More research is focused on the cylindrical HTS magnetic levitation system rather than the system with translational symmetry .
相比轴对称式系统的研究, 平移 对称式高温超导磁悬浮系统的研究结果相对较少,动态研究少于准静态研究。
Symmetry exists widely in the mechanical field . Mirror symmetry rotational symmetry and translational symmetry are the three basic types of symmetry .
对称性广泛存在于机械领域中,镜射对称性、旋转对称性和 平移 对称 性是三大基本对称性。
The quasi-crystals is similar to the crystal long-range ordered atomic arrangement but do not have the translational symmetry of a crystal structure .
准晶体(Quasicyrstal)是具有与晶体相似的长程有序的原子排列,但不具备晶体的 平移 对称 性的一种结构。
Then the regulation of translational symmetry to the phonon energy band structure of photonic crystal as well as how to change phonon translational symmetry of the crystal artificially were analyzed .
然后分析了 平移 对称 性在声子晶体能带结构调节中的影响,以及如何通过人工调节改变声子晶体的平移对称性。
This HTS levitation system above infinitely long permanent magnetic guideway ( PMG ) is with translational symmetry .
这种基于无限延长的永磁轨道上方高温超导磁悬浮系统具有 平移 对称 性。
Because of the existence of the surface translational invariant symmetry is destroyed there are unique physical and chemical properties on the surface .
由于表面的存在,体表 原子 处在非 对称环境中, 朝向块体内部以及在表面处都有 相邻 原子,而对于 外部则没有, 平移 对称不变性被破坏,形成不同于 体态独特的物理化学性质。
But more research is focused on the axisymmetric HTS Maglev system rather than the system with translational symmetry . Moreover study on the performance of the Maglev system at the temperature of 77 K is much more than that of the system at the other temperatures .
相比轴对称式高温超导磁悬浮系统,基于永磁轨道的 平移 对称式高温超导磁悬浮系统在77K以上或以下温度的悬浮性能的研究还甚少。