trade zone


  • China has also officially started a joint feasibility study on a free trade zone with Colombia .

    中国还同哥伦比亚正式启动两国自由 贸易 联合可行性研究。

  • Second promoting the establishment of a China-ASEAN free trade zone .

    推动建立中国&东盟自由 贸易

  • Central Asian countries have refused a free trade zone with China while south-east Asian nations have demanded further concessions for a trade accord that came into force this year .

    中亚国家已经拒绝与中国建立自由 贸易 ,东南亚国家也要求中国在今年生效的一项贸易协定中做出更多让步。

  • To draw up plans of development planning and industrial policies of the Free Trade Zone and see to the implementation thereof upon approval of the Municipal people 's Government ;

    制订 保税 的发展规划和产业政策,经市人民政府批准后组织实施;

  • Based on the difference of economic integration it is divided into six types : special tariff zone free trade zone tariff union common market currency and economic liaison and complete economic integration .

    根据经济一体化程度的不同,将其划分为特惠关税区、自由 贸易 、关税同盟、共同市场、货币与经济联盟和完全的经济一体化等六种不同的类型。

  • The China-ASEAN Free Trade Zone was upgraded .

    打造中国?东盟 自贸区升级版。

  • Free Trade Zone Frontier Inspection commodity inspection Payment Settling Bank Shipping Market .

    保税 ,边检,商检,结汇银行,船务市场。

  • The Welfare Influence on China-ASEAN Free Trade Zone

    中国&东盟自由 贸易 的福利影响

  • Study on the Transition of Qingdao Bonded Zone Towards Free Trade Zone

    青岛保税区转型为自由 贸易 港区研究

  • The Influence of China-ASEAN Free Trade Zone upon China 's Petrochemical Industry

    中国-东盟 自贸区对中国石化产业的影响

  • At present the China-ASEAN economic cooperation expert group has submitted a report suggesting the establishment of a China-ASEAN free trade zone within 10 years .

    目前,中国&东盟经济合作专家组已经提出报告,建议中国与东盟国家在10年内建成自由 贸易

  • The Shanghai World Financial Center dwarfs the421-meter-tall Jin Mao Tower in Pudong 's Lujiazui Financial and Trade Zone .

    上海国际金融中心超过同为于浦东陆家嘴金融 贸易 的高421米金茂大厦。

  • To take charge of the implementation of the laws regulations and the present Regulations in the Free Trade Zone to formulate and promulgate specific rules for administering the Free Trade Zone ;

    负责法律、法规和本条例在 保税 的实施,制定和发布保税区的具体管理规定;

  • The government has also reformed the way that companies list shares and has loosened capital controls in an experimental free trade zone in Shanghai giving more play to market forces in both cases .

    政府还改革了企业股票上市的方式,并在上海一个实验性的 自贸区放松了资本管制&这两个举措都赋予市场力量更大的施展空间。

  • Jordan 's free trade zone free of import duty excise tax and all other taxes .

    约旦的自由 贸易 免收进口税、国内货物税及其它一切税收。

  • On the Route of Shanghai Cooperation Organization Free Trade Zone

    上海合作组织自由 贸易 实现路径探析&基于次 区域 经济 合作 视角

  • Since the establishment of China-ASEAN free trade zone trade between China and Myanmar has developed greatly .

    自中国-东盟自由 贸易 开始建设以来,我国与缅甸的货物贸易取得了长足发展。

  • China yesterday signed an agreement with the Association of South-east Asian Nations that promises to open up key services sectors as the two partners move towards creating what could be the world 's biggest free trade zone .

    中国昨日与东南亚国家联盟(ASEAN,东盟)签署了一项协议,承诺开放关键服务领域。目前双方正朝着创建一个 自由 贸易 的方向前进,可能创建全球最大的自由 贸易

  • Based on the analysis of the present situation of Rizhao City and Rizhao port this paper discusses the way of integration of free trade zone and port in Rizhao city and proposes 10 suggestions for development of modern logistics in Rizhao port .

    摘要介绍日照市和日照港的现状,探讨在 日照市进行 港联动的途径,对日照港发展港口现代物流提出了10项建议。

  • A Study of RMB 's Convertibility in the Sino-ASEAN Free Trade Zone

    中国-东盟自由 贸易 人民币区域自由兑换研究

  • Shared Labor Market in China-ASEAN Free Trade Zone

    中国&东盟自由 贸易 劳动力市场的共享

  • Based on the feasibility study for Chongqing bonded port area this paper discusses the development mode of China ′ s inland port free trade zone .

    通过重庆设立保税港区的可行性研究论证工作,对我国内陆港口自由 贸易 发展模式进行初步探讨。

  • The article introduces the emergence the development and the successful experience of free trade zone in the Middle East Gulf region .

    介绍了中东海湾地区自由 贸易 的兴起、发展,以及成功经验。

  • US officials see the partnership as the basis for a future free trade zone that spans the Pacific .

    美国官员将这个伙伴关系视为未来跨太平洋自由 贸易 的基础。

  • Studies on eco-environmental planning towards the sustainable development of Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone China ;

    文章根据 波浪观测资料,分析和计算上海 外高桥新港区码头前的设计波浪。

  • Research into the Management Model of Constructing Free Trade Zone in Tianjin East Bonded Port Area

    天津东疆保税港区建设自由 贸易 港区管理模式探究

  • Our company situate in Free Trade Zone of Qingdao which is strategic location .

    我司位于青岛 保税 物流 园区 ,地理位置优越。

  • A Thought of the Economic Cooperation with the E.E.C.after Joining the WTO ; The process of setting up the ASEAN-China free trade zone was initiated and our cooperation with the ASEAN countries in many fields has grown closer .

    加入WTO后我国同欧盟经贸合作的思路中国&东盟自由 贸易 进程启动,与东盟在诸多领域的合作加强。

  • I 've long heard the Haihe River bridge linking together Tanggu district the development area the free trade zone and Tianjin port is the traffic corridor between downtown Tianjin and the coastal urban areas .

    早就知道海河大桥沟通了塘沽区、开发区、 保税 和天津港,是天津中心城区与滨海城区的交通走廊。