translator language

[trænsˈletɚ ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ][trænsˈleɪtə ˈlæŋɡwidʒ]


  • This thesis aims at presenting how the principle of relevance functions in translation how important contextual effects and optimal relevance are in the procession of information 's and intention 's conveyance between the invisible original author the translator and the target language audience .

    本论文旨在说明关联原则是如何在翻译中运行的,并且论证语境效果和最佳关联在原作者、 译者 译文读者之间进行信息和意图传递中的重要性。

  • A printout usually prepared by a language translator which lists the source language statements and contents of a program .

    通常由语言 翻译 程序所准备的打印输出,它列出源 语言语句和程序的内容。

  • But if the service is available control is transferred from service manager to XML translator which performs appropriate language conversion and accesses the actual service implementation .

    但是若此项服务可以提供,控制权由服务管理器转移给XML 转换 程序转换 程序完成合适 语言的转换并访问实际服务实现)。

  • The thesis proposes that translator 's language attitude is one of the factors affecting his / her choice of translation strategy .

    本文认为 译者 语言态度是影响翻译策略的因素之一。

  • The famous translator Nida points out : Language is a part of culture and plays a very important role in it . The meaning of texts reflects the corresponding culture directly and indirectly .

    著名 翻译家Nida指出: 语言是文化的一部分,任何文本的意义都直接或是间接反映一个相应的文化,词语意义最终也只能在其相应的文化中找到。

  • The pre-eminent translator of the Spanish language has never been to Spain .

    这位出色的 西班牙语 翻译家却从没到过西班牙。

  • What is more translation study is equated to the two questions of how to translate and how to translate well having the translator as the skilled worker of language transference .

    翻译研究就是探讨怎样译、怎样译得好,把 译者等同于 语言转换的技术工人,从根本上抹杀了译者的 主体性和创造性。

  • Only when the target language text ( TLT ) is understood by its readers can the goal of translation be achieved . Therefore the translator should adjust his / her language to the habits of expression of the target readers .

    只有译文读者理解了目的语语篇, 译者才能达到其翻译的目的,因此, 译者应该使 译文 语言符合目标读者的 语言和表达习惯。

  • When the separated strings are sent to a translator and translated into another language the translator does not know whether they are displayed as one sentence on the user interface ( UI ) .

    当把分开的字符串发送给 译者以翻译成其他 语言时,译者并不知道这些字符串在用户界面中是否显示为一句话。

  • Then the thesis explores how the translator uses language form to convey aesthetic values from language and image .

    并探讨了 译者是如何运用 语言形式从语言和意境两个方面传达美学价值。

  • Since no linguistic text can exist out of a certain cultural context translation rightly involves culture as well as language A qualified translator should not only have language proficiency but also have adequate culture awareness .

    既然任何语言文本都不可能脱离文化背景存在, 翻译必然不仅和 语言有关也和文化有关(王佐良, 翻译中的文化比较,《文化与翻译》,2000)。

  • As widely accepted translation is an act of cross-cultural communication . This special kind of communication involves three parties : the writer the translator and the target language reader .

    翻译作为一种跨文化交际活动被人们广为接受,它涉及到原作者、 译者和译 读者三个方面。

  • In translating the choices of the two methods are affected by context cultural difference translator 's understanding and development of language .

    英汉互译中,语境、文化差异、 译者理解能力与 语言的发展直接影响到直译与意译的选择与运用。

  • Kuhn suggested it was the bilinguist not the translator who resources to language learning with the bridge of metaphor could break through the obstacles of communication entering into the possible world constructed by alien language .

    库恩建议双语者而不是 翻译者,能够突破 语言交流的障碍,通过 语言学习,以隐喻为通道,从而进入另外一个语言所表达的可能世界。

  • Translator study used to be focused on translator 's language competency and simple description of his role in translation .

    过去在翻译研究中对译者的研究 相对 匮乏,而其中的 大多数又往往止步于对 译者 语言能力、业务素质的要求以及对译者角色的简单比喻。

  • Besides translation is influenced by some individual and social factors such as the translator 's intention and the target language reader 's attitude towards the source language and culture especially when cultural elements are involved .

    此外,翻译还受一些个人和社会因素的影响,如 译者的意图和译 读者对原语语言文化的态度。

  • The image of the translator exists in the poetic target language .

    译者的形象伴随着诗化的译 而存在。

  • The study of this thesis is undertaken to find out manifestation of the subjectivity of the translator in translating newspaper language .

    本文研究并论述了报刊 语言翻译中的 译者主体性的表现形式。

  • A translator translates from a source language into a target language .

    译者 翻译时应当是将 外语翻译为母语。

  • In the course of translation the original writer translator and the target language readers are under different cultural and lingual backgrounds .

    就文本翻译而言, 译者和原作者以及目的 读者往往处在不同的文化背景和语言背景中。

  • Under the guidance of register the translator analyzes the language features context and related background of this academic text with the attention fucus on illustrating some representative examples .

    译者在语域理论指导下,考虑到学术文本的 语言特点和上下文语境,以及相关学科背景,对一些典型的例证进行了分析讨论。

  • Chapter Four reviews the past of Reception Aesthetics and its main viewpoints and concludes its great influence to translation in the status of the translator and target language reader the translation standards and so on .

    第四章主要回顾了接受美学的产生及其主要观点,概括了接受美学对翻译的重要影响,如 译者 读者地位和作用、翻译标准等,进而得出了其对广告翻译的启示。

  • It involves both source language / culture and target language / culture and even the language / culture of translator when he comes from a language community other than source and target languages .

    翻译 语境系统涉及 原语、译语的语言和文化,甚至涉及 译者的语言及其文化。

  • With various examples it illustrates that a translator should take into consideration the aim and the readers of the translation in question and put them and other cultural factors ( factors from the original text the translator himself and the target language ) together when translating .

    通过具体例证说明译者应该以已定的文化因素(原文、自身及译 语言)为 基点,与 具体的翻译目的和读者情况相结合, 梳理 文化因素,有效地进行 翻译

  • To ensure that their joint ventures in Japan are profitable the American companies need cultural translator even more than language translators .

    为了确保他们在日本的合资企业盈利,那些美国公司比之 语言翻译来说更需要文化 翻译

  • After accepting a grammar of some language and its translation rules TDCS can directly form a translator for the given language .

    这种系统采纳了某种语言语法和某些翻译规则后,它就能构造出这种 语言 翻译器

  • Being a senior translator an English language fan with age of84 thank God I am still energetic and initiative .

    岁了,作为一个资深 翻译,一个 英语爱好者,感谢上苍,我仍有活力和主动精神。

  • According to this theory translation is a double ostensive-inferential communication process which involves the interaction between the original author the translator and the target language readers .

    根据关联理论,翻译是一个双重的示意-推理交际过程,是涉及到原文作者、 译者 译文读者三个交际主体的动态的三元关系。

  • Thus a translator who knows no foreign language gains an advantage over those who have mastered one or two foreign languages because he or she can cast off the control and manipulation of the original .

    不懂 外语 译者具有精通外语的译者所不具有的优势,因为他能够充分摆脱原文的约束。