的特性进行精确的描述和设计。

  • The transmission line model of integrated inductors are presented and the procedure of extracting parasitic parameters of integrated inductors are induced to created an equation of parasitic parameters .

    建立了集成电感的 传输 线 模型,并推导了集成电感 模型参数提取的方法,建立了集成电感的寄生参数方程。

  • According to the relationship of the transmission line model ( CR circuit ) and the fixed configuration model ( QR circuit ) the analytical method of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy is established by which the effect of coating 's thickness and its application are investigated .

    根据 传输 线 类型的CR电路和结构固定的QR电路之间关系所建立的分析阻抗谱的方法,探讨了有机涂层厚度的不同影响及其应用。

  • According to the principle of the microstrip antenna array this thesis studied the feeding methods especially the patch element antenna feeding based on the Transmission Line Model .

    本文从微带阵列天线的基本原理出发,研究了微带天线的馈电方法,特别是基于 传输 线 模型的单元馈电方法。

  • Then multiconductor transmission line model is established .

    本文首先对基本理论进行了介绍,然后在此基础上建立了多导体 传输 线 模型

  • A time-domain method to calculate EMP coupling of buried cables based on transmission line model

    一种基于 传输 线 方程的埋地电缆电磁脉冲耦合时域分析方法

  • Based on analyzing the characteristics and limination of transmission line model and curved surface integral model for resistivity logging through casing the mathematical expression of the curved surface integral equation is derived for complex formation and its numerical solution is obtained by using subdomain method .

    分析了套管井电阻率测井的 传输 线方程 模型和曲面积分方程模型的特点及局限性;给出了复杂地层模型下的曲面积分方程表达式,采用子区域法求其数值解。

  • The basic physical model and the transmission line model which used in the analysis about the response frequency of the SRR plus wires arrays and cross arrays structure are all introduced and described .

    对SRR及金属线阵列组合结构和十字架阵列结构的基本物理模型以及分析中通常使用的 传输 线 模型都进行了详细的研究和说明。

  • Design laboratory experiment of leakage detection for the transmission line model and record the waveform .

    设计了 传输 线 模型渗漏检测的实验室实验,记录了相关波形。

  • The traveling wave propagation rule is validated by simulation for transmission line model and results show the correctness of theoretical analysis .

    利用 输电 线路 模型对上述行波传输规律进行了验证,证实了理论分析的正确性。

  • The simulated models are compared with the experimental characterization of the injection probe and the result shows the transmission line model is more identical with actual conditions than the lumped-parameter circuit model .

    并将实测的探头参数与两种仿真模型的结果对比,表明分布式 传输 线 模型与实际情况更为吻合。