transmission mode

[trænsˈmɪʃən mod][trænzˈmiʃən məud]


  • Therefore it is necessary to select wireless transmission mode with small volume low power consumption and safe transfer features .

    因此选用体积小,功耗低和传输安全的无线 传输 方式

  • Then we introduced the data transmission mode which used in seismic instruments .

    并且介绍了现有地震仪器中适用的数据 传输 方式

  • In the event of serious loss of pressure the driver is warned immediately the wheel electronics switching to fast transmission mode .

    如果严重失压,则立即警告驾驶员,车轮电子设备切换至最快 传输 模式

  • There are two kinds of systematic modes of information sharing mainly : Information transmission mode and information centre mode .

    信息共享系统模式主要有两种:信息 传递 模式和信息中心模式。

  • Design and Realization of SDRAM Controller Based on DMA Transmission Mode

    基于DMA 传输 方式的SDRAM控制器的设计与实现

  • The Research on the Master Transmission Mode in Traditional Martial Arts Development

    中国传统武术发展中的师徒 传承 模式研究

  • Introduction of Dynamic Synchronous Transmission Mode

    动态同步 传输 模式介绍

  • This paper focuses on frame relay functions frame structures and transmission mode on the telecommunications network .

    本文主要介绍了帧中继的功能、帧结构以及在通信网上的 传输 方式

  • The holistic design of MPLS simulation model based on Asynchronous Transmission mode ( ATM ) is discussed .

    讨论了基于 ATM的MPLS仿真模型的总体设计和实现。

  • Stainless steel wire mesh belt conveyor belt conveyor is a traditional paper revolution it overcomes the belt conveyor maintenance difficulties scallops easily torn punctured the shortcomings of corrosion to provide a safe efficient simple maintenance transmission mode .

    不锈钢网带输送机是对传统皮带式输送机的一次革命,它克服了皮带输送机维护困难,带子易被撕裂、刺破、腐蚀的缺点,为客户提供的一种安全、快捷、维护简单的 输送 方式

  • The transmission mode of voice is developing from the original analog form to digital voice transmission .

    语音的 传输 方式从最初的模拟方式通信发展到数字化语音传输,在保证实时性的同时,还强调低编码速率、高语音质量和安全性问题。

  • Each transmission mode is defined by signal bandwidth related parameters and transmission efficiency related parameters .

    为了满足不同的运行条件,不同频道和不同条件的传输可选用不同的 传输 模式,每一种 传输 模式由信号带宽的相关参数和传输效率的相关参数定义。

  • The plan improved the traditional transmission mode from single point to multipoint .

    新方法改进了传统的 文件 传输 方式,将单点之间的 传输设计成多点对一点的 传输

  • Due to the different motorcycle models motorcycle two transmission methods are belt drive chain drive and three kinds of universal joint drive shaft transmission mode .

    由于摩托车机型的不同,摩托车二级传动方式有皮带传动、链传动和万向节轴传动三种 传动 方式

  • The transmission mode and the utilization of CASHL in small and medium-sized college libraries

    CASHL文献 传递 模式及中小型高校图书馆利用实践

  • But the inherent defects of Store-and-Forward transmission mode restrict the improvement of traditional P2P system to a small scale .

    但存储转发的数据 传输 方式与生俱来的缺点限制了P2P系统性能的提升。

  • The most common transmission mode of Hepatitis B C D and G is blood contact .

    血液接触是乙、丙、丁及庚型肝炎的最常见 传播 途径

  • The transmission equipment operates in the digital microwave transmission mode or optical fiber transmission mode according to the conditions of the installation site .

    传输设备根据安装现场条件,采用光缆或数字微波等 方式

  • When the sprocket or pulley shaft installed in the effort Chain / conveyor belt transmission mode can be intermittently Transmission Pipeline - automated machinery . gearing with the thread of a worm .

    当链轮或皮带轮安装在出力轴上时,链/皮带 传动的输送 方式可间歇地传动流水线式的自动化机器。

  • Design and realization of RLC AM transmission mode in 3GPP LTE radio protocol stack

    3GPPLTE协议栈RLC层AM 传输 模式的设计与实现

  • The system supports Ethernet WLAN and TD-LTE three kinds of transmission mode .

    本系统支持Ethernet方式、WLAN和TD-LTE三种 传输 方式

  • The report in2004 showed that the ratio of the infection of HIV by sexual was rising and the heterosexual sex would be the main transmission mode of HIV in China .

    2004年的最新统计显示:目前我国经性途径感染艾滋病的比例正在逐步上升,异性性接触将成为我国艾滋病的主要 传播 方式

  • The laboratory table is designed with rational transmission project 、 transmission mode and drive .

    通过选择合理的传动方案、 传动 方式和动力源,自行设计了排种器性能试验台。

  • Advances in micro-electronics and signaling technology have enabled serialized transmission as an efficiently transmission mode .

    随着微电子技术和信号发射技术的发展,串行链路成为有效的信号 传输 方式

  • Design and Practice of HFC Transmission Mode of CATV in Longhai City

    龙海市有线电视光缆电缆综合网络 传输 模式的设计与实践

  • Optimizing and consummating signal transmission mode to increase reliability and quality ;

    优化、完善了信号 传输 方式,提高了可靠性和质量;

  • In the data transmission mode the CSI and transmitted data is obtained iteratively .

    在数据 传输 模式下,迭代地获得发送数据和信道状态信息。

  • The mainstream of network transmission mode author thinks that the mode of open access won 't become the taking the place of the transmission mode of commerical database .

    分析认为,开放存取模式将不会取代商业数据库传播模式而成为中国学术期刊网络 传播 模式的主流。

  • It 's important to analyse the transmission mode on fiberoptics theory .

    传输 模式的分析在光纤理论中具有重要意义。

  • Also the basic concept of PTP technique synchronization principle message format and transmission mode are introduced .

    介绍了PTP技术的基本概念,同步原理,报文格式及 传输 方式