transmission speed

[trænsˈmɪʃən spid][trænzˈmiʃən spi:d]


  • But in the actual network some factors restrict the average data transmission speed .

    但在实际网络中还存在一些环节制约了平均数据 传输 速率最大化。

  • And we discussed the CAN-BUS key technical such as the transmission speed channel capacity node capacity and so on .

    同时探讨了CAN总线 传输 信息 速率、信道容量和节点容量等技术问题。

  • Transmission capacity in accordance with transmission speed of adjustment and with the need to enhance the high degree of choice .

    根据传送量可调节 传送 速度,并随需选择提升高度。

  • With the development of wireless communication requirements for wireless data transmission speed and quality of service are also increasing .

    随着无线通信的发展,人们对于无线数据 传输 速度和服务质量的要求也越来越高。

  • With the development of modern digital communication system the high transmission speed and reliable performance are required .

    随着当代数字通信系统的发展,人们希望系统具有高 传输 速率和可靠的性能。

  • Adopt double mesh belt ( spiral net belt conveyor food on the net ) with variable frequency speed regulation the user can according to the different Fried food to adjust mesh belt transmission speed .

    采用双网带(螺旋网带)输送食品,上下网带可变频调速,用户可根据所炸食品的不同来调节网带的 传输 速度

  • The testing of transmission speed of sonic wave in the gas-liquid two-phase flow indicates that Wood formula can be used to calculate the transmission speed of sonic wave in the two-phase flow .

    通过声波在气液两相流中 传播 速度试验证明,武德近似公式可以用来计算声波在该两相流中的传播速度。

  • Scheduling algorithm for complicated resources management is not fit for active code it debases transmission speed of capsules .

    复杂的资源管理调度算法对主动代码的运行并不合适,相反会降低信包的 传输 速率.提出了一种基于组件的主动节点资源管理体系结构。

  • Converter applications can be divided into two categories : one is used for transmission speed and the other is a variety of stationary power ( static power is not the time being ) .

    变频器应用,可分为两大类:一种是用于 传动 调速,另一种是各种静止电源(静止电源暂且不讲)。

  • CAN is a kind of field-bus technology with high transmission speed high security and low cost which is widely accredited and applied in power industry .

    CAN是一种现场总线技术,它以高 传输 速率、高可靠性和低成本的特点在电力工业中得到了广泛的认可和应用。

  • The explosive growth of the telecom service volume demands for increasingly higher network transmission speed and switching capacity .

    通信业务量的爆炸式增长,要求不断提高网络的 传输 速度和交换容量。

  • The measure of data transmission speed ; a thousand bits per second .

    数据 传输 速率的单位,为每秒1000波特。

  • And design the asynchronous and concurrency network to speed up data transmission speed in the network .

    同时通过异步并发的网络底层设计,来加快数据在网络中的 传输 速度

  • By using multi-threaded programming technology software increases the transmission speed .

    通过使用多线程编程技术,实现了软件的 高速 数据 传输

  • Higher transmission speed of the communication interface is more difficult and complicated are its design and application . This restricts real-time data transmission .

    传输 速度越高的通讯接口,其设计和应用的难度、复杂度越大,这在很大程度上制约了采样数据的实时传输。

  • To the bottleneck problems of bus bandwidth and transmission speed in traditional data acquiring systems this paper presents and implements a 200M data acquiring system based on PCI bus .

    本文针对传统的数据采集系统中存在的总线带宽、 传输 速度等瓶颈问题,提出了并实现了一个基于PCI总线的200M数据采集系统。

  • The principle of ultrasonic measuring distance in the air was analyzed . A method of improving the measurement precision by correcting transmission speed with inspecting temperature was put forward .

    分析了空气中超声波测距原理,提出了通过温度测量修正超声波 传播 速度,提高空气中测量精度的方法。

  • This scheme has some advantages of simple circuit design and higher data transmission speed .

    该方案具有电路设计简单、数据 传输 速率高等优点。

  • This paper introduces the restrained factors of ADSL business such as outgoing line ratio transmission speed network diagnosis methods network management management and maintenance of line resource and so on and advances the corresponding reference solving methods .

    介绍了ADSL业务中的制约因素,如出线率、 传输 速率、网络诊断手段、网络管理、线路资源的管理和维护等,并提出了相应的参考解决方案。

  • To improve the signal transmission speed many countries turn their attention to the more promising space optical communication .

    为了提高信号 传输 速度,很多国家将目光投向了更具潜力的空间光通信。

  • The tests focus on the communication system delay video transmission speed and protocol reliability .

    重点对通信系统的延时、视频 传输 速度、协议的可靠性等做了测试。

  • OFDM ( Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing ) is a new technology to get higher transmission speed in radio communication .

    正交频分复用(OrthogonalFrequencydivisionMultiplexing,OFDM)是无线通信领域取得更高 传输 速率的一种新兴技术。

  • For instance with the number of robots increasing radio collisions increases transmission speed and throughput reduce .

    比如,随着网络中机器人数目的增加,采用单信道广播的通讯方式存在报文冲突概率增加、 通讯 速度和网络吞吐量降低的情况。

  • The analysis of transmission speed can be summed up as the solution of linear equation set .

    变速 转速分析可以归结为解线性方程组问题。

  • The simulation result shows that network transmission speed is improved by adopting the new algorithm .

    仿真结果表明,基于Hello信令的 移动检测算法可以改善网络中 数据 通讯 传输 性能

  • The conveyor motor speed copper and Shanghai with a motor motor power3KW in accordance with production requirements and can mediate transmission speed ;

    螺杆上料机采用电机配备上海大速全铜电机,电机功率3KW,且可以按照生产要求调解 输送 速度

  • It is a trade of investigating new technology to achieve fast transmission speed and excellent service quality .

    为了满足更高的 数据 传输 和提高服务质量,研究新的技术势在必行。

  • The interface designed has been applied in sample machine which improve the internal data transmission speed and the whole performance of PMU .

    所设计的接口在开发的样机中得到应用,提高了PMU内部数据 传输 速度,提高了PMU的整体性能。

  • To increase transmission speed and respond velocity when many clients transmit information together the new FTP system based on distributed theory is designed . In this new system command process and data process is separate and JAVA RMI technology is mainly applied .

    为了提高FTP系统在并发多用户状态下的数据 传输 速率和响应速度,设计了基于分布式理论的新型FTP系统,将命令处理和数据处理分离,并应用JAVARMI技术实现了该分布式FTP系统。

  • The experiments verify that the system is reliable easy to read and the transmission speed is fast .

    试验证明,系统读识方便、可靠性高,且 传输 速度快。