


  • He concluded that next generation sequencing will impact our knowledge about tumor behavior and have direct translational potential .

    他推断下一步基因测序将会对我们对肿瘤行为知识产生影响,有直接 翻译能力。

  • The research is published today in the journal Science Translational Medicine .

    该研究发表在今天的美国学术刊物《科学 转化医学》上。

  • The All-Story Monthly is a translational journal which provides the late Qing dynasty fictions with multi-elementary .

    《月月小说》是一份 承前启后的、富有探索性的刊物,它给晚清小说的多元化发展提供了契机。

  • According to Hu translation is described as a translator 's adaptation and selection activities in a translational eco-environment .

    根据 胡庚申的翻译适应选择论,翻译被定义为译者适应 翻译生态环境的选择活动。

  • Prof Frazer continues his research as director of the Translational Research Institute in Australia .

    作为澳大利亚 转化 医学研究所( TranslationalResearchInstitute)的所长,弗雷泽教授继续着他的研究。

  • Let 's say translational energy in this direction .

    也就是在这个方向上的 平动动能。

  • Results Translational medicine has been successfully introduced into the realm of TCM applications and researches .

    结果 转化医学已经被成功地引入到中医药学科的研究领域之中。

  • We could be worrying about translational energy .

    我们可能会考虑 平动的能量。

  • This research on the whole is translational medicine .

    整个研究 便是一个医学 转换的过程。

  • More research is focused on the cylindrical HTS magnetic levitation system rather than the system with translational symmetry .

    相比轴对称式系统的研究, 平移对称式高温超导磁悬浮系统的研究结果相对较少,动态研究少于准静态研究。

  • In performBehavior () a robot can take note of sensor readings and set its translational and rotational velocities .

    在performBehavior()中,机器人可以读取传感器读数并设置它的 平移和旋转速度。

  • It means that without doing anything I know the average translational energy of the molecules in this room .

    它意味着不用做任何事,我知道,这个房间里分子的平均 平动能。

  • Discussion of bioengineering and tissue-based therapies will complement these sessions with the aim of facilitating translational approaches .

    生物工程和组织的讨论将会补充治疗这些课程,目标是促进 转化的方法。

  • OK so now what I want to do is just have a simple mode for their translational motion .

    我现在要建立,一个他们 平动的模型。

  • The second theme is the importance of translating basic and translational advances into clinical practice .

    第二个主题是强调将基础的 研究进展 转化为临床实践的重要性。

  • The results appear in the journal Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology .

    该项研究结果发表在《临床和 转化神经病学年鉴》上。

  • Translational medicine just constructs an important bridge between them .


  • So I think last time you got introduced to basically a lattice model for translational motion .

    我想上一次已经基本,地介绍给你们关于 平移运动的格点模型。

  • A design method of CMM of 3-DOF translational parallel robot was presented .

    提出一种三 平移并联机器人坐标测量机的设计方法。

  • The translational motion of the system as a whole simply adds a constant to the total energy .

    体系作为一个整体的 移动运动,只单纯地在总能量上加一常数值。

  • Employing Distortion Compensated Roentgen Analysis rotational and translational motion at adjacent levels was quantified prospectively .

    应用变形补偿X线分析,并对相邻节段旋转和 平移活动进行预期的量化。

  • The motion of a rigid body can be divided into two types : translation and rotation so the kinetic energy of rigid body is made up of translational energy and rotational energy .

    刚体平动时的运动学特征和动力学特征刚体的运动分为平动和转动,那么刚体的动能也就包括 平动动能和转动动能。

  • Polysystem theory looks at norms that govern translational and other cultural activities from a descriptive perspective .

    多元系统论从超然物外的描述性视角来研究支配 翻译活动及其它文化活动的规范。

  • MGD provides a data mining platform that enables the development of translational research hypotheses based on comparative genotype phenotype and functional analyses .

    MGD提供了一个数据挖掘平台,它使得基于比较基因型、表型和功能分析的 转化研究假设的发展成为可能。

  • The translational partition function times the vibrational partition function times the rotational partition function et cetera .


  • Medical information retrieval course ; Evidence-based medicine ; Translational medicine ; Current situation ; Teaching reform ;

    医学信息检索课;循证医学; 转化医学;现状;教学改革;

  • The system translational energy is equal to zero .

    系统的 平动动能就是零。

  • In the last chapter rotation and translational motion is studied to formation reconfiguration .

    最后一章探讨了同时进行 平移运动和旋转运动的编队重构问题。

  • Conclusion The rise of translational medicine will promote the development of Chinese medicine and provide better opportunities for innovation .

    结论 转化医学的兴起将会给中医药事业的发展提供更好的发展创新机遇。

  • In the translational case where you interchange particles .
