translating machine


  • Discuss the translating method of NURBS as uniform internal data interface for different kinds of curves . A NURBS interpolation algorithm which can fit diverse machine tool ′ s kinetic characteristics and has the function of look-ahead control is proposed .

    探讨了使用NURBS曲线插补数据格式G06统一表示各种曲线的 转化方法。提出了一种具有 机床动力学自适应能力与曲线前瞻控制能力的NURBS曲线插补算法。

  • At present it adopts the popular design methods of algorithm and structure to do all work of translating the standard C source code into the object code and provides a virtual machine on which the object code can run .

    它采用当今较流行的算法和结构设计思想,全面实现 一个标准C源程序 翻译成目标代码的所有工作,并提供了一个运行目标代码的虚拟

  • It is not only favorable to describing and accounting for the peculiar expression of English and Chinese Possession Category but also helpful in translating possession clauses teaching the two languages and developing language processing in machine .

    这不仅有利于描述和解释领属范畴在两种语言中的独特表达方式,还有助于领属小句 翻译、英汉语言教学和 机器对自然语言的处理。

  • The translating machine will enable people who do not share a common language to talk to each other without any difficulty or to read foreign publications .

    翻译 将使 不同语言的人可以毫无困难地相互交流或阅读外文刊物。

  • The technique of translating the Internet information is the integration of variety of techniques including machine translation computer network and communication and this is a new technique which translates the internet sources automatically .

    Internet信息 翻译是当前一项综合利用 机器翻译、计算机、网络与通讯技术.将因特网中的信息资源进行自动翻译的新兴技术。

  • Without automated transformations capable of translating our high-level language to the ones and zeros that the machine cares about our productivity will not improve .

    缺少了自动的转换, 我们的高级语言 翻译 机器关心的零一编码的能力,我们的生产力将不会提高。

  • But don 't know why I just like to say though I now have the translating machine .

    但是,不知道为什么,我只是想说,虽然我现在有 翻译