

v.转化翻译( translate的现在分词 )解释被翻译

  • After developing a good competence in both source and target languages actual translating may begin .

    在掌握了良好的源语言和目标语言能力之后, 译员就可以开始实际的 翻译了。

  • My work involves translating from German .

    我的工作包括德语 翻译

  • Based on some practical examples some translating methods of such titular attributive clauses are discussed in this paper .

    本文结合实例,探讨了此类有名无实定语从句 翻译的一些 具体方法。

  • IBM globalization verification test teams use pseudo translation to examine software without even translating messages .

    IBM全球化验证测试小组甚至不需要 转换消息就可以使用伪翻译来对软件进行检验。

  • Understanding comes not form translating but from feeling and sounds .

    理解不是来自于 翻译,而是来自声音和感觉。

  • Translating and thinking about the grammar rules to create English sentences is incorrect and should be avoided .


  • Some wrote in English and Irish often translating the work of their peers as well as early texts .

    有些既用英语也用爱尔兰语写作的人,还经常 翻译他们的同辈的作品以及早期的作品。

  • Discussion is made on the select arts for translating Chinese quantifiers into english .

    阐述了汉语量词的 选择艺术。

  • This story highlights some of the pitfalls of translating online .

    这个例子突出体现了在线 翻译的一些缺陷。

  • In this paper I mainly discuss the relationship between idioms and culture ; also summarize several methods of translating both Chinese and English idioms .

    本文主要讲述了习语和文化的关系,总结了一些习语 翻译方法和 翻译中需 引起注意的地方。

  • Responsible for coding translating and editing market research materials .

    负责对市场调查研究获取的资料进行编码、 和编辑。

  • My secretary worked long hours translating my almost illegible writing into a typewritten and readable script .

    我的秘书花了很长时间 我写的几乎无法辨认的手稿用打字机打印成易读的文本。

  • Translating this motto for me .

    为我 翻译这句座右铭。

  • The present invention provides a computer-aided translating method and a computer-aided translating device .

    本发明提供了计算机辅助 翻译的方法和计算机辅助翻译的装置。

  • Fluent Spoken English ; good at writing translating and interpreting .

    英语口语流利,语音标准。写作和 翻译技能良好。

  • The different text types need different translating strategies .

    不同的文本类型需要采用不同的 翻译策略。

  • The paper tries to make the comparison between them and summarize the rules of translating these words .

    本文通过分析中西方不同的 文化习惯,比较 汉语中的颜色词含义,并总结 翻译 颜色词的规律和方法。

  • Translation means translating meaning .

    翻译就是 翻译意义。

  • Writing and editing English and Chinese research materials proof-reading and translating English materials into Chinese and vice versa .

    编写和编辑中、文市场研究资料,校对、 资料由英文 成中文或由 中文 英文

  • This paper attempts to find better translating methods to help dictionary users improve their study efficiency .

    本文尝试找到较好的 社会 科学 术语 翻译方法以便于帮助词典用户提高他们的学习效率。

  • I am translating a book .

    我在 翻译一本书。

  • English advertising ; Relevance Theory ; advertising translation ; advertising translating strategy ;

    广告英语;关联理论;广告翻译;广告 翻译策略;

  • And I also have finished translating the sample of an English book !

    也完成了一本英语书的样 翻译

  • I may not be translating that accurately .

    我可能 得不那么准确。

  • The different translated terms reveal different translating strategies that the translators apply in the creative treason .

    “不速之客”和“过客”不同的译名体现了译者在创造性叛逆中不同的 翻译选择。

  • Supporting pre-sales and implementation including interpretation and translating ;

    支持产品售前和实施工作,包括口译及 笔译

  • Application of Communicative Translation and Semantic Translation in Translating Chinese News Headlines

    交际翻译和语义翻译在汉语新闻标题英 中的应用

  • He has finished translating the novel .

    他完成了那部小说的 翻译工作。

  • Would you mind translating for me ?

    请你帮我 翻译一下好吗?